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PiroxBot [3.3.5] Wotlk Bot

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Trial Member

A reshare by Sandstrom. All credits to him, (as the author)

Pirox is a bot for World of Warcraft 3.3.5. This bot works on all Windows versions up to Windows10.

I have been using Pirox for about a week now and it is by far the best bot for 3.3.5. I've ran it 24/7 without any problems.
My profiles are included in the /Profiles folder along with hundreds of old profiles.

Please post profiles, plugins or whatever you have here. You're free to ask for help in this thread as well.


Advanced combat routines
Advanced profile creator.
Convert profiles.
Lots more.

Download the 3.3.5 Wotlk Bot (Piroxbot):
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How to install and setup Pirox

- Download Pirox
- Extract the files anywhere.
- Start "Pirox3.3.5.exe" this window should appear.
- Go to the options tab. Configure as you wish. (I suggest leaving it as it is)
- Move on to the Key Setup tab. It is very important that every key is bound correctly.
- Next is the Combat setup. In here you can configure keys for your character. Scroll down for advanced guide.

- The "Security and MSGs" tab functions are untested so far. Use these on your own risk. (Feel free to report back as to how it works)
- Now to the Relog tab. This should be very easy to understand. Check the picture on how i set it up.
- Finally, we have the Profile Maker tab. In here, we can create advanced profiles for the bot.
- Before we do anything else, make sure to save your Setup. Click the Blue icon in the left down corner and save.
- Go to the Addons folder and locate "NeededForVendor" Make sure to install these addons and configure them once ingame.
- Done!

Combat setup

Let's say we have "Earth Shock" on Key 1 in wow. We want to use this for Pulling. Set "PullMob" to 1 and "PullWaitTime" to 0 if you wish for your character to run towards the target instantly. Make it 5000 if you wish for your character to wait 5 seconds before running to your target. Hover over the next settings to see how they work and what to fill. Make sure to set "Global CD" to your Global Cooldown. If your Global Cooldown is 1.8 seconds, set it to 1800. If you are unsure of what your Global CD is, set this to 1800.

Bubble 1,2,3 etc. In here you can make the bot use Spells on x% hp/mana. Can also be used for anything if you didn't fit all your spells in the combat field above. Let's say we want to stun our target. Simply make it cast the spell at 95% hp and it will stun your target when you have less hp than 95%.

Everything else in this tab should be pretty much self explained.

Creating Profiles

- Start wow.
- Choose a name for your profile.
- Let's create a Lvl profile.
- Select "WriteToPath:GoTo" (This is the path we want to run when grinding mobs)
- Click the "Attach to wow" button.
- Put your character where you want the profile to be started (Make sure to remember this spot. Click the "Set waypoint" button.
- Tick the "Auto set waypoint" box. Set the WP distance to 5 or 20 depending on how often you want it to record waypoints.
- Start running your character where you want it to go. You will hear a sound when a Waypoint is recorded.
- Make sure to make a clean path, not between too many obstacles like rocks etc. If you have to run through a narrow area, make the "WP distance" lower.
- Let's say we've ran a circle ingame. Back to where we started. Now untick the auto add wp box.
- Now it is important to click the "Loop" Button in the top of the "Add to path" section. Click the "GoToVendor" Button if you want it to sell/repair.
- Let your character die by some mob. Choose "WriteToPath:Ghost" and record waypoints from the graveyard to your first GoTo waypoint.
- Go to your first waypoint. Now we are going to add a vendor path.
- Choose "WriteToPath:Vendor" Manually add the first waypoint like we did earlier.
- Now, click the "MountingUp" button in the "Add To Path" section. Choose ground or flying mount.
- Record waypoints to the vendor. Before you reach the vendor, click the "MountingDown" button.
- Now target the vendor you want the bot to use. Click "UseVendor".
- Now mount up again and run back to your first waypoint, still recording.
- Make sure to save the profile. For some reason we cannot edit profiles in the Profile Maker, so make sure everything is correct.

Nice, just what I wanted, thanks!
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