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Project Krypton - Patch 1.12.1 - Instant 60 - Hardcore/Speedrun Community - Custom Featuresdcfvx


Trial Member
Hi everyone,

My Name is Gramsci(AKA Chris) I am going to starting a community called Project Krypton. This is going to be an instant 60 1.12.1 Classic Vanilla Server. I have 14+ years of experience on private servers and have owned and run many servers over the years. I am aiming to have a unique experience with Classic as it seems to be very popular right now. I am still going to keep this post short because I am going to put a few details for now.

--Server Details--
Instant 60 running VMangos 1.12.1
Hardcore Style(Speed Runs and Server First Rewards)
Custom Raids(More info to come soon)
Everyone will start with Pre BIS Items
10 Phases then reset
ZERO Pay to win features.
Custom Website with our own Warcraft Logs Integrations
Many more details to come soon

Phases(Subject to Change)

1 - Molten Core
2 - ZG(40 Man)
3 - Custom Raid TBA
4 - Black Wing Lair
5 - Custom Raid TBA
6 - Custom Raid TBA
7 - AQ20 but 40 man
8 - AQ 40
9 - Custom Raid TBA
10 - Naxxramas​

Join the Discord for more updates and information - https://discord.gg/zd7SW8Vzvr