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Raid Difficulty Settings Do Not Work


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  • [Location, Faction, Race] Likely all raids with difficulty settings, tested in Blackwing Descent, Firelands, and Dragon Soul, Alliance Draenei Paladin
  • [Name, Type] Raid difficulty settings, core game system
  • [Problem Description] When attempting to enter a raid on the 25 player normal, 25 player heroic, or 10 player heroic settings, the raid instance is opened as 10 player normal. I have verified that the instance was not locked in these cases. I have not verified the Raid Finder difficulty which uses a different means of accessing its difficulty setting and thus may still work.
  • [How it should work] When the raid difficulty is set to 25 player normal, 25 player heroic, or 10 player heroic settings, the raid instance should open in the appropriate setting rather than 10 player normal.
I can confirm this, i was about to open the report today when i just noticed orangefire did. This is making most of the PvE content unplayable in the meaning of progression in HC. As a person who bought this repack to test in preparation of a team, it's very Major.


- Fixed for entire Firelands.
- Fixed for a lot of BoT
- Fixed several for Baradin Hold
- Fixed several for Throne of the Four Winds
- Blackwing Descent was already appearing fine, but I fixed a few missing ones.
- Dragonsoul was also appearing fine, but I fixed a few too.

Note: I updated the missing difficulty entries in a mass update, so the HC version will use another npc entry (blzizlike).
But I did not check that the new HC entry also had the right new health/damage. However that (should) be working already, as I believe it's based on sniffs.

However if I'm wrong, and you still notice the same health/damage in Normal/HC raid on V15, let me know!
(But don't worry - it'll definitely be improved by a bunch after this update already though).

@orangefire, @Blastoisee


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Thank you for your effort!

In the issue I noticed, the banner on the minimap which shows difficulty was always showing 10 player normal regardless of the difficulty, which led me to believe I was actually being placed in 10 player normal rather than another difficulty with missing difficulty entries on creatures. Does that match the behavior you were seeing prior to the fixes?


Thank you for your effort!

In the issue I noticed, the banner on the minimap which shows difficulty was always showing 10 player normal regardless of the difficulty, which led me to believe I was actually being placed in 10 player normal rather than another difficulty with missing difficulty entries on creatures. Does that match the behavior you were seeing prior to the fixes?
Hmm, on Firelands it seems to work with 25 Man raid:


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Yep, that looks good, I wasn't able to get that banner when I went into any raids. Thanks for the response and fix!
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This did not seem to be fixed for me on V15, which was odd considering the screenshot proof that it was, so I did some more testing. The bug appears to be that the configuration setting to bypass raid group requirements does not enable other difficulties. Entering with a raid group does work fine, however entering solo or with a party with the setting to bypass raid group requirements enabled always forces 10 player normal.


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This did not seem to be fixed for me on V15, which was odd considering the screenshot proof that it was, so I did some more testing. The bug appears to be that the configuration setting to bypass raid group requirements does not enable other difficulties. Entering with a raid group does work fine, however entering solo or with a party with the setting to bypass raid group requirements enabled always forces 10 player normal.
Hoping maybe this can get fixed with V16. The issue is definitely with the option to enable entering raids without a raid group. If you enter solo, it will put you in normal or the last raid difficulty you had entered, but ignores your actual raid difficulty settings.