thanks will try it nowI modify these profiles to pay tribute to Botanists.He left us 5 years ago.![]()
He was a nice guy who was excellent at creating xml profiles.
Peace to his soul.
[Hidden content]
Now they are 4.3.4 compatible. All race(For Worgen you have to leave the departure area and go to Stormwin). All classes.
First I make Alliance. The horde will come later.
What It Does:
Pangaea is a leveling profile that detects your faction/ level and automatically changes to the appropriate profile for your character. It is essentially a fancy griding profile written on the "Questing" bot base to allow much more functionality than a "Grinding" bot base profile. It does complete some quest, approximately (15) but, only the quest reqired for it to navigate in wow by opening portal or gates such as those leading into Vale of Eternal Blossoms .
You need 4 bags 16+ and 250-400 gold.
1. The profile will require a total of 1005 gold for riding training.
( Apprentice Riding [5g level 20] + Journeyman Riding [50g level 40] + Expert Riding [250g level 60] +
Flight Master's License [250g level 68] + Cold Weather Flying [500g level 68] )
Make sure you character has the appropriate amount of gold before they reach each threshold.
All or the majority of riding cost will looted by your character.
2. Use the Autoeqip plugin for Honorbuddy to equip looted gear, DrinkPotions, Talented and Tidy Bags 3. The better your characters gear, the faster it will level.
If possible, periodically purchase level appropriate gear, but it is not a requirement.
3. DO NOT alter the profile structure.
1. Log into WoW.
2. Log into Honorbuddy.
3. Select Questing as the bot base.
4. Click the load profile tab on the honorbuddy window.
5. Browse to the \XXX\Pangaea\ folder.
6. Double click on [QO][Botanist][Pangaea-Auto-loader] .
7. Make sure you have downloaded a Routine for your character. The default Honorbuddy Routine, Singular comes pre-installed with Honorbuddy.
8, Make sure you are on the correct comtinent as instructed in the requirements above
9. Click start on the honorbuddy window.
In the past I have lost all the private profiles of Botanist. If you have shared them with me please![]()
This is the first time I've touched xml.
Test if you encounter any errors share them with me.
t h a n k sI modify these profiles to pay tribute to Botanists.He left us 5 years ago.![]()
He was a nice guy who was excellent at creating xml profiles.
Peace to his soul.
[Hidden content]
Now they are 4.3.4 compatible. All race(For Worgen you have to leave the departure area and go to Stormwin). All classes.
First I make Alliance. The horde will come later.
What It Does:
Pangaea is a leveling profile that detects your faction/ level and automatically changes to the appropriate profile for your character. It is essentially a fancy griding profile written on the "Questing" bot base to allow much more functionality than a "Grinding" bot base profile. It does complete some quest, approximately (15) but, only the quest reqired for it to navigate in wow by opening portal or gates such as those leading into Vale of Eternal Blossoms .
You need 4 bags 16+ and 250-400 gold.
1. The profile will require a total of 1005 gold for riding training.
( Apprentice Riding [5g level 20] + Journeyman Riding [50g level 40] + Expert Riding [250g level 60] +
Flight Master's License [250g level 68] + Cold Weather Flying [500g level 68] )
Make sure you character has the appropriate amount of gold before they reach each threshold.
All or the majority of riding cost will looted by your character.
2. Use the Autoeqip plugin for Honorbuddy to equip looted gear, DrinkPotions, Talented and Tidy Bags 3. The better your characters gear, the faster it will level.
If possible, periodically purchase level appropriate gear, but it is not a requirement.
3. DO NOT alter the profile structure.
1. Log into WoW.
2. Log into Honorbuddy.
3. Select Questing as the bot base.
4. Click the load profile tab on the honorbuddy window.
5. Browse to the \XXX\Pangaea\ folder.
6. Double click on [QO][Botanist][Pangaea-Auto-loader] .
7. Make sure you have downloaded a Routine for your character. The default Honorbuddy Routine, Singular comes pre-installed with Honorbuddy.
8, Make sure you are on the correct comtinent as instructed in the requirements above
9. Click start on the honorbuddy window.
In the past I have lost all the private profiles of Botanist. If you have shared them with me please![]()
This is the first time I've touched xml.
Test if you encounter any errors share them with me.
Good work man!I modify these profiles to pay tribute to Botanists.He left us 5 years ago.![]()
He was a nice guy who was excellent at creating xml profiles.
Peace to his soul.
[Hidden content]
Now they are 4.3.4 compatible. All race(For Worgen you have to leave the departure area and go to Stormwin). All classes.
First I make Alliance. The horde will come later.
What It Does:
Pangaea is a leveling profile that detects your faction/ level and automatically changes to the appropriate profile for your character. It is essentially a fancy griding profile written on the "Questing" bot base to allow much more functionality than a "Grinding" bot base profile. It does complete some quest, approximately (15) but, only the quest reqired for it to navigate in wow by opening portal or gates such as those leading into Vale of Eternal Blossoms .
You need 4 bags 16+ and 250-400 gold.
1. The profile will require a total of 1005 gold for riding training.
( Apprentice Riding [5g level 20] + Journeyman Riding [50g level 40] + Expert Riding [250g level 60] +
Flight Master's License [250g level 68] + Cold Weather Flying [500g level 68] )
Make sure you character has the appropriate amount of gold before they reach each threshold.
All or the majority of riding cost will looted by your character.
2. Use the Autoeqip plugin for Honorbuddy to equip looted gear, DrinkPotions, Talented and Tidy Bags 3. The better your characters gear, the faster it will level.
If possible, periodically purchase level appropriate gear, but it is not a requirement.
3. DO NOT alter the profile structure.
1. Log into WoW.
2. Log into Honorbuddy.
3. Select Questing as the bot base.
4. Click the load profile tab on the honorbuddy window.
5. Browse to the \XXX\Pangaea\ folder.
6. Double click on [QO][Botanist][Pangaea-Auto-loader] .
7. Make sure you have downloaded a Routine for your character. The default Honorbuddy Routine, Singular comes pre-installed with Honorbuddy.
8, Make sure you are on the correct comtinent as instructed in the requirements above
9. Click start on the honorbuddy window.
In the past I have lost all the private profiles of Botanist. If you have shared them with me please![]()
This is the first time I've touched xml.
Test if you encounter any errors share them with me.
rip botanistI modify these profiles to pay tribute to Botanists.He left us 5 years ago.![]()
He was a nice guy who was excellent at creating xml profiles.
Peace to his soul.
[Hidden content]
Now they are 4.3.4 compatible. All race(For Worgen you have to leave the departure area and go to Stormwin). All classes.
First I make Alliance. The horde will come later.
What It Does:
Pangaea is a leveling profile that detects your faction/ level and automatically changes to the appropriate profile for your character. It is essentially a fancy griding profile written on the "Questing" bot base to allow much more functionality than a "Grinding" bot base profile. It does complete some quest, approximately (15) but, only the quest reqired for it to navigate in wow by opening portal or gates such as those leading into Vale of Eternal Blossoms .
You need 4 bags 16+ and 250-400 gold.
1. The profile will require a total of 1005 gold for riding training.
( Apprentice Riding [5g level 20] + Journeyman Riding [50g level 40] + Expert Riding [250g level 60] +
Flight Master's License [250g level 68] + Cold Weather Flying [500g level 68] )
Make sure you character has the appropriate amount of gold before they reach each threshold.
All or the majority of riding cost will looted by your character.
2. Use the Autoeqip plugin for Honorbuddy to equip looted gear, DrinkPotions, Talented and Tidy Bags 3. The better your characters gear, the faster it will level.
If possible, periodically purchase level appropriate gear, but it is not a requirement.
3. DO NOT alter the profile structure.
1. Log into WoW.
2. Log into Honorbuddy.
3. Select Questing as the bot base.
4. Click the load profile tab on the honorbuddy window.
5. Browse to the \XXX\Pangaea\ folder.
6. Double click on [QO][Botanist][Pangaea-Auto-loader] .
7. Make sure you have downloaded a Routine for your character. The default Honorbuddy Routine, Singular comes pre-installed with Honorbuddy.
8, Make sure you are on the correct comtinent as instructed in the requirements above
9. Click start on the honorbuddy window.
In the past I have lost all the private profiles of Botanist. If you have shared them with me please![]()
This is the first time I've touched xml.
Test if you encounter any errors share them with me.
Modifico estos perfiles para rendir homenaje a los Botánicos. Nos dejó hace 5 años.![]()
Era un buen tipo que era excelente en la creación de perfiles xml.
Paz a su alma.
[Contenido oculto]
Ahora son compatibles con 4.3.4. Toda la carrera (Para Worgen tienes que salir del área de salida e ir a Stormwin). Todas las clases.
Primero hago Alianza. La horda vendrá después.
Que hace:
Pangea es un perfil de nivelación que detecta tu facción/nivel y cambia automáticamente al perfil apropiado para tu personaje. Es esencialmente un perfil de cuadrícula elegante escrito en la base de bot "Questing" para permitir mucha más funcionalidad que un perfil base de bot "Grinding". Completa algunas misiones, aproximadamente (15), pero solo la misión requiere que navegue con asombro abriendo portales o puertas como las que conducen al Valle de la Flor Eterna.
Necesitas 4 bolsas 16+ y 250-400 de oro.
1. El perfil requerirá un total de 1005 de oro para el entrenamiento de equitación.
( Aprendiz de equitación [5g nivel 20] + Oficial de equitación [50g nivel 40] + Experto en equitación [250g nivel 60] +
Licencia de maestro de vuelo [250 g nivel 68] + Vuelo en clima frío [500 g nivel 68])
Asegúrate de que tu personaje tenga la cantidad adecuada de oro antes de alcanzar cada umbral.
Todo o la mayor parte del costo de conducción será saqueado por tu personaje.
2. Use el complemento Autoeqip para Honorbuddy para equipar equipo saqueado, DrinkPotions, Talented y Tidy Bags 3. Cuanto mejor sea el equipo de su personaje, más rápido subirá de nivel.
Si es posible, compre periódicamente el equipo apropiado para el nivel, pero no es un requisito.
3. NO altere la estructura del perfil.
1. Inicie sesión en WoW.
2. Inicie sesión en Honorbuddy.
3. Seleccione Questing como la base del bot.
4. Haga clic en la pestaña del perfil de carga en la ventana de honorbuddy.
5. Vaya a la carpeta \XXX\Pangaea\.
6. Haga doble clic en [QO][Botanist][Pangaea-Auto-loader] .
7. Asegúrate de haber descargado una Rutina para tu personaje. La rutina de Honorbuddy predeterminada, Singular viene preinstalada con Honorbuddy.
8, asegúrese de estar en el continente correcto como se indica en los requisitos anteriores
9. Haga clic en iniciar en la ventana de honorbuddy.
En el pasado he perdido todos los perfiles privados de Botanist. si me los has compartido por favor![]()
Esta es la primera vez que toco xml.
Prueba si encuentras algún error compártelo conmigo.