BfaCore 8.3.7 Donator Repack changelog 2020_11_28.
None of these changes are on free repack.
* Core\Scripts: Fix deathknight ebonhold last phase after questline is complete.
* DB\World: Fix all classic DeathKnight quest objective texts.
* DB\World: Fix DeathKnight quest - 13166 "battle for ebon hold" patchwerk killcredit.
* Core\Spells: Adjust npc_dk_dancing_rune_weapon animation.
* Core\Common: Update banner.
* Core/Spells: Clearcasting + cleanup some mess
* Core/Spells: Frenzied Regeneration, crash
* Core\Rbac: Rewrite rbac to trinity defaults. (gmlevel is now 0-3 instead of 0-8).
SEC_PLAYER = 0 // normal player
SEC_MODERATOR = 1 // low level game master
SEC_GAMEMASTER = 2 // basic game master
SEC_ADMINISTRATOR = 3 // max gmlevel
SEC_CONSOLE = 4 // used only by worldserver console
* Fix typo on commit for cs_battlenet_account.cpp.
* Core\Scripts: Crash tempfix boss_council_o_captains.cpp (whole script needs rewrite).
* DB\Auth: Update filename on old update _auth_default_gm_account.sql.
* DB\Auth: Update default gm account username.
* Core\Commands: Rewrite "bnetaccount create" command.
when you use "bnetaccount create test@test password123":
it will create bnetaccount test@test and game_account test@test.
command created bnetaccount test@test and game_account 2#1.
how to set to gm :
"account set gm test@test 3 -1"
"account set gm 2#1 8 -1"
* Core/Pet: Missing include
* Core/Scripts: Temple of Sethraliss, instance
* Core/Scripts: Avatar of Sethraliss
* Core/Scripts: Galvazzt
* Core/Scripts: Merektha
* Core/Scripts: Adderis & Aspix
* Core/Scripts: Temple of Sethraliss header
* DB/Dungeon: Temple of Sethraliss, bosses templates
* DB/Dungeon: Temple of Sethrallis
* DB/LFG: King's Rest is now accessible through DF
* Core/Spells: Hidden Blades
* DB/Spells: Assign Hidden Blades
* DB/Creature: Spitting Cobra
* Core/Pet: Spitting Cobra
* Core/Spells: Tar Trap
* DB/Spells: Assign Bestial Wrath
* Core/Spells: Bestial Wrath
* Core/Spells: Intimidation
* DB/Spells: Remove obsolete spellscript
* Core/Pet: Shadowfiend AI
* DB/Creature: Assign Shadowfiend AI
* Core/Spells: Remove obsolete script from Shadowfiend
* DB/Creature: Assign Earth, Fire Elemental AI
* Core/Spells: Raging Blow
* Core/Spells: Missing include
* Core\Scripts: Fix warning on IsAlliedRace + fix build.
* Fix syntax 2020_11_23_02_sudden_death.sql.
* Core/Spells: Fist of Justice
* Core/Spells: Hand of Hindrance, Absolution, Law and Order
* DB/Spells: Hand of Hindrance
* Core\Scripts: Fix and re-script DeathKnight spell 52751 "DeathGate" to tele alliedraces to proper place + add function "IsAlliedRace" (returns true if player is allied race, false if not).
* Core\Scripts: Tempfix for quest 12801 - "The Light Of Dawn".
Todo: debug chapter5.cpp and rewrite it. (works 2 times out of 10, so it will need a complete rewrite...)
* DB/Uldir: Entrance, Exit
* Core/Spells: Defensive State
* DB/Spells: Defensive State
* DB/Creature: War Banner
* Core/Spells: War Banner
* DB/Spells: Update Sudden Death
* Core/Spells: Sudden Death
* Core/Spells: Enrage, Endless Rage
* Core/Spells: Barbarian, Battle Trance
* Core/Spells: Thirst for Battle
* Core/Spells: Dark Simulacrum
* DB\World: Fix Wild Turkey
* Core/Spells: Anti-Magic Zone
* DB/Areatrigger: Correct scriptname for Anti-Magic Zone
* Core/Spells: Defile, aura
* Core/Spells: Possible crash
* Core/Scripts: Defile, damage
* DB/Creature: Assing Risen Ally, Bloodworms script
* Core/Pet: Handle Risen Ally & Bloodworms
* Core/Spells: Remove wrong logic from Defile
* Core/Spells: Outbreak
* Core/Spells: Pestilence
* Core/Pet: Army of the Dead, base damage
* Core/Spells: Death and Decay
* Core/Spells: Defile
* Core/Spells: Clawing Shadows
* Core/Spells: War Machine
* Fixed a few trainers in Ironforge.
* Core/Spells: Remove obsolete proc
* Core/Spells: Raging Blow
* Core/Spells: Whirlwind, triggers aura now
* Core/Spells: Meat Cleaver
* Core/Spells: Fresh Meat
* Core/Spells: Enum Furious Charge
* Core/Spells: War Machine, on kill scripts
* Core/Spells: Remove obsolete trigger from Slam
* Core/Player: Enable learning PvP tallents in OG/SW
* Core/Defines: Currency Titan Residuum
* DB/Battleground: Define and correct some data
* Core/Battleground: Define new WSG/AB from patch 8.1.5
* DB/Creature: Phase some controllers, were causing crashes without logs
* Core/Scripts: Battle for the Skies, fix Zhao-ren AI
* Core/Spells: Drain Life Crash
* Core\Player: Edit comments on buff fix.
* Core\Player: Fix buff saving and buff loading.
* COre\Commands: Remove stupid commit.
* Core/Scripts: Data Ghuun
* Core/Scripts: Data Vectis
* Core\Commands: Remove old retarted commit...
* Core/Scripts: Data Mythrax
* Core/Scripts: Data Zul
* Core/Scripts: Data Vectis
* Core/Scripts: Data Ghuun
* Core\Config: Adjust logging.
* Core\Logging: Adjust worldquest error logging.
* Core/Scripts: Remove double include
* Core/Scripts: Remove double include
* Core\AHBot: Change AHBot scripts to third version and re-configure. (tested and working).
NOTE: if this version doesnt work for everybody, then there is nothing we can do more. all versions of scripts have been tested, this is the last one.
* Core/Scripts: Fetid Devourer
* Core/Scripts: Mother
* Core/Scripts: Taloc
* Core/Scripts: Zek'voz
* Core/Scripts: Uldir, remove unneeded structs
* Uldir/Instance: Base stuff
* Core/Scripts: Uldir header
* Core/Spells: Annihilation
* DB/Spells: Assign Annihilation
* DB\Hotfixes: Fix syntax on old update 2020_10_18_00_quest_missing_itemes_errorlogs.sql.
* Core/Spells: Chaos Strike
* MySQL updated to newest version.
* OpenSSL updated to newest version
* Launcher optimized
* Worldserver.conf configs updated (REPLACE OLD ONE!!!)
* Update custom_player_script.cpp
* Core\Scripts: Temp fix for violethold assault crash.
* Core\Config: Adjust error logging, write all errors to Error.log. (simpler than multiple files).
* .
* Core\Config: Adjust error reporting.
* Core\Scripts: Move worldquest errors to dberrors.
* DB\World: Fix dberrors.
The rest of the dberrors have either missing data (item, object, creature), or the error logger needs to be verified from c++ before fixing (conditions, smartai).
* Core/Spells: Enum Cold Steel Hot Blood
* DB\World: Revert some dberror fixes from base and update world base to BFADB_837_2020_11_17.
There has been a lot of changes in the core base over time,
but error logging was not updated so core gives some false errors on loading.
Current errors need to be checked first from c++ logger function if the error is false or not,
if it is false, the logging needs to be fixed on that part.
* Core/Scripts: Enum Death's Challenge
* Core/Scripts: Death's Challenge
* DB/Misc: Death's Challenge data
* Core/Spells: Vampiric Blood
* Core\Spells: Spell 49028 - Dancing Rune Weapon (NPC 27893).
Pretty hacky version, but works like a charm :D
* Core\AuctionHouse: Hide useless error message (ah will be refreshed anyway after X seconds if ahbot is enabled).
* Core\Scripts: Clean some scripts from bad stuff.
* DB\World: Update world database to BFADB_837_2020_11_16 and archive old updates.
Some old bad commits reverted (cherry-picks from tc).
This fixes whole deathknight zone. + a lot of other content.
* Core\AHBot: Last finetune.
* Core\AHBot: Fine tune config..
* COre\AHBot: Fine tune config.
* Core\Spells: 49028 - Dancing Rune Weapon.
TODO: make spell hit for x seconds, now it hits only 1 time.
* Core\AHBot: Fine tune config.
* Core\AHBot: Pre-configure AHBot with working config and enable by default.
* Core\AhBot: Fix AHBot. (Thanks to Tymo1993 for info)
* Remove extra paren
* DB\World: Fix some SmartAI errors.
deathknight quests that use sai work now too.
* Worgen Starting Area Market Square
Fixes phasing issue (conditions and spell_area)
Updated quest template for the quests in the area
Update lot and pickpocket loot for the area
* Core\SmartAI: Fix false errors caused by SMART_TARGET_ACTION_INVOKER action type.
* DB/Spells: Another 44 spellscripts which needs to be removed also from core
* Core/Scripts: Remove obsolote auras from Naraxas
* DB/Spells: Naraxas aura
* Core/Spells: Annihilate
* Core/Spells: Felfir Missiles
* Core/Spells: Charge Drop
* Core/Spells: Meteor
* Core/Spells: Wand Practice
* typo
* Core/Spells: Stagger
* DB\World: dberrors.
* DB\World: Dberrors......
* Core/Spells: Healing Elixir
* Core/Spells: Barreled Control Aura
* Core/Scripts: Everbloom
* DB/Spells: Create Healthstone
* Update spell_dk.cpp
* DB\Base: Update database to BFADB_837_2020_11_15 and archive old updates.
revert old SmartAI cleanup sql, this will add some loading errors but will fix a lot of quests etc content.
* Core/Spells: Empower Rune Weapon
* Core/Spells: Explode
* DB/Spells: Remove Sword And Board, doesn't exists anymore
* Core/Spells: Remove Warrior spell which doesn't exists anymore
* Core/Spells: Transcendence
* DB/Spells: Spellscripts v.2
* DB/Spells: Explosive Corruption
* DB\World: Delete obsolete Scripts from db.
* DB\Wold: Fix quest giver spawn "Prince Valanaar" 28377
Fixes Quests:
* DB/Spells: Spellscripts cleanup
* Core/Spells: Sonic Breath
* Core/Spells: Flarecore
* DB\Wold: Fix quest giver spawn "Gothik the harvester" 28658 and quest 12698
* Core/Spells: Voidform
* Core/Spells: Fire on
* Core/Spells: Wake of Ashes
* Core/Spells: First Blood
* Core/Spells: Fel Lance
* Core\Scripts: Remove temporary fix for runeforging from allied_races.cpp.
* Core/Spells: Drop Stone
* Core/Spells: Archmage Barrier
* Core/Spells: Severe Dusting
* Core/Scripts: Nightbane
* Core/Scripts: Vizaduum
* Core/Scripts: Goroth
* Core/Scripts: Sisters of the Moon
* Core/Spells: Meteor Slash
* Core/SCripts: Maiden of Vigilance
* Core/Scripts: Desolate Host
* Update with newest requirements and add download link for win64 requirements.
* Core/Spells: Void Phased
* Core/Spells: Fuselighter
* Core/Spells: Spatial Rift
* Core/Spells: Whispers of Power
* Core/Spells: Vectis - Contagion
* Core/Spells: Unbound Abomination
* Core/Spells: Lightning Shield
* Core/Spells: Explosive Corruption
* DB\Hotfixes: Fix 2020_11_12_00_hotfixes_dberrors_quest.sql
* Couple minor corrections to solver sql errors
* DB\World: Fix 2020_10_30_01_world_battle_pet_trainers.sql
* DB/Creature: Assign Storm, Earth, and Fire AI script
* DB\World: Fix Quest POI 25541
Close Issue:
* DB\World: Fix GameObject loot to fix quest Venomhide Eggs
Close Issue:
* DB/Spells: Assign scriptnames
* Core/Spells: Void Torrent & Dark Void & define another priest spells which needs to be scripted
* Update spell_warlock.cpp
* Core\Spells: DemonHunter - 263648 - Soul Barrier.
* Core\Spells: Remove obsolete spell spell_rog_cannonball_barrage.
* Core/Spells: Drain Life
* Core\Spells: Rename and assign rogue spell 193315 "sinister strike".
* Core/Spells: Contagion
* Core/Spells: Crusade
* Core/Spells: Blade of Wrath
* Core/Spells: Essence Drain
* Core/Spells: Explosive Shot
* Core/Spells: Fiery Brand
* Update spell_generic.cpp
* Core/Spells: Desperate Instincts
* Core/Spells: Phantomatic Singularity
* Core/Spells: Soul Effigy
* Core/Spells: Void Torrent
* DB\World: dberrors.
* Core/Spells: Mana Break
* Core/Spells: Prepared
* Core/Spells: Overwhelming Power
* Professions: Fix first aid trainers and skill line. (TODO: fix first aid spell).
* Core/Spells: Drain Soul
* Core/Spells: Soul Harvest
* Core/Spells: Harpoon
* Core\Logs: Fix trainer_spell error messages...
* Core/Spells: Unholy Blight
* DB\Quest: Fix some quests and quest dberrors.
* Core/Spells: Ancestral Guidance
* Core/Spells: Death Siphon
* Core/Spells: Avatar
* Core/Spells: Lava Burst
* Core/Spells: Pillar of Frost
* Core/Spells: Adaptive Warding
* Core/Spells: Create Lunar Festival Invitation
* Core/Spells: Frenzied Regeneration
* Core/Spells: Intimidation
* Core/Spells: Aimed Shot
* Core/Spells: Immolation
* Core/Spells: Blade Flurry
* Core/Spells: Regrowth
* Core/Spells: Healthstone
* Core/Spells: Life Tap
* Core\Spells: Rogue - Backstab.
* DB\World: quest dberrors.
* DB\World: dberrors.
* Core/Scripts: King Mechagon failcheck
* Core/Criteria: Crash
* DB\World: dberrors.
* Core/Defines: Define BfA raid maps
* typo
* Core\Scripts: add some todo comments to zone_vault_of_wardens.cpp.
* DB/Misc: Some Bugtracker reports
* Core/Scripts: Fix crash in boss Setesh
* Core/Quest: Breaking Out stuck fix
* Core/Movement: MoveForward
* Core/Movement: Define MoveForward
* DB/Misc: Removed outdated and duplicate spawns in Orgrimmar
* DB/Loot: Brood Queen Tyranna
* Mining Supply Vendors fix
Mining Trainers fix
* Very minor fix to keep mysql happy
* DB/Misc: I will need eyeglasses soon
* DB/Misc: Fix
* DB/Misc: Fix LFR spawns
* DB/Misc: Fix LFR spawns
* DB/Instance: Fill all instance encounter data for Nyalotha
* Core/Scripts: Wrathion
Fix Incineration
Fix some crackling shards bugs during phase 2
Fix Wrathion during phase 2
Fix all timers
Fix Gale Blast
Fix Creeping Madness
* Core/Scripts: Nyalotha header
* DB/Spells: Assign Smoke and Mirrors
* Core/Spells: Define Priest spells which needs to be scripted
* DB/Spells: Assign Holy Word: Serenity
* Core/Spells: Holy Word: Serenity will now reduce cooldown of Holy Word: Salvation by 30s, update code standards too
* Core/Spells: Holy Word: Sanctify will now reduce cooldown of Holy Word: Salvation by 30s, update code standards too
* DB/Spells: Assign Holy Word: Salvation
* Core/Spells: Fix Holy Word: Salvation, renew part
* Core/Spells: Define Priest spells which needs to be scripted
* Core/Spells: Fix Twist of Fate proc
* Core/Spells: Fix crash in DK set T17 Frost 4p driver and update to current code standards
* DB/Creature: Wrathion texts related to encounter
* DB/Creature: Two-Shoed Lou, Vanessa Lightning Stalker
* Core/Defines: Define Map Nyalotha
* Coldridge Zone Quest Fixes.
*Quest: A Trip to Ironforge
*Quest: Follow that Gyro-Copter!
*Quest: Pack Your Bags
* Coldridge zone overhaul.
*Added proper quest objective item descriptions and flags
*Updated every creature loot table
*Fixed vendors
*Fixed Battered Chest loot tables and spawns
*Added quests 24496/arcane-rune and 31150/elegant-rune
*Set auras for Milo's Gyro so it is not visible until on the quest 24491/follow-that-gyro-copter
* Core/Defines: Enum Pathfinder spells
* DB/Misc: Assign scriptnames for Uldir and corrections
* Delete 2020_11_01_00_fix_quest_fear_no_evil.sql
* DB\World: Fix QuestPOI 24980
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix QuestPOI 24979
Close issue:
* Fixed all profession starter skills.
Upon learning a profession you are provided the starter recipes if applicable.
* DB\World: Fix QuestPOI: QuestID: 935
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix QuestPOI 28731
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix Vendor - Nyoma <Cooking Supplies> - Dolanaar (CreatureID: 4265)
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix Cooking Trainer Zarrin (Dolanaar) (needs improvements)
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix Creature 32972/Quest 13520
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix Quest POI (Quest: 923)
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix Mining Trainer Periale (Lor'Danel)
Close issue:
* DB\Word: Fix Fishing Trainer from Stormwind
No issue reported but it was broken :P
* DB\World: Fix Fishing trainer from Darnassus
Close issue:
* DB\World: Fix Quest POI (Quest 483)
Close issue:
* DB\Word: Fix Gossip Menu Undercity Guards (converted from 3.3.5a :P)
Close issue:
* DB\World: Quest: Fear No Evil
* Core/Spells: Guardian Spirit
* Core/Spells: Holy Nova
* DB/Misc: Another Uldir corrections and some bugtracker reports
* Core/CharacterHandler: Another cinematic conflicts
* Missing gossip and trainer id info for Battle Pet Trainers. This prevented them from working with the new trainer system. Had to re-implement the old npc_trainer functionality so Battle Pet Trainer could train. Until we get sniffed data the old system will need to stay in place.
* DB/Misc: Some Uldir corrections
* DB\World: Fix artifact and heirloom vendors.
* Core\Scripts: Rescript nazjatar 120 start quests and move to proper place.
Core\Scripts: Move Worgen Running Wild spell fix to proper place.
* DB/Misc: Assign missing Vectis spells and some corrections for encounter related creatures
* DB\World: Dungeon Forge of Souls Creature PhaseId fix
Close issue:
* DB/Creature: A little cleanup in Zul encounter space
* Core/AlliedRaces: Info about Allied Races cinematics
* Core/CharacterHandler: Fix Allied DK intro scene
* DB/TerrainSwap: Delete Uldum terrain swapping which isn't working
* Core/AlliedRaces: Fix Allied DK intro scene
* Core/CharacterHandler: Fix mistake
* Core/CharacterHandler: Use script package instead of PlayScene to play scene for Allied Races + Fix Allied DK scene
* Core/AlliedRaces: Delete some cinematics
* Core/AlliedRaces: Info about Allied Races cinematics
* Core/CharacterHandler: Fix Allied DK intro scene
* DB/TerrainSwap: Delete Uldum terrain swapping which isn't working
* Core/AlliedRaces: Fix Allied DK intro scene
* Core/CharacterHandler: Fix mistake
* Core/CharacterHandler: Use script package instead of PlayScene to play scene for Allied Races + Fix Allied DK scene
* Core/AlliedRaces: Delete some cinematics
* DB\Base: Update database to BFADB_837_2020_10_27 and archive old updates.
* DB/AlliedRaces: Correct start positions for 'new' Allied Races
* Core/Quest: Out Like Flynn
* DB/Spells: Frozen Orb
* Fix syntax in sql/updates/world/2020_10_23_09_fix_playercreateinfo_action_monk.sql
* Changed rename table to create new table and transfer data
* Revamp the profession trainers.
Removed the legacy npc_creatures table use.
Switched over to the creature_trainer.
Trainers are now assigned a trainerid and menuid. These id's are then used with the trainer and trainer_spell tables for the greeting and the skills/spells they have to teach. This means that for a group of trains that all have the same skills/spells to available, only a single listing of the skills/spells is needed as each trainer can be assigned to the same trainerid.
* Core/AlliedRaces: Handle Dark Iron Dwarf intro
* Core/AlliedRaces: Handle Dark Iron Dwarf intro
* Fix for syntax in sql/updates/world/2020_10_23_10_fix_playercreateinfo_action_druid.sql
* DB/World: Fix Death Knight Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Druid Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Monk Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Warlock Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/Spells: Assign Shadowbolt script (Affliction)
* Core/Spells: Shadow Embrace
* Core/Spells: Cataclysm
* Core/Spells: Soul Fire
* Core/Spells: Eradication
* DB/SAI: Combat scripts Uldir & Eternal Palace
* DB/World: Fix Mage Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Shaman Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Priest Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Rogue Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Hunter Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Paladin Action Bar on new char creation
* DB/World: Fix Warrior Action Bar on new char creation
* DB\World: Delete custom vendor.
* DB\World: Fix Quest: No Better Than the Zombies
Fix issue:
* Core/Creature: Rewrite prehistoric script for quest Fear No Evil
* DB/Quest: Fear no Evil
* DB\World: Fix Quest Fizzled (Quest_ID: 25260)
Close issue:
* Core/Defines: Enum Currencies
* Core/Transmog: Add remaining hidden appearances (tc cherry-pick).
* Core/Pet: Calculate Chi-Ji base melee damage
* Core/Spells: Rising Mist
* DB/Spells: Assign Essence Font
* Core/Spells: Essence Font
* Core/Spells: Mystic Touch
* Core/Linux Fix Linux build yet again
* DB\Hotfixes: Final hotfixes for 35662 from tc.
* Fix compile
* Core/Spells: Awakening, Register
* Core/Spells: Awakening
* DB/Hotfixes: Update hotfixes to final 35662. (tc cherry-pick)
* Fix syntax on 2020_10_20_fix_rigor_mortis.sql
* DB/Spells: Fix Rigor Mortis on new Undead char creation (thx Damieninabox)
* Core/Spells: Judgment of Light
* Core/Pet: Fix attack speed of pets
* Core/Spells: Define Ring of Peace knockback
* DB\Base: Update database to BFADB_837_2020_10_19 and archive old updates.
* DB/Spells: Assign Ring of Peace
* Core/Spells: Ring of Peace
* Core/Spells: Soothing Mist casted by statue will now properly target owner's target
* DB/Creature: Jade Serpent Statue
* Core/Spells: Despawn Jade Serpent Statue if owner change spec
* Core/Spells: Soothing Mist
* DB/Quests: Finding a Foothold, For the Aliiance! Kill whitespace
* Core/Areatrigger: Set custom id range
* Core/Areatrigger: Areatrigger visuals are now properly removed together with areatrigger
* DB/Quests: Finding a Foothold, For the Aliiance!
* Core/Scripts: For the Alliance!
* Core/Scripts: Finding a Foothold
* Core/Spells: Darkness
* DB\Hotfixes: Item 23472 - Rugged Trappers Boots.
* DB\Hotfixes: Fix syntax on 2020_10_18_00_quest_missing_itemes_errorlogs.sql
* DB\Hotfixes: Fix data on 2020_10_18_00_quest_missing_itemes_errorlogs.sql
* DB\Misc: Move update to right database.
* Core/Garrison Implement GarrisonSwapBuildings opcode without handled more search needed
* DB\World: Creature scripts
* DB\Hotifx: Fix quest errors with missing items from db :P
* Core\Scripts: Clean a little. :)
* Core\Scripts: Final adjustment to "onlegionarrival".
* Core\Scripts: Fix check on "onlegionarrival".
* Core\Script: Adjust "onlegionarrival" for demonhunters.
* Core\Scripts: Handle OnLegionArrival correctly for demonhunters.
(block OnLegionArrival script in dh starting areas if questline is not finished enough).
* DB\World: Mardum spirit healer.
* Core\Scripts: Destroy "legion banner - gob 259043, 250560" for player after use (block multiuse).
Core\Scripts: Destroy "legion communicator - gob 244439, 244440" for player after use (block multiuse).
gameobject_template "type 10" "data20" is broken (questobject multiuse 1\0).
* DB\World: Fix all mardum boss stats.
* DB\World: Fix all mardum quest objective texts to blizzlike.
* DB\Hotfixes, DB\World: TC Bruteforce 35662.
DB: 35662 zhTW bruteforce
DB: 35662 zhCN bruteforce
DB: 35662 ptBR bruteforce
DB: 35662 koKR bruteforce
DB: 35662 itIT bruteforce
DB: 35662 frFR bruteforce
DB: 35662 esMX bruteforce
DB: 35662 esES bruteforce
DB: 35662 deDE bruteforce
* Added a more scripts, mostly creature, to the db.
Also consolidated duplicate scripts in several files.
* Few small fixes in stonetalon moutains
* DB\World: Remove broken and obsolete sai. and fix bpet sql syntax.
* Core/BattlePet Reverse Ability
* Core/Packets Scripts Update Instance Encounter Packets and implement it
* Added many creature and spell missing scripts to the db
* typoooos
* DB\World: Clean database from obsolete quests.
all of these quests have been removed from world of warcraft in previous expansions.
trinity added them to "disables", but they are just waste of space in reality.
(all of these are obsolete quests removed by blizzard.)
* DB\World: Update 2020_10_17_01_world_delete_obsolete_quests.sql
* DB\World: dberror fixes for broken conditions.
* Core/Creature: Script Dread Admiral Tattersail to allow players set sail to BfA zones
* DB\World: dberror fixes.
* ...
* typo
* DB\World: update 2020_10_17_01_world_delete_obsolete_quests.sql a little.
* DB\World: Delete obsolete quests that give error and have been removed from game.
* DB/Creature: Dread-Admiral Tattersail
* QuestID: 26464 The Lost Gem - fixes issue for quest item dropping even if you do not have the quest.
* Fixed a couple typos that were causing an issue.
* DB\World: Fix all rest of the model errors. manually from wowhead :D
* DB\World: add TC 35662 bruteforce data to db, cleaned poi errors after that, fix syntax on 2020_10_16_00_cleanup_error_log_invalid_creatures.sql.
* DB/WarCampaign: Dark Iron Mole Machine
* DB\World: Modify 2020_10_16_00_cleanup_error_log_invalid_creatures.sql
(3300000000000000 are mechagon spawns so we cant delete them, they are working on bfadb.)
* Git please, don't do it.
* Core/WarCampaign: The Fury of the Zandalari
* DB/WarCampaign: The Fury of the Zandalari
* DB\World: Cleanup error log for invalid creatures spawn (not spawned actually cuz they don't exists :P )
* Fixes for warrior spells Devastate and Frothing Berserker
* Fix warrior spell Odyns Fury (Warrior only weapon)
* Fixes for the warrior spells Sudden Death and Victorious
* DB\World: Creature display models - Laur.
* DB\World: Fix inhabittype on Stormwind Gryphon Rider.
* COre\Scripts: Comment out 2 crashes from "freehold" dungeon. (these scripts on freehold are shit, full of crashes).
* DB\World: dberror fixes.
* Fixes for the following warrior spells.
Shield Slam
Sword and Board
Shield Block
* DB\World: Nazjatar Graveyards (all) Added World Safe Locs (In case some one have them missing. Also delete the one created by Varjgard) + Fix Typo (again.. silly me :D )
* DB\World: Nazjatar Graveyards (all) Added World Safe Locs (In case some one have them missing. Also delete the one created by Varjgard)
* DB\World: Nazjatar Graveyards (all) Fix typo :P
* DB\World: Graveyards Nazjatar (all of them) :P
* DB\World: Dberror fixes.
* Update 2020_10_15_00_world_nazjatar_graveyard.sql
TODO: add graveyard to both factions, this sql is set so that both factions tele to allied side when dying.
* DB\World: Nazjatar gameobject_template entries.
* DB\World: Nazjatar creature and gameobject spawns. danke für damien für sniffs.
* DB/War Campaign: The Fury of the Zandalari 8.1
DB/War Campaign: Lost Honor 8.1
* DB/War Campaign: The Fury of the Zandalari 8.1
DB/War Campaign: Lost Honor 8.1
* DB\World: Allied DK graveyard.
* DB\World: Nazjatar graveyard.
* Core\Scripts: Add Nazjatar alliance intro movie (quest Send the Fleet 56043).
* DB/Conditions: Remove not-working Darkshore terrain swap
* DB/Creature: Assign Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth scriptname
* Core/Creature: Script Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth to allow players set sail to BfA zones
* DB/Quests: Wrath of the Zandalari, fix chains (Thanks to Damien)
* Core/Misc: Revert back to using boost::regex, std::wregex doesn't work for name validation.
(tc cherry-pick)
* Core/battlepet implement EffectGrantBattlePetLevel
* Core/Spells: Shattered Souls, final form
* Core/Spells: Shattered Souls - Healing below pct hp 100
* DB/Spells: Cleanup of spellscripts which we don't need anymore
* Core/Spells: Shattered Souls
* Revert "DB\World: Fix Fishing profession."
This reverts commit 528baf90e6d59264c8d208ec1211b11766ebca18
* DB/Creature: Translate Toki's text to English
* DB\World:Fix Portal spells Stormwind
* Core/Quest: Ride of the Zandalari, improve scripts and finish
* DB/Creature: Some random fixes for Nazmir
* DB\World: Fix Fishing profession.
* Core\Battleground: Fix signed\unsigned mismatch warning.
* DB/BattlePet Fix learn spell revive battle pet
* Core/packet implement SMSG_BATTLEGROUND_POINTS structure
* Core/packet Implement SMSG_BATTLEGROUND_INIT and fix Mistake structure WargameRequestSuccessfullySentToOpponent
* Core/Packet implement CMSG_QUERY_COUNTDOWN_TIMER
* Core/Battlepet Rewrite battlepet_npc_team_member
* DB\Base: Update database to BFADB_2020_10_12 and archive old updates.
* DB\World: Add Vault of wardens graveyard zone and ".tele vaultofwardens".
* DB\World: Adjust mardum and VoW mana stats and fix fel lord caza stats.
TODO: adjust stats of all mardum and VoW bosses with "fel lord caza" query template.
* DB\World: Fix mardum cryptic hollow invisible npcs attacking player.
(they had just invisible aura).
* DB\World, Core\Unit.
DB\World: Fix npc hp and damage on mardum and VoW.
DB\World: Engineering trainer fixes.
Core\Unit: Clean "Void DealDamageMods" and "Void DealDamage".
Core\Unit: Remove legacy buff... it is legacy, just like the shit script.
* DB/Creature: Creature texts for Trade Prince Gallywix, used in Opulence encounter
* DB/Quest: Ride of the Zandalari
Corrected creature templates, weren't updated
Fixed gossip data
Fixed spawns
* DB\World: Fix battlepet_npc_team_member missing columns.
DB\World: Revert mardum npc damage fix (i will push something more permanent today, it is the whole world, not only mardum).
* DB/Creature: Model data (Damien)
* Core/LFGList rewrite LowType Guid to getcounter
* Core/Fix send cinematic on first login
* DB/Update allied race to 8.3.7
* Core/Script, update allied race to 8.3.7
* DB/Creature: Assign scriptname for Captain Rezokun
* Create 2020_10_11_04_update_battle_pet_data.sql
* Core/Fix cleanup and fix OpenAlliedRaceDetails GOSSIP
* Core/Quest: Enum Send the Fleet, Ride of the Zandalari
* DB/Creature: Captain Rez'okun gossip menu option
* DB/Creature: Captain Rez'okun gossip menu option
* Core/Quest: Script Captain Rezokon for quest Send the Fleet, including movie and first part Ride of the Zandalari
* DB/AlliancePortalRoom: Update phases by areaID
* DB/AlliancePortalRoom: (Thanks Damien for sniffs)
Cleanup old stuff
Adjust guids
Corrected UNKNOWN columns
Corrected Creature templates
Corrected Creature models
* Core/Cleanup & set actif SMSG_ALLIED_RACE_DETAILS ... mistake?
* Core/GameTable fix loading
* Core/Update Verify/Rename adventure map poi packet
* DBError.log Creature_loot_template fixed.
* Core/Cleanup in PrepareGossipMenu
* Core/LFGList small update and cleanup
* Core/cleanup
* DB/Mardum: Creatures there should deal to players +- 50% reduced damage (i checked some retail videos)
Note: It's not definitely blizzike fix :P
* Core/Debug AdventureJournal
* Core/update bg code and set unhandled SMSG_REQUEST_SCHEDULED_PVP_INFO_RESPONSE opcode (he's not coded correcly)
* Core/PacketIO Implement correcly wargame packets
* Core/Opcode Set status unhandled where Handle_NULL
* Core/Cleanup Group finder work now correcly
* Core/ fix load db2
* DB/Creature: Assign missing scriptname for Dreadstalkers
* Core/Spells: Update at id for Freezing Trap
* DB/Spells: Assign Freezing Trap
* DB/Spells: Assign script for Lingering Insanity
* Core/Spells: Lingering Insanity
* Core/DB2 Fixed 6 db2 structures loading
i test it before push total commit
* More quest ender fixes.
* Many fixes for quest starters/enders
* DB/Spells: Fix some Feral spells learning when you switch spec
* Core/Spells: Call Dreadstalkers
* DB/Creature: Assign Wild Imp script
* Core/Spells: Wild Imp is now scaled based on caster's hitpoints
* Core/Spells: Void Reaver
Force target to get base points directly from spell effect
* DB/Spells: Assign Void Reaver
* Misc. dberror.log fixes.
* More creature_loot_template fixes
* Core/BattlePet temporary fix battlepet delete pet
* Core/update guild challenge system work & flags for rename is implemented
* Core\Typo: Fix linux build (again :P) damn linux CasESensiTive :D
* Core/PacketIO update/Remove duplicate function in guild challenge update
* CORE/Datbase Fix my mistake, sorry
* Core/Implement Guild Invite Declined
* Core\Typo | Fix linux build again :P
* Core/Implement Guild Shift Rank and update code for opcode SMSG_GUILD_EVENT_RANKS_UPDATED
* Core/Implement Guild flag for rename
* Core/PacketIO Implement Guild Change Name opcode
* Core/Quest: Speaker of the Horde, hardcode and fix another parts of the quest to core
* Core/Quest: Speaker of the Horde, fix movement, gossip flag, crash
* Core/Typo: Fix Linux build
* Core/Quest: Rastakhan, fix killcredit, scene, blackscreen
* Core/Quest: Rastakhan, fixed escortAI
* Core/Quest: Fixed quest Welcome to Zuldazar
* Core/Scenario: Improve Stormwind Extraction skip a little
* DB/Spells: Assign some mage scriptnames and data
* Core/Spells: Update at id for mage meteor
* More creature_loot_template fixes
* Many more creature_loot_template fixes
* Model fixes by Damieninabox
* Many creature_loot_template fixes
* Core/Spells: Searing Touch
* Core/Kezan: Goblins can leave Kezan now and are bound to Lost Isles
* DB/Creature: Prevent Darnell to be attackable
* Core/Kezan: Goblins can leave Kezan now and are bound to Lost Isles
* DB\World: Fix Quest In the blink of an Eye (Quest ID: 44663)
* DB\World: Object (Portal to Orgrimmar)
* DB\ModelData: add 107 models to db. (By DamienInABox).
* Core\Scripts: Move "onarrival" temp fix scripts to proper place.
RegisterPlayerScript(OnLegionArrival); // TEMP FIX! Quest 40519 and 43926 - "legion returns". remove it when legion start quests are properly fixed.
RegisterPlayerScript(On110Arrival); // TEMP FIX! Quest 43341 - "uniting the isles".
RegisterPlayerScript(OnBfaArrival); // TEMP FIX! remove it when lordaeron battle is properly fixed.
* CoreScripts: Fix npc_eoa_call_the_seas::npc_eoa_call_the_seas_AI::UpdateAI crash.
* Core\Spells: Fix spell_rog_saber_slash::HandleOnHit crash.
* Core\Functions: Remove broken "HandleOverrideZonePVPType" and implement "HandleModOverrideZonePVPType".
* Core\Functions: Implement "bool IsPvPRealm()".
Core\Players: Corrected logic determining contested/friendly/hostile area types. (TC cherry-pick)
* Core\Handlers: Fix BattleGroundHandler.
* Core\Opcodes: Fix, rename, and add opcodes for 8.3.7. :)
* Core/PacketIO: Renamed a bunch of opcodes based on more research (only those added after 6.0)
* More dberror.log fixes (loot templates)
* More dberror.log fixes (quests)
* Continuing the dberror.log fixes campaign
* Core/Opcode Rewrite QueryQuestReward to QueryTreasurePicker World Quest rework after complete first quest
* Various DBError.log fixes.
* DB\Loading: Fix 27000+ loading errors.
* DBError.log fixes. Cleaned up lots of abandoned entries in creature_template_addon table
* Core\Scripts: Fix operation mechagon file names.
* Core\Script: Fix operation mechagon build error.
* Fix sql syntax.
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Rename header
* DB/Operation Mechagon: Assign instance script
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Scriptloader
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Tusle Tonks
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Trixie && Naeno && Mechacycle
* Core/Operation Mechagon: KUJO
* Core/Operation Mechagon: King Mechagon
* Core/Operation Mechagon: HK8
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Head machinist Sparkflux
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Instance
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Gunker
* Core/Operation Mechagon: King Gobbamak
* Core/Operation Mechagon: Header
* Rename Mechagon to Operation Mechagon
* DB/Dungeon: Operation Mechagon
Creature AI
* Cleaned out some abandoned gameobject_template_addon records.
* Spell fix. Druid Maul spell# 6807
* DB\Base: Merge missing data, revert some dberror fixes, update bases.
* Merge missing data from 837 TDB (411 quests, creatures, gameobjects etc...).* Fix old world dberror fixes from 2020_08_06-2020_09_17 (removed all mass "deletes" and kept only "updates" and "fixes").* Update database to BFADB_2020_10_03 and archive old updates.
I will start again the dberror fixes.
This time only obsolete\bad data will be removed from database, rest of the errors will be fixed properly.
Drop your world db and hotfixes db, and import fresh base sql files from sql\base.
* Core\Misc:
change tc_log_debug to tc_log_error on hotfix_blob, we need that info for db fixes.
change tc_log_info to tc_log_error on gametables.cpp, we need that info for gt structure fixes.
fix datatype warning on creature.cpp (int\uint).
* typo
* DB\Misc: Rename some npcs with "0" as name.
* DB/WQ: Removed wq 51581, causing worldserver to stuck for eternity
* Fix battlepay locale loading
* DB\World: Fix spell Consecreation (by Splose) + added some missing queries :P
* DB\World: Fix spell Retribution (By Splose)
* DB\World: Fix spell Blizzard - Mage (by Splose) also a fix file extension (pardon me :P )
* DB\World: Fix spell Blizzard - Mage (By Splose)
* DB/Fix load battlepey display info
* Core/Big update for implement bases groupFinder, somes modifications of battlepay, rewrite somes Opcodes
* Core/Areatrigger: Prevent custom areatriggers to be removed from the world after one 'use'
* Core/SmartAI Fix Void function
* Core/SmartAI: allow SMART_ACTION_SEND_GOSSIP_MENU to override default gossip
* Core/BattlePet Fix show level of battle pets
* Core/Freehold: Removed unneeded lines, causing also crashes
* update bugtracker address.
* Core\Misc: discord ad