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[Other] V13.1 Miscellaneous fixes


Veteran Member
A bunch of minor fixes addressing: duplicate and missing NPC's, misplaced game objects, and creature health.

#Removes duplicate Vendor in Darnassus.
DELETE FROM emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature WHERE id = 4229 AND guid = 295070;

#Removes duplicate Spirit healer in the Wetlands.
DELETE FROM emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature WHERE id = 6491 AND guid = 714441;

#Moves floating barrels in Menethil harbour to the ground.
UPDATE emucoach_v131_vip_world.gameobject SET position_x = -3777.79, position_y = -753.225, position_z = 1.80798 WHERE guid = 289466 AND id = 3659;
UPDATE emucoach_v131_vip_world.gameobject SET position_x = -3675.99, position_y = -892.661, position_z = -1.68328 WHERE guid = 289449 AND id = 3659;

#Modifies health to correct value as given on wowhead(https://www.wowhead.com/npc=1260/great-father-arctikus)
UPDATE emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature SET curhealth = 105 WHERE guid = 508378 AND id = 1260;

#Moves the plac on the fountain in the cathedral square to be more fitting, still not blizzlike since it needs a pedastal but it is better then what is was.
UPDATE emucoach_v131_vip_world.gameobject SET position_x = -8640.5, position_y = 760.35, position_z = 97.4 WHERE guid = 9358 AND id = 202003;

#Removes gossip menu from a quest npc that doesnt use it.
UPDATE emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature_template SET npcflag = 0 WHERE entry = 23861;

#Removes duplicate questgiver(I have made sure to check whether the quests he gave still worked)
DELETE FROM emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature WHERE guid = 295062 AND id = 32959;
DELETE FROM emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature WHERE guid = 295080 AND id = 32959;

#Adds Yldan, a missing bag vendor in Darnassus.
DELETE FROM emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature WHERE id = 4230 AND zone = 1657;
INSERT INTO emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature (id,`map`,`zone`,area,spawnMask,phaseMask,modelid,equipment_id,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation,spawntimesecs,spawndist,currentwaypoint,curhealth,curmana,MovementType,npcflag,unit_flags,dynamicflags,walkmode,saiscriptflag) VALUES

#Adds missing spirit healer in (another part of the) Wetlands.
DELETE FROM emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature WHERE id = 6491 AND zone = 11 AND spawntimesecs = 300 AND area = 1024;
INSERT INTO emucoach_v131_vip_world.creature (id,`map`,`zone`,area,spawnMask,phaseMask,modelid,equipment_id,position_x,position_y,position_z,orientation,spawntimesecs,spawndist,currentwaypoint,curhealth,curmana,MovementType,npcflag,unit_flags,dynamicflags,walkmode,saiscriptflag) VALUES

These changes were made and tested in the most recent VIP release(13.1) from emucoach.
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I collect profile flairs.
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I don't think I saw these fixes before now. Thank you for your contribution to the community!


Mythical User
Super Moderator
Gold Supporter
Just in case anyone runs into the issue I had. I was getting a table not found error and noticed my db was named emucoach_v131_vip_gold_world.creature. Just edit your query to match your db if you run into this and runs great. Thanks for the fixes Tree!
Exo executed this to V14 :) So I'm sure none of us will have an issue like that