Two other friends and I started working on wow servers as a hobby and learning activity back in 2017.
Since then we have touched almost all the extensions we could find opensource emulators for.
These included ArcEmu, Mangos, TrinityCore wotlk, legion, bfa and shadowlands, ashamanecore, mopcore, legioncore, uwow leak and dekkcore to name a few.
We feel that why not, let's give it a try and start putting together a community and a server with one of these emulators, because as the saying goes, the palm grows under a load.
A couple of years ago we pooled our money and bought access to some closed, private resources (legion and shadowlands). We started to work on these more actively, fixing bugs at the core level and in the database. Of course, with varying degrees of success, there are things we haven't been able to fix yet, but our enthusiasm hasn't waned.
The bigger problem is whether it would make sense to start with the fact that I'm the one who has the time to do this at the moment, the others have families and can only do this kind of thing very rarely (which is understandable, actually).
I would like to assess whether there would be a demand for our work, whether there would be players who would play it.
Our goal is simple: to provide a free platform for wow lovers to play the game, knowing that it will never be of the quality that blizzard provides, but trying to at least approximate it.
We don't have high expectations of players in terms of activity, because we know there are a lot of great servers on the market, but we want to evolve and overcome more and more challenges, so that we can serve our audience in a way that they know that we will evolve, albeit slowly but surely.
Who do we need?
- Stakeholders who would like to help us improve, to help us find more bugs,
- Possibly moderators
In answer to the question in this post, please help us decide which expansion you would prefer to play with.
When will this become an actual playable interface? We can't say for now. It all depends on the demand, whether anyone is interested.
If the post reaches at least 50 votes, then it seems that it can capture people's imagination and we will create a discord server for further communication.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
PS: I attach a few pictures of how much we have been working on emus lately.
Two other friends and I started working on wow servers as a hobby and learning activity back in 2017.
Since then we have touched almost all the extensions we could find opensource emulators for.
These included ArcEmu, Mangos, TrinityCore wotlk, legion, bfa and shadowlands, ashamanecore, mopcore, legioncore, uwow leak and dekkcore to name a few.
We feel that why not, let's give it a try and start putting together a community and a server with one of these emulators, because as the saying goes, the palm grows under a load.
A couple of years ago we pooled our money and bought access to some closed, private resources (legion and shadowlands). We started to work on these more actively, fixing bugs at the core level and in the database. Of course, with varying degrees of success, there are things we haven't been able to fix yet, but our enthusiasm hasn't waned.
The bigger problem is whether it would make sense to start with the fact that I'm the one who has the time to do this at the moment, the others have families and can only do this kind of thing very rarely (which is understandable, actually).
I would like to assess whether there would be a demand for our work, whether there would be players who would play it.
Our goal is simple: to provide a free platform for wow lovers to play the game, knowing that it will never be of the quality that blizzard provides, but trying to at least approximate it.
We don't have high expectations of players in terms of activity, because we know there are a lot of great servers on the market, but we want to evolve and overcome more and more challenges, so that we can serve our audience in a way that they know that we will evolve, albeit slowly but surely.
Who do we need?
- Stakeholders who would like to help us improve, to help us find more bugs,
- Possibly moderators
In answer to the question in this post, please help us decide which expansion you would prefer to play with.
When will this become an actual playable interface? We can't say for now. It all depends on the demand, whether anyone is interested.
If the post reaches at least 50 votes, then it seems that it can capture people's imagination and we will create a discord server for further communication.
Thanks for taking the time to read!
PS: I attach a few pictures of how much we have been working on emus lately.
If this doesn't become an actual server due to lack of interest, I'm still happy to work on such projects. Related to this, I will create a patreon interface, where I will upload all kinds of fixes and scripts I have worked with so far (only my own work, I will not publish my friends' work).
Furthermore, I provide (2) i.e. two quest fixes as reference work for free to everyone (one person can only use this promotional offer once). These quest scripts will also be added to my patreon collection as soon as they are ready.
Emulators where I provied quest, spell, boss and npc scripts are:
TrinityCore (WotLK)
AzerothCore (WotLK)
AshamaneCore (Legion)
MoPCore (Mists of Pandaria)
LegionCore (Legion)
BfACore (Battle for Azeroth)
SLCore (Shadowlands)
Scripts will be in NOT c++, C# and file format if possible, to avoid compatibility issues. Most of the bugs and gaps can be fixed in the database, what does not and necessarily needs to be changed at core level will not only affect a file in many cases, so I take no responsibility for that, so I will not create one.
Contact via discord @zenlenh
Furthermore, I provide (2) i.e. two quest fixes as reference work for free to everyone (one person can only use this promotional offer once). These quest scripts will also be added to my patreon collection as soon as they are ready.
Emulators where I provied quest, spell, boss and npc scripts are:
TrinityCore (WotLK)
AzerothCore (WotLK)
AshamaneCore (Legion)
MoPCore (Mists of Pandaria)
LegionCore (Legion)
BfACore (Battle for Azeroth)
SLCore (Shadowlands)
Scripts will be in NOT c++, C# and file format if possible, to avoid compatibility issues. Most of the bugs and gaps can be fixed in the database, what does not and necessarily needs to be changed at core level will not only affect a file in many cases, so I take no responsibility for that, so I will not create one.
Contact via discord @zenlenh
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