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Project Wrathnilla+ [AzerothCore] (Modded WotLK 3.3.5a)


Trial Member
Hello everyone. I've been working on this server for the past year and I feel like it is ready to be shared.

As far as the ingame world goes, I’ve always been an enormous fan of Vanilla. Later content seemed like too much of an amusement park. However, those expanded talent trees, spells and so on are too good to pass up on. I decided to mod an experience that, as I see it, combines what I feel is best about the early life stage of WoW.

The now inactive SoloFriendly repack was used as a framework. You can also consider this my stubborn refusal to let SoloFriendly be forgotten. I’ve done my best to push the boundary of what it means to be “solo friendly”.

Be sure to drop by the PWN+ discord if you want to chat about it or are curious and want to see a few screenshots before downloading. I’ll link the entire patch history of this project (don’t bother reading it all, it’s almost 4000 lines in a text document and there’s a lot of back and forth), but I’ve left all content-related changes vague. If you want that Ashbringer and to purify it but can’t be assed looking, you’ll have to ask someone who knows the questline. And I’m not telling. There was a lot of not knowing how things worked back when WoW released, and I want to recreate some of that. It was fun.

I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please spread the word. I will continue to work on it in the future, but for now I need a break. It has been a long year of modding. New stuff / release to come by the end of 2024 probably. Earlier if I think of something I really like.

DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/unRYE4jQd5


A thorougly curated level 1-60 PvE experience (including world bosses and world elite quests) for the solo player, duos and maybe trios, with a shiny login screen to boot

Just plug and play - no difficulty tweaking or pre-play setup of any kind needed, the dungeons get progressively harder and most endgame encounters are downright brutal

A free experience through and through - you will never pay for any part of this or my future work on it. No sneaky crypto miners either

Modded Vanilla content via an overhauled WotLK server (the final release of SoloFriendly by V2, with many bugfixes by me)

New endgame content (Acherus has a new master), existing content enhanced, new NPCs and quests

Blizzard's disappointing decisions (like not giving players the Ashbringer and removing Atiesh) overruled

Restored content - abominations once again guard Undercity, go through the entire AQ unlocking questchain by yourself, obtain T3 armor, etc

Completely overhauled healing and tank builds/classes, no more MMO holy trinity, no more arguing over who has to heal

Many edits to every talent tree, creating a more or less even playing field for all classes - no more power or meme builds

Many edits to professions, from lowering mat requirements to enhancing existing items and adding new ones to help players tackle PvE

Greatly increased viable build variety - melee hunters, warlocks focusing on enslaved demons, exorcist spellcaster paladins, etc

Customized AHbot, Beastmaster and PetTank modules (and many deactivated modules should you decide you need more)

All expansion-related content present in vanilla areas scaled down, overhauled or removed

Greatly reduced reputation grind with all factions, repeatable quests grant far more reputation and require fewer materials

Immersion-friendly ways of accessing walled-off content added (Mount Hyjal and Karazhan Crypts)


1.) download the PWN client patch.zip

2.) extract wow.exe into your WotLK 3.3.5a main install folder, allow the overwrite

3.) extract patch-4/5/6.mpq files into your game's Data folder

4.) clear (delete) the game's Cache folder (if you don't do this, many of the changes will not display)

5.) locate the realmlist.wtf text file in your Data/enUS folder and open it, make sure it says "set realmlist" (no quotation marks)

6.) if you want to play with friends, change "" to whatever network you're playing through, I highly recommend using ZeroTierOne


1.) download Project Wrathnilla.zip and extract it wherever you want

2.) run the !_Launcher.bat file, wait for all three windows (database, authserver and worldserver to settle down, it should take a minute

note: you will see many red errors in the worldserver window, this is normal - the server is freaking out about changes AKA modded stuff

3.) in the worldserver.exe window, type ".account create (name) (password)" (no quotation marks), this creates an account

4.) type ".account set gmlevel 3 -1" (no quotation marks), this will give you access to GM commands should you need them


5.) to turn the server off, click the server windows and press ctrl-c on each in this order: worldserver, authserver, database

6.) when asked to confirm in the database window, type Y and press enter, then close the window manually


The Bulwark horde flight master is forgetful/forgettable and you will have to re-tag him after every logout

A very small amount of overworld areas (approx. one in every third map) will reset their discovered status after every logout

Miran, the dwarf NPC who is part of the low level alliance quest Protect The Shipment, will annoyingly spam his aggro text during combat

The seasonal event bosses have not been tested yet (this will be addressed in the next release)

The grand finale of a Warlock's epic mount quest is sadly bugged (but 100% doable), the interactable objects do not spawn

High Priest Thekal does not shift into his tiger form

Onyxia flies low enough to the ground for melee to hit her (wholly beneficial bug, will never be fixed)

The Quel'Serrar questline's heating/quenching via Onyixa mechanic has been altered due to me being unable to recreate it completely (yet), the blade now rests permanently just behind her and can be picked up / quenched in her corpse by a player with the quest after killing her

C'thun's model freaks out and starts spinning if a pet is attacking it in melee, which might lead the NPC out of position (just keep your pet on passive and by your side during the fight and everything will be fine, only send it to attack adds when needed)

C'thun's devour animation does not display (but still teleports the player into the stomach as normal)


Patch History (Unmodded SoloFriendly – Modded 2.3.3.) https://mega.nz/file/Y3NVBLgR#-3op2NIYDo6KcSyb5K5hio9WkbOzPTWjECg6VPfEkS0

Server Mirror 1: https://mega.nz/file/E21D1JbK#DLnoeXklvz_obhukdVoCljmUU7WSs68Ja1gwVSkac_I

Server Mirror 2: https://mega.nz/file/Qi1hDAhK#R-nUrKvCMVgX5qFRxXwu2gsFqSJtzwNcSW-Hmdih2pY

Server Mirror 3: https://gofile.io/d/8O4wdB

Client Patch Mirror 1: https://mega.nz/file/NvETWBoJ#earty4jcznysT0Nb81w9JgcNLz91d_VS2wGuGhgUVH4

Client Patch Mirror 2: https://mega.nz/file/wzFEDLSL#J7NIdjMJH1nhBKFgybUltvS30Mxey4ecXDYqIDyqFi0

Client Patch Mirror 3: https://gofile.io/d/Xjw2Ci

And remember - clear that cache!

Special thanks to team SoloFriendly for their amazing work, to Brimstone for getting me into modding, and to the missus for putting up my obsessive modding effort.
This is my favorite post, written very well, and I really like it. I hope you like it too. I will share it with everyone.


Verified Member
This is my favorite post, written very well, and I really like it. I hope you like it too. I will share it with everyone.
I'm sorry for the late reply, I've been in a modding frenzy and have forgotten to check the forums. Thank you very much for the kind words :)


Verified Member
Hello again, got something fresh for you:


Contains Fixed Loot Tables and Aggro Redesign v2. See included text file detailed information and setup. This is a combined and streamlined "installation" of the two database updates, if you already have those installed - you do not need this.


See included text file for detailed information and setup.

This patch finished the healing spell revamp (v2). It includes all the changes implemented by previous patches, you do not need to hunt around for those. The zip also includes a patch history (including the set bonus revamp), so if you're curious - check it out. Enjoy!

The PWN+ discord is always open. Help, feedback, bug reports, or just chatting - you're welcome to join.

Last edited:


Verified Member
Found an oopsie-daisy when doing Onyxia, here's another patch. Also included an updated disenchant table to get rid of that annoying error spam during startup. Version 1.1 will have even less of them, they're completely benign but they're starting to annoy me. Same rules apply as with the spell patches - this one includes all the changes implemented in the previous version, you only need the latest one and none of the old ones.


Onyxia Loot Table Fix:
Fixes my very amateurish first attempt at a boss loot table. Now she will always drop her head, gold , one of the helms, one of the non-set epic items, one of the class books, a 50/50 sinew or backpack, a sack of gems, and the draconic for dummies if you're on the quest.

Partial Launcher Errors Fix:
Disenchant_loot_template errors will no longer spam the launcher during startup.

See included text file for detailed information and setup.


Verified Member
Hello again. New patches!

A reminder: you only need the latest patches and the 1.0 client patch (you get it somewhere above, it has a few extra things in it). See text files included in the zips for detailed information and setup.



Highlights of stuff since previous patches:
- considerable Warlock and Demon rebalancing
- considerable Hunter and Beast rebalancing
- various class talent and spell tweaks
- a few item tweaks
- bugfixes

Project Wrathnilla+


Verified Member
Hello again, here are the new ones. Enjoy! The spell patch also addresses a massive oversight on my part when it comes to disabling the PetTank module, namely the threat wipes. Sorry about that, they shouldn't be an issue anymore.

A reminder: you only need the latest patches and the 1.0 client patch (you get it somewhere above, it has a few extra things in it). See text files included in the zips for detailed information and setup.



Highlights of stuff since previous patches:
- major pet threat oversights fixed
- bugfixes and launcher error spam reduction
- considerable tier armor set bonus redesigns
- many various class tweaks, nerfs and buffs
- beast pet and demon pet buffs and redesigns

If all goes as planned, I will release Wrathnilla 1.1 next month. It will bring many changes and additions, the most notable of them being Humanoid "pets" for non-Hunter/Warlock characters and completely new sets of raid tier armors for Feral Druids, Enhancement Shamans and Retribution Paladins.



Verified Member
I'm happy to announce that Project Wrathnilla+ 1.1 is ready for download! I have updated the download links in the original post.


- the beastmaster module is out, now non-pet classes can obtain humanoid tank minions at level 10

- Tier armor sets for ex-healers (casters) and Warriors converted into actual DPS sets

- all-new Physical DPS Tier armor sets for Shamans, Paladins and Druids

- all (I think?) on-use trinkets have had their cooldowns reduced to a reasonable 2-5 minutes

- shortcut to the Hydraxian Waterlords island implemented

I've tried and sadly failed to figure out a way to transfer characters, so you will have to start over (or recreate your old ones with the help of GM commands). If anyone figures out how to do it, please let me know and I'll add it to the instructions and, of course, credit you.

You don't need to patch the new server with anything and only need to apply the initial client patch to your client once.

Also - clear that cache folder!

A comprehensive list of changes is included in the initial client patch zip. New "pets" obtainable by non-hunters/warlocks at the level 10 inns, new set items obtainable where the original ones drop. Don't forget to pack an apple for Semple once you decide to visit the Hydraxian island.

Project Wrathnilla+

Happy gaming everyone, and thank you for showing an interest!


Verified Member
Hello again, here are some new patches. Enjoy!


- bugfixes and tooltip text improvements
- class spell tweaks
- glyph buffs


Contains various error spam fixes.

See included text files for detailed notes and setup instructions.



Verified Member
I'm happy to say that I finally figured out how you can transfer your characters from 1.0 to 1.1 :) apologies it took so long.

note: I highly recommend that you make a backup of your server before doing this, just in case. I can't help you if you break something.

1.) Go to server -> tools on both 1.0 and 1.1 versions of the server and run 2_BackupDatabase.bat (your server must be OFF while doing this). Close both windows of each server instance when the process finishes - you will be notified in the first window. Just hit any key to close the first, and ctrl+c the second.

2.) Open the server -> tools -> backup folder of your 1.0 server and copy ONLY the acore_auth.sql and acore_characters.sql files

3.) Paste what you've copied into the 1.1 server's server -> tools -> backup folder, allow the overwrites

4.) Run 3_RestoreBackup.bat of the 1.1 server. As before, keep the server OFF, and close it like you did in step 1 after it finishes.

There are two minor issues you might want to address after you complete the transfer:

1.) The server's realm will be renamed from Wrathnilla to AzerothCore after the transfer. If this doesn't bother you, no problem. If it does, open the server in your database editor and change the name in acore_auth -> realmlist.

2.) Non-hunters with the old Beastmaster's abilities can cheese the game hard with the new humanoid minion (Call Pet can be used to instantly re-summon the minion mid-combat after it dies). Also, if the beast pet is still alive, Call Pet randomly summons it or the minion when used. I would advise you to abandon your beast pet and unlearn the hunter abilities via the .unlearn [spell link] GM command.

Again - thank you for showing an interest 👋 happy gaming everyone!


Verified Member
Which ones are you interested in having back?

I've restored restored some quests, but not all of them. When it came to the old quests I really wanted the ability-gaining ones to once again be required (like Defensive Stance for Warriors), and I wanted the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline in working order. And I did some minor text changes to the quests that were tied to NPCs that got replaced (and then swapped back in my repack), like Varimathras/Bloodfist and Rexxar/Rokaro.

The alliance-side Onyxia attunement quest I still need to reimplement though. That one was pretty cool but I haven't gotten around to it yet.


Verified Member
Which ones are you interested in having back?

I've restored restored some quests, but not all of them. When it came to the old quests I really wanted the ability-gaining ones to once again be required (like Defensive Stance for Warriors), and I wanted the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline in working order. And I did some minor text changes to the quests that were tied to NPCs that got replaced (and then swapped back in my repack), like Varimathras/Bloodfist and Rexxar/Rokaro.

The alliance-side Onyxia attunement quest I still need to reimplement though. That one was pretty cool but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
Oh I was actually thinking of the Scepter and Onyxia quests, really cool to hear you've gotten the Scepter quest back in and that you're possibly working on getting the Onyxia attunement quest back if you have time for it..

It's really too bad that Blizzard never figured out how to avoid cool lore quests from being cut


Verified Member
It's really too bad that Blizzard never figured out how to avoid cool lore quests from being cut

I know right? Making the world feel alive and active is great and all, but I don't think it's worth the cost of scrapping old cool stuff. And that Onyxia chain was really cool. Blows my mind that they didn't just put the new stuff in a different phase or something. I would have restored it sooner but there are a lot of elements and I still need to figure some of the stuff out.