insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38415','0','0','He\'s too strong! Use the catapults to bring him down!','14','0','100','0','0','19499','0','Lord Darius Crowley');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38415','1','0','Let us join your father\'s force\'s, Liam. They\'ll need our help against Sylvanas.','14','0','100','0','0','19500','0','Lord Darius Crowley to Damaged Catapult');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','8','0','Abominations are blocking the way towards the military district! This won\'t be easy.','14','0','100','0','0','19609','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','6','0','But we will... NEVER SURRENDER!!!!!','14','0','100','0','0','19628','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','7','0','FOR GILNEAS!!!','14','0','100','0','0','19651','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','5','0','And if we find ourselves surrounded and disarmed... wounded and without hope... we will lift our heads in defiance and spit in their faces.','14','0','100','25','0','19627','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','4','0','We will fight them in the alleys, until our knuckles are skinned and bloody and our rapiers lay on the ground shattered.','14','0','100','0','0','19626','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','3','0','We will fight them on the streets until the last shot is fired. And when there\'s no more ammunition, we\'ll crush their skulls with the stones that pave our city.','14','0','100','0','0','19625','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','2','0','How wrong they are. We will fight them in the fields until the last trench collapses and the last cannon is silenced.','14','0','100','0','0','19624','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','0','2','Push them back!','14','0','100','0','0','0','0','Prince Liam Greymane to Forsaken Infantry');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','1','0','The Forsaken think we\'re weak. A broken people. They think we\'ll roll over like a scared dog.','14','0','100','0','0','19623','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','0','1','Your time is up, Forsaken scum!','14','0','100','0','0','0','0','Prince Liam Greymane to Forsaken Infantry');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','0','0','Attack!','14','0','100','0','0','0','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','9','0','You\'re a sight for sore eyes, Lorna. Let\'s get those cannons manned! The rest of you, lure the abominations into the open!','14','0','100','0','0','19610','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','10','0','Crowley\'s troops are up ahead! Press on!','14','0','100','0','0','19611','0','Prince Liam Greymane');
insert into `creature_text` (`entry`, `groupid`, `id`, `text`, `type`, `language`, `probability`, `emote`, `duration`, `sound`, `TextRange`, `comment`) values('38218','11','0','Gilneas will prevail!','14','0','100','0','0','0','0','Prince Liam Greymane to Gorerot');