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NPCBots (How To) - EmuCoach Repack 4.3.4


Mythical User
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Are these only for gms ?
Or is it possible for regular players to use bot commands aswell ?
If not, how do i give normal players access to Them commands ? :p:-D


Gold Supporter
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Veteran Member
Are these only for gms ?
Or is it possible for regular players to use bot commands aswell ?
If not, how do i give normal players access to Them commands ? :p:-D

The player bots are for everyone.
Settings for it can be found in worldserver.conf under "NPCBOT CONFIGURATION"


Mythical User
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Super :p
How can i add additional text for bots ? like answers and such :)
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Gold Supporter
Can we re-use the existing bot?? for exemple, we generate a random warrior, geared it up. dismiss the group. then re-add bot, can the old bot be recreate? or it's a only a random new bot
when we add npcbot, can we specify a spec?? like warrior tank or dps?? or it's determine by the gear we add???
i also try account bot, the toon cannot be invited or do not react to anything.. it's just move from time to time.. pretty useless compare to npcbot.. is that normal behavior? unless i miss something.
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Veteran Member
Verified Member
I have been running some dungeons with these bots. At first I had a little difficulty but eventually managed to do pretty fair. I see questions here about some of the things I learned so I thought I would share my experience.

- The bots are spawned by class but appear to be random. That is to say that you may not get the same bot the next time you spawn the same class although sometimes you do
- Paladins and warriors appear to always declare as tank in the dungeon finder. I did not see a way to declare spec
- Priests and Druids appear to always declare as healers in dungeon finder
- The bots do not always seem to return to the dungeon after a wipe. No problem, select yourself and issue the revive command.
- You can give gear to the bots but you have to first select them and tell them to stay, otherwise they move the prescribed distance away from you every time you move. I gave them dungeon drops that I felt would help. don't forget to tell them to move again.
- The bots seem to have very little gear (chest shoulders and weapon) but after level twenty or so I found them to have gear that is above their level.

- Spawn you group and make sure you only have 1 healer and 1 tank.
- If you are having a bot tank, select the tank and make them the main tank (.mt). If you wait until you are in the dungeon to do this you will see that this makes them try to lead you a little as you navigate the dungeon. you can make them pull using this method.
- The bots can be even dumber than real people ;-) so you have to be careful where you let them roam. You can have them stay while you move up to get a mobs attention and then run back. They will cancel the STAY command when they attack. Note that this happens as soon as they can see the enemy is after you.

MACROS - I found five buttons with macros to be helpful for running dungeons as follows:
.npcbot helper - This loads the helper panel which can be used to add/remove bots from your party.
.mt - Makes the selected bot the main tank
.npcbot c s - Commands the selected bot to stay or all bots if you select yourself.
.npcbot c f - Commands the selected bot to follow or all bots if you select yourself.
.npcbot revive - Revives all bots (make sure to select yourself before casting this)

I also played around with a macro to spawn a bot quick if you get into trouble while questing. this can be modified to spawn whatever class you want or to spawn multiple bots.
/target player
.npcbot add warrior

I hope somebody finds this useful and would be interested in hearing what others have figured out.


Gold Supporter
after playing a lot with those NPC bot, i figured out there are so many different version of BOT for each class.. with different initial weapon. those creature are locate in CREATURE_TEMPLATE Table. so i do manage to delete all duplicate and leave only 1 version of each class and for alliance.
so the next time I dismiss it and re-summon, i always have the same BOT. the advantage of this method, i can equip those bot with equipment and when i abandon them and rehire them. the equipment are back. They are not totally lost.


Gold Supporter
Is there some way to make a shaman or druid choose the "damage" role for dungeons? They seem to choose healer by default.


Mythical User
Silver Supporter
Superior Member
It's just impressive!
And can I do stiff with this group of bots? If I understand correctly there is no limit?


Verified Member
I have figured out how to equip the NPC Bot's but it's a shame it appears that items aren't visible when the NPC Bot equips the item. (At least in terms of Clothing / Armor). Is there any way this can be improved/fixed? Is it a bug or just a limitation of the bot engine?

I have also noticed they seem to incorrectly be using EPIC weapons that are sometimes as much as 40 levels above them!!
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Verified Member
after playing a lot with those NPC bot, i figured out there are so many different version of BOT for each class.. with different initial weapon. those creature are locate in CREATURE_TEMPLATE Table. so i do manage to delete all duplicate and leave only 1 version of each class and for alliance.
so the next time I dismiss it and re-summon, i always have the same BOT. the advantage of this method, i can equip those bot with equipment and when i abandon them and rehire them. the equipment are back. They are not totally lost.

Thanks for this info. Do you know what field / id / table designates the bots Race and look etc so that I can customise their looks?


Gold Supporter
With emucoach repack I am not sure you can customize the look.
under the table Character_npcbot, you have a column call Race, where you can change to what ever race you want, but the bot need to exist before you can change it.

unlike the NPCBOT trickerer made for trinitycore 3.3.5, they have a special table that you can customize bots.

hope this can help.


Gold Supporter
here the NPCbot mod that is use with trinitycore 3.3.5

this bot is very complete and update very often, here some of the feature you can do: change spec, assign role (tank,dps,heal, range), gear them and they stay with you until you demiss them, force tank on 1 bot while other dps another mob, etc ...
you need to compile you own code, but it's worth the job.

If emucoach DEV team can port this mod and implement in the future release, that would be great. because, there are a lot of feature that can almost completely replace a real player.
I play a lot with it, i an even able do some ICC10 man until sindragosa boss with only BOT.


Verified Member
here the NPCbot mod that is use with trinitycore 3.3.5

this bot is very complete and update very often, here some of the feature you can do: change spec, assign role (tank,dps,heal, range), gear them and they stay with you until you demiss them, force tank on 1 bot while other dps another mob, etc ...
you need to compile you own code, but it's worth the job.

If emucoach DEV team can port this mod and implement in the future release, that would be great. because, there are a lot of feature that can almost completely replace a real player.
I play a lot with it, i an even able do some ICC10 man until sindragosa boss with only BOT.
I agree this being ported would be amazing.
I have discussed this with @ExO on Discord and he is going to look into it.


Veteran Member
Hi! @ExO Do you think maybe this version of the npcbots will make it to version 15?
The current included bots have been pretty fun to play with, but they can be almost as frustrating as a real pug group! They could use the upgrade if there's enough time.