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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Trial Member
That seems awesome repack , thank you really, but i cannot run it, i put the DLL libeay and ssleay, but that makes an error when i want run Auth and World , is 0xc000007b error, Mysql run well, what i could do? I want this repack , can you help me? Thanks a lot.
Last edited:


Trial Member


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

¿Quieres tener acceso a las últimas versiones con mucho más fijo? ¡Obtenga VIP y descargue nuestro VIP Cataclysm Repack!

Puedes donar aquí:

¿Quiere apoyar el proyecto con su propia cantidad? ¡Haga click abajo!:

¡Lleguemos juntos al Proyecto Blizzlike!


Proporcionó y entregó el WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack por Emucoach.com

Si tiene un Mini-Cliente de Cataclysm, ahora ofrecemos una solución, en caso de que experimente errores: No se pueden transmitir los datos de archivo requeridos / Error de WoW 134

¿Qué es un Cataclysm Repack ?
Un Cataclysm Repack son binarios precompilados de nuestro núcleo con script, donde puede iniciar fácilmente un Cataclysm Server con solo descargar este EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack .
Este Emucoach Repack es un Cataclysm Repack proporcionado para el parche 4.3.4. Está diseñado para el juego: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) en particular, y se han insertado miles de horas de trabajo en este.

Por defecto, los otros paquetes de Cataclysm son de muy mala calidad, pero no en Emucoach. Queríamos ofrecer un Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) que finalmente funciona bien, sin muchos errores / problemas, y una zona goblin / worgen en funcionamiento y con guión, que logramos lograr.

Nuestro Cata Repack tiene una larga historia, donde nuestro primer Cata Repack 4.3.4 se lanzó en 2014, y desde entonces, hemos proporcionado nuevas versiones / lanzamientos de World of Warcraft Cataclysm con toneladas de nuevas correcciones y nuevas características, tanto gratis como también. en nuestro VIP.
Nuestro Cataclysm Repack tiene playerbots en nuestra versión VIP, si deseas jugar solo con bots en mazmorras, incursiones y misiones. Nuestro Cataclysm Repack gratuito no proporciona playerbots, pero también es el Cataclysm Repack más estable (y gratuito) que se ofrece en el mercado.

Nuestro Cataclysm Repack se ejecuta para el cliente del juego: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) y muchos desarrolladores dedicados han trabajado en él para lograr un Cataclysm Repack decente como Blizzlike . Esperamos que nuestro Cata 4.3.4 Repack sea fácil y divertido de usar.

¿Quieres jugar en un servidor existente? Encuentre una lista de servidores privados de Cataclysm aquí.

También esperamos que disfrute de nuestro Cataclysm Repack proporcionado por Emucoach, y si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita soporte para nuestro Cata 4.3.4 Repack , siempre puede preguntar en este hilo.



Trial Member


[Contenido oculto]


Descripción de este hilo:
Un reenvasado exclusivo de WoW Cataclysm entregado por EmuCoach.
Ofrece un Cata 4.3.4 Repack bien escrito con zonas de inicio fijas (Worgen y Goblin incluidos) y mazmorras Catalcysm.
Descarga arriba y disfruta de nuestro World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Reempaquetado para servidores privados de WoW (4.3.4)


Tutorial sobre cómo hacer público este reempaquetado:

Tutorial sobre cómo configurar este reempaquetado con Hamachi:

Ahora puede contribuir al proyecto con correcciones de la base de datos, ¡e incluso puede ser recompensado por su trabajo! ¡Puede ser cualquier cosa, desde rangos de calidad hasta dinero real !:

¿Quieres tener acceso a las últimas versiones con mucho más fijo? ¡Obtenga VIP y descargue nuestro VIP Cataclysm Repack!

Puedes donar aquí:

¿Quiere apoyar el proyecto con su propia cantidad? ¡Haga click abajo!:

¡Lleguemos juntos al Proyecto Blizzlike!


Proporcionó y entregó el WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack por Emucoach.com

Si tiene un Mini-Cliente de Cataclysm, ahora ofrecemos una solución, en caso de que experimente errores: No se pueden transmitir los datos de archivo requeridos / Error de WoW 134

¿Qué es un Cataclysm Repack ?
Un Cataclysm Repack son binarios precompilados de nuestro núcleo con script, donde puede iniciar fácilmente un Cataclysm Server con solo descargar este EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack .
Este Emucoach Repack es un Cataclysm Repack proporcionado para el parche 4.3.4. Está diseñado para el juego: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) en particular, y se han insertado miles de horas de trabajo en este.

Por defecto, los otros paquetes de Cataclysm son de muy mala calidad, pero no en Emucoach. Queríamos ofrecer un Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) que finalmente funciona bien, sin muchos errores / problemas, y una zona goblin / worgen en funcionamiento y con guión, que logramos lograr.

Nuestro Cata Repack tiene una larga historia, donde nuestro primer Cata Repack 4.3.4 se lanzó en 2014, y desde entonces, hemos proporcionado nuevas versiones / lanzamientos de World of Warcraft Cataclysm con toneladas de nuevas correcciones y nuevas características, tanto gratis como también. en nuestro VIP.
Nuestro Cataclysm Repack tiene playerbots en nuestra versión VIP, si deseas jugar solo con bots en mazmorras, incursiones y misiones. Nuestro Cataclysm Repack gratuito no proporciona playerbots, pero también es el Cataclysm Repack más estable (y gratuito) que se ofrece en el mercado.

Nuestro Cataclysm Repack se ejecuta para el cliente del juego: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) y muchos desarrolladores dedicados han trabajado en él para lograr un Cataclysm Repack decente como Blizzlike . Esperamos que nuestro Cata 4.3.4 Repack sea fácil y divertido de usar.

¿Quieres jugar en un servidor existente? Encuentre una lista de servidores privados de Cataclysm aquí.

También esperamos que disfrute de nuestro Cataclysm Repack proporcionado por Emucoach, y si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita soporte para nuestro Cata 4.3.4 Repack , siempre puede preguntar en este hilo​


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Want to get access to the latest versions with much more fixed? Get VIP and download our VIP Cataclysm Repack!

You can donate here:

Want to support the project with your own amount? Click below!:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!


Provided & delivered the WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack by Emucoach.com

If you have a Mini-Client of Cataclysm, we now offer a fix, in case you experience errors - Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134

What is a Cataclysm Repack?
A Cataclysm Repack is pre-compiled binaries of our scripted core, where you can easily launch a Cataclysm Server just by downloading this EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack.
This Emucoach Repack is a Cataclysm Repack provided for patch 4.3.4. It is built for the game: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) particularly, and thousands of hours of work have been inserted to this.

By default, the other Cataclysm repacks are very poor in quality, but not at Emucoach. We wanted to offer a Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) that finally works well, without many bugs/issues, and a working and scripted goblin/worgen zone, which we managed to achieve.

Our Cata Repack has a long history, where our first 4.3.4 Cata Repack was released in 2014, and since then, we have provided new World of Warcraft Cataclysm versions/releases with tons of new fixes and new features, both for free and also on our VIP.
Our Cataclysm Repack has playerbots on our VIP Version, if you wish to play solo with bots in dungeons, raids and questing. Our free Cataclysm Repack does not provide playerbots, but is also the most stable (and free) Cataclysm Repack, offered on the market.

Our Cataclysm Repack runs for game client: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) and have been worked on by many dedicated developers in order to achieve a decent Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack. We hope you will find our Cata 4.3.4 Repack easy and fun to use!

Want to play on an existing server instead? Find a list of Cataclysm Private Servers here.

We also hope you will enjoy our Cataclysm Repack provided by Emucoach, and if you have any questions or need support for our Cata 4.3.4 Repack, you can always ask in this thread.

password no work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Verified Member


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Want to get access to the latest versions with much more fixed? Get VIP and download our VIP Cataclysm Repack!

You can donate here:

Want to support the project with your own amount? Click below!:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!


Provided & delivered the WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack by Emucoach.com

If you have a Mini-Client of Cataclysm, we now offer a fix, in case you experience errors - Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134

What is a Cataclysm Repack?
A Cataclysm Repack is pre-compiled binaries of our scripted core, where you can easily launch a Cataclysm Server just by downloading this EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack.
This Emucoach Repack is a Cataclysm Repack provided for patch 4.3.4. It is built for the game: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) particularly, and thousands of hours of work have been inserted to this.

By default, the other Cataclysm repacks are very poor in quality, but not at Emucoach. We wanted to offer a Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) that finally works well, without many bugs/issues, and a working and scripted goblin/worgen zone, which we managed to achieve.

Our Cata Repack has a long history, where our first 4.3.4 Cata Repack was released in 2014, and since then, we have provided new World of Warcraft Cataclysm versions/releases with tons of new fixes and new features, both for free and also on our VIP.
Our Cataclysm Repack has playerbots on our VIP Version, if you wish to play solo with bots in dungeons, raids and questing. Our free Cataclysm Repack does not provide playerbots, but is also the most stable (and free) Cataclysm Repack, offered on the market.

Our Cataclysm Repack runs for game client: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) and have been worked on by many dedicated developers in order to achieve a decent Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack. We hope you will find our Cata 4.3.4 Repack easy and fun to use!

Want to play on an existing server instead? Find a list of Cataclysm Private Servers here.

We also hope you will enjoy our Cataclysm Repack provided by Emucoach, and if you have any questions or need support for our Cata 4.3.4 Repack, you can always ask in this thread.

yo again


Verified Member


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Want to get access to the latest versions with much more fixed? Get VIP and download our VIP Cataclysm Repack!

You can donate here:

Want to support the project with your own amount? Click below!:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!


Provided & delivered the WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack by Emucoach.com

If you have a Mini-Client of Cataclysm, we now offer a fix, in case you experience errors - Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134

What is a Cataclysm Repack?
A Cataclysm Repack is pre-compiled binaries of our scripted core, where you can easily launch a Cataclysm Server just by downloading this EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack.
This Emucoach Repack is a Cataclysm Repack provided for patch 4.3.4. It is built for the game: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) particularly, and thousands of hours of work have been inserted to this.

By default, the other Cataclysm repacks are very poor in quality, but not at Emucoach. We wanted to offer a Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) that finally works well, without many bugs/issues, and a working and scripted goblin/worgen zone, which we managed to achieve.

Our Cata Repack has a long history, where our first 4.3.4 Cata Repack was released in 2014, and since then, we have provided new World of Warcraft Cataclysm versions/releases with tons of new fixes and new features, both for free and also on our VIP.
Our Cataclysm Repack has playerbots on our VIP Version, if you wish to play solo with bots in dungeons, raids and questing. Our free Cataclysm Repack does not provide playerbots, but is also the most stable (and free) Cataclysm Repack, offered on the market.

Our Cataclysm Repack runs for game client: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) and have been worked on by many dedicated developers in order to achieve a decent Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack. We hope you will find our Cata 4.3.4 Repack easy and fun to use!

Want to play on an existing server instead? Find a list of Cataclysm Private Servers here.

We also hope you will enjoy our Cataclysm Repack provided by Emucoach, and if you have any questions or need support for our Cata 4.3.4 Repack, you can always ask in this thread.

yo again


Verified Member


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Want to get access to the latest versions with much more fixed? Get VIP and download our VIP Cataclysm Repack!

You can donate here:

Want to support the project with your own amount? Click below!:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!


Provided & delivered the WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack by Emucoach.com

If you have a Mini-Client of Cataclysm, we now offer a fix, in case you experience errors - Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134

What is a Cataclysm Repack?
A Cataclysm Repack is pre-compiled binaries of our scripted core, where you can easily launch a Cataclysm Server just by downloading this EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack.
This Emucoach Repack is a Cataclysm Repack provided for patch 4.3.4. It is built for the game: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) particularly, and thousands of hours of work have been inserted to this.

By default, the other Cataclysm repacks are very poor in quality, but not at Emucoach. We wanted to offer a Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) that finally works well, without many bugs/issues, and a working and scripted goblin/worgen zone, which we managed to achieve.

Our Cata Repack has a long history, where our first 4.3.4 Cata Repack was released in 2014, and since then, we have provided new World of Warcraft Cataclysm versions/releases with tons of new fixes and new features, both for free and also on our VIP.
Our Cataclysm Repack has playerbots on our VIP Version, if you wish to play solo with bots in dungeons, raids and questing. Our free Cataclysm Repack does not provide playerbots, but is also the most stable (and free) Cataclysm Repack, offered on the market.

Our Cataclysm Repack runs for game client: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) and have been worked on by many dedicated developers in order to achieve a decent Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack. We hope you will find our Cata 4.3.4 Repack easy and fun to use!

Want to play on an existing server instead? Find a list of Cataclysm Private Servers here.

We also hope you will enjoy our Cataclysm Repack provided by Emucoach, and if you have any questions or need support for our Cata 4.3.4 Repack, you can always ask in this thread.

yo again
Hi again.

I must say I have a hard time understanding what you mean. Sadly I don't speak french, but could you try to descriebe what your issue is futher?

Anyhow, if I understood you correctly you want to download the mysql & apache etc? If so just download this:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/zad6514pv2d3c6w/_Server.zip (It does not include maps, vmaps, dbc) but only the mysql folder itself :)

- Remember you are more than welcome to post help, issues etc, since I'm just glad that I can help people out & get feedback & attention on the repack :)

Best Regards,
thank you so much :)


Trial Member


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Want to get access to the latest versions with much more fixed? Get VIP and download our VIP Cataclysm Repack!

You can donate here:

Want to support the project with your own amount? Click below!:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!


Provided & delivered the WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack by Emucoach.com

If you have a Mini-Client of Cataclysm, we now offer a fix, in case you experience errors - Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134

What is a Cataclysm Repack?
A Cataclysm Repack is pre-compiled binaries of our scripted core, where you can easily launch a Cataclysm Server just by downloading this EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack.
This Emucoach Repack is a Cataclysm Repack provided for patch 4.3.4. It is built for the game: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) particularly, and thousands of hours of work have been inserted to this.

By default, the other Cataclysm repacks are very poor in quality, but not at Emucoach. We wanted to offer a Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) that finally works well, without many bugs/issues, and a working and scripted goblin/worgen zone, which we managed to achieve.

Our Cata Repack has a long history, where our first 4.3.4 Cata Repack was released in 2014, and since then, we have provided new World of Warcraft Cataclysm versions/releases with tons of new fixes and new features, both for free and also on our VIP.
Our Cataclysm Repack has playerbots on our VIP Version, if you wish to play solo with bots in dungeons, raids and questing. Our free Cataclysm Repack does not provide playerbots, but is also the most stable (and free) Cataclysm Repack, offered on the market.

Our Cataclysm Repack runs for game client: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) and have been worked on by many dedicated developers in order to achieve a decent Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack. We hope you will find our Cata 4.3.4 Repack easy and fun to use!

Want to play on an existing server instead? Find a list of Cataclysm Private Servers here.

We also hope you will enjoy our Cataclysm Repack provided by Emucoach, and if you have any questions or need support for our Cata 4.3.4 Repack, you can always ask in this thread.

nice repack


Verified Member


[Hidden content]


Description of this thread:
A dedicated WoW Cataclysm repack delivered by EmuCoach.
Offering a well-scripted Cata 4.3.4 Repack with fixed starting zones (Worgen & Goblin included) and Catalcysm dungeons.
Download above and enjoy our World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 Repack for WoW Private Servers (4.3.4)


Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Want to get access to the latest versions with much more fixed? Get VIP and download our VIP Cataclysm Repack!

You can donate here:

Want to support the project with your own amount? Click below!:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!


Provided & delivered the WoW 4.3.4 Cataclysm Repack by Emucoach.com

If you have a Mini-Client of Cataclysm, we now offer a fix, in case you experience errors - Cannot Stream required archive Data / WoW Error 134

What is a Cataclysm Repack?
A Cataclysm Repack is pre-compiled binaries of our scripted core, where you can easily launch a Cataclysm Server just by downloading this EmuCoach Cataclysm Repack.
This Emucoach Repack is a Cataclysm Repack provided for patch 4.3.4. It is built for the game: World of Warcraft (Cataclysm) particularly, and thousands of hours of work have been inserted to this.

By default, the other Cataclysm repacks are very poor in quality, but not at Emucoach. We wanted to offer a Cataclysm Repack (4.3.4) that finally works well, without many bugs/issues, and a working and scripted goblin/worgen zone, which we managed to achieve.

Our Cata Repack has a long history, where our first 4.3.4 Cata Repack was released in 2014, and since then, we have provided new World of Warcraft Cataclysm versions/releases with tons of new fixes and new features, both for free and also on our VIP.
Our Cataclysm Repack has playerbots on our VIP Version, if you wish to play solo with bots in dungeons, raids and questing. Our free Cataclysm Repack does not provide playerbots, but is also the most stable (and free) Cataclysm Repack, offered on the market.

Our Cataclysm Repack runs for game client: World of Warcraft Cataclysm 4.3.4 (15595) and have been worked on by many dedicated developers in order to achieve a decent Blizzlike Cataclysm Repack. We hope you will find our Cata 4.3.4 Repack easy and fun to use!

Want to play on an existing server instead? Find a list of Cataclysm Private Servers here.

We also hope you will enjoy our Cataclysm Repack provided by Emucoach, and if you have any questions or need support for our Cata 4.3.4 Repack, you can always ask in this thread.



Verified Member
Is possible to use Fusion cms for this repack ? If yes what version exactly please ? :) Or u recommend any other cms ?