Because I've found no guide anywhere on the internet, I'll post my findings here for other People like me.
If you want to change a phase for an area in game for specific quests or all time, you have to use the following spells in cooperation with the spell_area table.
Phase - Spell - Spellname
2 - 59073 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 01"
4 - 59074 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 02"
8 - 59087 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 03"
1024 - 67789 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 04"
2048 - 68480 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 05"
4096 - 68481 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 06"
8192 - 68482 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 07"
16384 - 68483 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 08"
32768 - 69077 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 09"
65536 - 69078 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 10"
131072 - 69484 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 11"
262144 - 69485 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 12"
524288 - 69486 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 13"
1048576 - 70695 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 14"
2097152 - 70696 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 15"
4194304 - 74093 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 16"
8388608 - 74094 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 17"
16777216 - 74095 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 18"
33554432 - 74096 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 19"
67108864 - 74097 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 20"
assign via spell_area >>> for specific area
spell = Spell
area = (ZoneID/AreaID)
quest_start = 0
quest_end = 0
aura_spell = 0
racemask = 0
gender = 2
autocast(flags) = 1
quest_start_status = 64
quest_end_status = 116
assign via spell_area >>> for specific quest(s) on area
spell = Spell
area = (ZoneID/AreaID)
quest_start = questid wich starts the phasechange on accept
quest_end = questid wich ends the phasechange on fail or objective fulfill (can be the same as quest_start)
aura_spell = 0
racemask = 0
gender = 2
autocast(flags) = 1
quest_start_status = 8
quest_end_status = 34
Use following Flags for multiple Quests:
quest_start_status = 74
quest_end_status = 64
Warning! When using spell_area over multiple quests, ensure that the end quest cannot be completed before any quests between end and start quest, including start quest.
These spells are working with patch 5.4.8. If you want multiple quest per phase change, the queststarter/questender NPCs have to exist in this phase too.
Addition: If you want Creatures/Objects in multiple phases, you can add the phases together.
If you set the phase of an NPC to phase 3, the NPC is visible in phase 1 and 2.
If you want to change a phase for an area in game for specific quests or all time, you have to use the following spells in cooperation with the spell_area table.
Phase - Spell - Spellname
2 - 59073 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 01"
4 - 59074 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 02"
8 - 59087 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 03"
1024 - 67789 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 04"
2048 - 68480 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 05"
4096 - 68481 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 06"
8192 - 68482 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 07"
16384 - 68483 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 08"
32768 - 69077 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 09"
65536 - 69078 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 10"
131072 - 69484 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 11"
262144 - 69485 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 12"
524288 - 69486 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 13"
1048576 - 70695 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 14"
2097152 - 70696 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 15"
4194304 - 74093 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 16"
8388608 - 74094 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 17"
16777216 - 74095 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 18"
33554432 - 74096 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 19"
67108864 - 74097 - "Phase - Quest Zone-Specific 20"
assign via spell_area >>> for specific area
spell = Spell
area = (ZoneID/AreaID)
quest_start = 0
quest_end = 0
aura_spell = 0
racemask = 0
gender = 2
autocast(flags) = 1
quest_start_status = 64
quest_end_status = 116
assign via spell_area >>> for specific quest(s) on area
spell = Spell
area = (ZoneID/AreaID)
quest_start = questid wich starts the phasechange on accept
quest_end = questid wich ends the phasechange on fail or objective fulfill (can be the same as quest_start)
aura_spell = 0
racemask = 0
gender = 2
autocast(flags) = 1
quest_start_status = 8
quest_end_status = 34
Use following Flags for multiple Quests:
quest_start_status = 74
quest_end_status = 64
Warning! When using spell_area over multiple quests, ensure that the end quest cannot be completed before any quests between end and start quest, including start quest.
These spells are working with patch 5.4.8. If you want multiple quest per phase change, the queststarter/questender NPCs have to exist in this phase too.
Addition: If you want Creatures/Objects in multiple phases, you can add the phases together.
If you set the phase of an NPC to phase 3, the NPC is visible in phase 1 and 2.
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