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Question about fetch quests with parties


Verified Member
Hello. I was wondering... my friend recently completed the Pandaren intro storyline and appeared at Stormwind. I went and met with her, and we headed toward Westfall as she's level 13. On the way, we stopped at the tower and got the gnoll armband quest. We're in a party, so when I click a gnoll I see it say "Tuyet: Gnoll armbands 0/8" so it tells me her quest status. However, all the gnolls I killed never dropped armbands. Do they drop only when the quest taker kills the mob? I ended up just giving up and picking off the extras when she'd get swamped by like 4 at once but let her kill on her own and she got her armbands reasonably fast so I assume that's the case, but wasn't 100% sure.

Also I see for items it has a roll for it window that pops up. Does it automatically split cash? Like when I see 74 copper, does that mean it's 74 total or does that mean my share is 74? I assume the former, as I can't imagine a group of weak gnolls dropping 148 copper.

Lastly, for a game that is inherently designed around multiplayer I'm surprised how stupid it can be with multiple people questing. So many times we had problems where we both accept the same quest and it causes headaches. Like we did a quest as Pandarens where we needed to meet with Aysa to open a gate. I clicked her first, the gate opened but when my sister approached it was closed again and I couldn't get through. Then after a minute or two, it disappeared. She came back (she wandered off to look for another way around), and the gate reappeared but Aysa was back so it reopened. But then the next gate, I had gone through but she never was able to activate it.

Similarly the quest where you ring the gong and have to take the water and earth spirits via cart back to the temple, she did that quest first while I was screwing around with a merchant. I went to do it, and the spirits were gone. I went to the pond, Suu was nowhere to be found. Also the cart didn't work. It said "0/1 slain" lol. Right clicking it did nothing, even when the vehicle icon was green. I ended up just walking back to the temple, and had to quit and edit the MySQL character_queststatus tables to set myself as having achieved my objective.

Thankfully now that she is in Alliance territory I switched back to my main, a human who is several levels ahead of her and I've done a ton of the human area quests so we won't run into conflicts like that, whew.

So anyway, I got sidetracked but the TL;DR is can people w/o a quest in a party with someone who is help get quest items or not? Thanks!