NPC needs to despawn on waypoint reached. This was not happening. Here is a fix for this issue.
Also added the correct waypoints for the npc.
Update for injured stormwind infantry
Also added the correct waypoints for the npc.
Update for injured stormwind infantry
-- Injured Stormwind infantry now despawns on wp reached & waypoints
UPDATE `emucoach_v131_vip_gold_world`.`smart_scripts` SET `event_param1`='9' WHERE `entryorguid`=50047 AND `source_type`=0 AND `id`=5 AND `link`=0;
DELETE FROM `waypoints` WHERE `entry` = 50047;
INSERT INTO `waypoints` (`entry`, `pointid`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `point_comment`) VALUES
(50047, 1, -8836.792, -154.6042, 80.29581, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 2, -8853.476, -147.5382, 81.02872, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 3, -8880.7, -134.434, 80.70754, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 4, -8899.063, -126.9965, 81.6905, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 5, -8911.901, -126.3507, 81.40427, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 6, -8911.997, -134.3038, 80.75057, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 7, -8909.181, -144.8264, 81.94923, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 8, -8904.669, -156.7083, 81.93999, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)'),
(50047, 9, -8901.264, -160.1858, 81.93899, 'Injured Stormwind Infantry path (Fear No Evil quest)')
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