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Problems in Arathi Highlands


Gold Supporter
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Yeah, I'm going to keep doing these with each zone I go through with my dwarf. If it's annoying let me know, but this seems to be the best way to communicate the issues as I go from 1-85 the hard way.

1. Lieutenant Valorcall doesn't patrol the road between Refuge Pointe and Stromgarde. Is this intentional for ease of the Forsaken questline?

2. The flight path from Refuge Pointe to Ironforge goes through the nearby hill. Like, literally right through it.


Gold Supporter
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3. More on Lieutenant Valorcall (ID 2612): he's not patrolling, but there's a few of him just sitting stationary at different points on the road. There's only supposed to be one.

4. Witherbark Witch Doctors (ID: 51633) are dropping items more associated with the higher levels they possessed pre-Cataclysm, including level 35+ gear.

5. Quae (ID: 2712) is using the sleeping animation by default for some reason, also has an aura like she's a ghost.

6. Similarly to Lieutenant Valorcall, the Forsaken Courier (ID: 2714) doesn't patrol, but stays in one place.

7. There are no Hammerfall Peons (ID: 2618), when they should be at the Go'shek Farm.

8. I know Wowhead says that in the quest Northfold Manor (ID 26093), you're supposed to kill Syndicate Mercenaries (ID 2589), but I'm fairly sure Syndicate Pathstalkers (ID 2587) and Syndicate Highwayman (2586) are to supposed to also qualify for completion of the quests. Comments on the Wowhead seem to agree with me.


Gold Supporter
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9. Captain Nials (ID 2700) doesn't perform the scene where she counts out the names of the dead upon the return of the quest Stromgarde Badges (ID: 682)

That's pretty much it. Remember, this is Alliance side only, I have no idea how the Horde side looks.