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NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4


Verified Member
here the NPCbot mod that is use with trinitycore 3.3.5

this bot is very complete and update very often, here some of the feature you can do: change spec, assign role (tank,dps,heal, range), gear them and they stay with you until you demiss them, force tank on 1 bot while other dps another mob, etc ...
you need to compile you own code, but it's worth the job.

If emucoach DEV team can port this mod and implement in the future release, that would be great. because, there are a lot of feature that can almost completely replace a real player.
I play a lot with it, i an even able do some ICC10 man until sindragosa boss with only BOT.
Yeh ive played with these on 3.3.5, they are very good with lots of options, would be great to see it in a future repack.


Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
after playing a lot with those NPC bot, i figured out there are so many different version of BOT for each class.. with different initial weapon. those creature are locate in CREATURE_TEMPLATE Table. so i do manage to delete all duplicate and leave only 1 version of each class and for alliance.
so the next time I dismiss it and re-summon, i always have the same BOT. the advantage of this method, i can equip those bot with equipment and when i abandon them and rehire them. the equipment are back. They are not totally lost.
Would that apply to V15 also? I opened up the CREATURE_TEMPLATE table and did not find any NPCBOT names on there. Does anyone know how to edit for V15?


How about some good french fries to go with it?
Verified Member
I have figured out how to equip the NPC Bot's but it's a shame it appears that items aren't visible when the NPC Bot equips the item. (At least in terms of Clothing / Armor). Is there any way this can be improved/fixed? Is it a bug or just a limitation of the bot engine?

I have also noticed they seem to incorrectly be using EPIC weapons that are sometimes as much as 40 levels above them!!
I would like to take up this comment, were you able to solve it, since selecting each object by part to the npcbot is very slow. I am in the cataclysm version.


Verified Member
NPCBots are currently running on version 8.1 of the Emucoach repack, cataclysm (VIP), and above.

The free version does not contain Playerbots so if you want playerbots/single player playing with dungeons, bgs etc, you'll have to donate.
By donating there are many advantages. A lot of unique releases, more fixes to the repack, faster releases, extra forum privileges + donation rank on the forums.

Anyways! Enough, lets get to the actual content;
How to setup and use the playerbots/npcbots on the Emucoach repack.

In the VIP worldserver.conf we have this configured:
Bot.EnableNpcBots = 1

Along with many other settings that you can configure if you want to make changes, etc.

So, how do you use the playerbots?
It's rather simple. It's already included in the newest VIP repack, and ready to get used.

Below you'll see a list of commands and description along the way on how to use the Playerbots.

* .npcbot (.npcb) - get list of possible subcommands. They are:
** add <botclass> - creates random bot of given class to selected player. Use on self
** remove (rem) - removes selected npcbot. NOTE: If you select self it will remove ALL npcbots
** command (c) ...
*** follow (fol, f) - puts all your bots to follow you (out of combat)
*** stay (st, s) - makes all your bots hold position (out of combat)
** reset (res) - recreates selected npcbot (or all of them if selected self)
** distance (dist, d) - sets bot follow distance. If used by party leader in instance will affect whole group. This parameter defines attack range and distance bots keep while following.
*** Formulas:
*** Attack distance = 0.72 * follow distance (which you set with this command);
*** Distance bots keep while following (visual) = follow distance + (follow distance - 10) * 4; (min: 0, max: 35)
** info (in) - shows npcbots info (amount owned, classes, alive amount etc.). If used on yourself it will show each bot party member's info (including you)
* Debug Text Emote commands:
** /bonk - lists selected npcbot's stats
** /salute - lists your stats
** There is .maintank (.main) command that sets npcbot maintank in your party (minimum of 3 members). Bot maintank gets additional avoidance, damage reduction and health
** To add/remove npcbot you can use gossip-like menu (.npcbot helper). You can also create macros.

Thanks to Jcarter4562 for the base, and the command list.

when you add a bot (.npcb add warrior) remember to target yourself.
And the command .npcbot helper is very helpful to spawn the bots as well.

That's... it folks! Pretty simple right? If you have questions, feel free to post below or in the VIP section.
Thank you!


Verified Member
NPCBots are currently running on version 8.1 of the Emucoach repack, cataclysm (VIP), and above.

The free version does not contain Playerbots so if you want playerbots/single player playing with dungeons, bgs etc, you'll have to donate.
By donating there are many advantages. A lot of unique releases, more fixes to the repack, faster releases, extra forum privileges + donation rank on the forums.

Anyways! Enough, lets get to the actual content;
How to setup and use the playerbots/npcbots on the Emucoach repack.

In the VIP worldserver.conf we have this configured:
Bot.EnableNpcBots = 1

Along with many other settings that you can configure if you want to make changes, etc.

So, how do you use the playerbots?
It's rather simple. It's already included in the newest VIP repack, and ready to get used.

Below you'll see a list of commands and description along the way on how to use the Playerbots.

* .npcbot (.npcb) - get list of possible subcommands. They are:
** add <botclass> - creates random bot of given class to selected player. Use on self
** remove (rem) - removes selected npcbot. NOTE: If you select self it will remove ALL npcbots
** command (c) ...
*** follow (fol, f) - puts all your bots to follow you (out of combat)
*** stay (st, s) - makes all your bots hold position (out of combat)
** reset (res) - recreates selected npcbot (or all of them if selected self)
** distance (dist, d) - sets bot follow distance. If used by party leader in instance will affect whole group. This parameter defines attack range and distance bots keep while following.
*** Formulas:
*** Attack distance = 0.72 * follow distance (which you set with this command);
*** Distance bots keep while following (visual) = follow distance + (follow distance - 10) * 4; (min: 0, max: 35)
** info (in) - shows npcbots info (amount owned, classes, alive amount etc.). If used on yourself it will show each bot party member's info (including you)
* Debug Text Emote commands:
** /bonk - lists selected npcbot's stats
** /salute - lists your stats
** There is .maintank (.main) command that sets npcbot maintank in your party (minimum of 3 members). Bot maintank gets additional avoidance, damage reduction and health
** To add/remove npcbot you can use gossip-like menu (.npcbot helper). You can also create macros.

Thanks to Jcarter4562 for the base, and the command list.

when you add a bot (.npcb add warrior) remember to target yourself.
And the command .npcbot helper is very helpful to spawn the bots as well.

That's... it folks! Pretty simple right? If you have questions, feel free to post below or in the VIP section.


Trial Member
Hello I have tried to find out the way to install NPCbots on my own compiled server I know there is a guide but I dont really know what to do with the steps on the guide, could anyone explain the way to install it or is there a video of how to install NPCbots?

Thank you for reading.