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[Release] FusionGEN CMS Fixxed for Emucoach MOP Repack V1/V2 with Store+Account creation


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MoP Premium

i fixxed the bug that you cant register or make a shop command.

While the Installation you can now Select Emulator Emucoach MOP V1/V2 Repack (You can also change it afterward in the FusionGEN realm settings)

Removed as Err0r wanted it.

Little Explanation:
Setup a Soap account(Enable it in worldserver.conf and create a user with a desire name)
Paste the user + password and the Port 7878 when u didnt changed on the realm config where you selected the emulator(you can change it afterwards in the admin panel too)
When setting up a Store Item select as Item Type a Console command. There is no way to send it via Item Type Item.
Type in the Desire Command for example "send items {CHARACTER} "Ihre Bestellung" "Vielen Dank" 103557:1"
Type the Command without  a dot like you would ingame and with " .
The Commands Syntax is send items {CHARACTER} "Letter Header" "Letter" Itemid:amount
{CHARACTER} is the Fusion Array for the Character you select in Store DONT change it.
And bam the Character can be Offline or Ingame. He will instantly Receive a Mail From Customer Support with your Text and Item.

I will attach an example Image.


PS: maybe someone can help me create a custom vendor on the mop repack. msg me would be cool


  • Example.png
    43.2 KB · Views: 503
  • rebug.png
    875.3 KB · Views: 469
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Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Why are you uploading the whole cms here?
Why don't you do a PR?

Because of people like you people come into the fusion discord looking for help because they are using an ancient version

{CHARACTER} is the Fusion Array for the Character you select in Store DONT change it.
{CHARACTER} is a string, not an array

When setting up a Store Item select as Item Type a Console command. There is no way to send it via Item Type Item.
Wrong, Item Type "Item" uses the "sendItems" function in emulator file, which is also ".send items" command

Btw, why does the emucoach_soap.php file have SRP6 encryption? The MoP repack uses sha_pass_hash!

I don't recommend downloading it
Login/Register is broken!
Nobody knows what exactly was changed (backdoor possible!)

Next time ask Err0r#4481 if you want to make changes in FusionGen
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Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Why are you uploading the whole cms here?
Why don't you do a PR?

Because of people like you people come into the fusion discord looking for help because they are using an ancient version

{CHARACTER} is a string, not an array

Wrong, Item Type "Item" uses the "sendItems" function in emulator file, which is also ".send items" command

Btw, why does the emucoach_soap.php file have SRP6 encryption? The MoP repack uses sha_pass_hash!

I don't recommend downloading it
Login/Register is broken!
Nobody knows what exactly was changed (backdoor possible!)

Next time ask Err0r#4481 if you want to make changes in FusionGen

First of all i used the newest Version from git.
Second Okay its an String
Third the Item Thing can be but its Not working With the mop repack. I Just fixxed the command one.

The Register and Login is working.
I dont Care if there is srp6 encryption is there its working for a simple Page.

I Made the emucoach_soap File based on azerothcore File and chaned a small Thing in the command Section.
Then i added it in the Array list.

If you want i can Just Upload the Files Changed

And No there is No need to ask anyone when i Made Changes to Fusiongen.
I didnt Changed the Credits and i dont sell it.

Because of people Like you people are Quittung Forums cause ur Just deatroying my mood.
Im Not a Dev, Just fixxed that.

If you dont wanna use it dont use it.

Seit: i didnt came in the Fusiongen discord and asked for a fix. So Stop talking Like you know me.



Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
You're not a dev, you say so

you make any changes even though you are not a dev

And No there is No need to ask anyone when i Made Changes to Fusiongen.
you don't find it necessary to ask when you make changes that can fuck the whole cms? Wow, that's what I call arrogant

what if your changes are wrong? that's why they come to the fusion discord and nobody knows what you did at all!
you are the reason for such mistakes

You probably don't understand what I meant

instead of uploading a version somewhere on the forum where NOBODY knows what you changed, you can do a PR for the emulator file and EVERYONE will see what has changed, plus they will always have the latest version too

what if you upload it now, i find a security hole and they don't know anything about fusion discord or github? they will never know!
did you understand it now?

I dont Care if there is srp6 encryption is there its working for a simple Page.
and that is exactly what is wrong
leaving any senseless code inside is utter nonsense
do it right or leave it

The Register and Login is working.
Login/register works? how should sha_pass_hash work if the emulator file uses SRP6 hash? that does not work, did you even test it?!
Or did you also change the external_account_model file?
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Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
I tested it yes. Running it on my local Server 4 my Friends and me xd. Register and Login works.

And instead of "Because of people Like you" you could Tell the polite way telling me to Just Upload the Changed Files.

Will remove the Download Link and now you can add all emulations to fusioncms the right way.


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Veteran Member

I will do that

No one needs to upload modified versions anywhere, if anyone needs an emulator file -> fusion discord -> I create it officially, without dubious source

If anyone need help with Fusion: Join our discord! https://discord.gg/5nSt9puU4V
