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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Verified Member
Hi guys quick question
I have everything working fine but I used the download links in op, are these the up to date v5 links or are these for v1.0, I only ask because another poster mentioned realm name v4 and mine just sais realm emucoach.
Apart from that great work ��

Mr. Satan

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Hi guys quick question
I have everything working fine but I used the download links in op, are these the up to date v5 links or are these for v1.0, I only ask because another poster mentioned realm name v4 and mine just sais realm emucoach.
Apart from that great work ��

If you downloaded the repack from here, then yes it is v5. Any official version you find anywhere else is likely v4.

Nevermind I'm an idiot who doesn't follow instructions..

Don't worry about it, we all make mistakes.

Sorry for the late response but, could you send me a tut on this? i cant use the others idk why the links broken

As for typing the IP, I'm not sure I have a tutorial if the links don't work. I guess send me a private message of your worldserver, preferably of just that section where the IP belongs, and I'll take a look at it. As for checking the logs, there should be a folder named "Crashes" in the same folder as your worldserver.exe and authserver.exe, although now that I think about it, what you need might not be there. Check anyway, just to make sure, and remember to private message me the worldser conf of the IP's.


Verified Member
Is v5 everything on the first page under "Download links (Newest Version - V5!):"?

I ask because I'm experiencing a lot of bugs that I see in the forums as being fixed. When looking further, I see the dbc.zip link on page 1 shows as being uploaded in 2014. Most bugs I see I've been looking up and they have responses like "fixed in v4.1" with forum timestamps of 2015. The issues I see are things like spell costs, quests from pre-4.3.4 that should have been removed, or NPCs/creatures in places they shouldn't be.

Here's a specific example:
Baron Ashbury isn't spawning for me in Shadowfang Keep. I looked this up and found a fixed thread in bugs: http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?1086-Shadowfang-Keep

When I startup authserver.exe, the first line shows "EmuCoach Repack V.5 - FREE Version rev."
When I startup worldserver.exe, I see multiple lines mentioning V.5 like "EmuCoach Repack V.5 - FREE VERSION - Deathwings Madness"

I assume I'm either crazy, the up-to-date dbc is somewhere else, and/or I need to be a VIP to get it.
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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Is v5 everything on the first page under "Download links (Newest Version - V5!):"?

I ask because I'm experiencing a lot of bugs that I see in the forums as being fixed. When looking further, I see the dbc.zip link on page 1 shows as being uploaded in 2014. Most bugs I see I've been looking up and they have responses like "fixed in v4.1" with forum timestamps of 2015. The issues I see are things like spell costs, quests from pre-4.3.4 that should have been removed, or NPCs/creatures in places they shouldn't be.

Here's a specific example:
Baron Ashbury isn't spawning for me in Shadowfang Keep. I looked this up and found a fixed thread in bugs: http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?1086-Shadowfang-Keep

When I startup authserver.exe, the first line shows "EmuCoach Repack V.5 - FREE Version rev."
When I startup worldserver.exe, I see multiple lines mentioning V.5 like "EmuCoach Repack V.5 - FREE VERSION - Deathwings Madness"

I assume I'm either crazy, the up-to-date dbc is somewhere else, and/or I need to be a VIP to get it.

Some things in the downloads don't need to be updated. When updating the server, all you really need is the database (MySQL) and the Repack (Server). The DBC doesn't need to be updated unless you're adding (If the DBC is what I belive it is) new items, or animations, or something similar. The bugs that you are seeing as fixed around the forums are fixed in the next version, v.6, which should be released to the public soon. Right now, v.6 is for VIP, since VIP is always 1 version ahead of the public release.
As for that specific bug you linked, that was supposed to be fixed some time ago, so I'm not sure why you're still seeing it. Try turning GM mode on, as some NPCs phasemasks (I think that's the right word) are incorrect, and only GM's can see them. If you see hin there, then I'll tell you how to possibly fix it, but if not, then I'm not sure why he wouldn't be there. Make sure to report it in the bug reports.
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Verified Member
Some things in the downloads don't need to be updated.
You say updated, but I'm downloading this for the first time. I assume you are implying the old DBC is there because a newer one isn't needed. I could be completely wrong about it housing updates to things (I'm still a bit new at this).

The bugs that you are seeing as fixed around the forums are fixed in the next version, v.6, which should be released to the public soon.
Seems odd so many replies state they were fixed in earlier versions, usually with date/time stamps prior to v.5 (like Baron Ashbury).

Try turning GM mode on, as some NPCs phasemasks (I think that's the right word) are incorrect, and only GM's can see them. If you see hin there, then I'll tell you how to possibly fix it, but if not, then I'm not sure why he wouldn't be there. Make sure to report it in the bug reports.
Turned GM mode on as you suggest and it did a few things, but showing Baron Ashbury wasn't one of them.
Turning it on now shows "ELM General Purpose Bunny" entities inside a few crates and barrels at the start of the instance. Before turning on GM mode, the door to the courtyard wasn't clickable, neither was the lever near where Baron Ashbury spawns, or the two cells. After turning it on, the cells show up locked (which you can open), the lever is clickable, and the door to the courtyard shows up locked but you can open it as well and thankfully progress (just no baron sadly).

I'll go ahead and take this along with a few others to the bugs section. Hopefully I've simply done something incorrect during the setup. If that's the case, VIP here I come. :)
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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You say updated, but I'm downloading this for the first time. I assume you are implying the old DBC is there because a newer one isn't needed. I could be completely wrong about it housing updates to things (I'm still a bit new at this).

Seems odd so many replies state they were fixed in earlier versions, usually with date/time stamps prior to v.5 (like Baron Ashbury).

Turned GM mode on as you suggest and it did a few things, but showing Baron Ashbury wasn't one of them.
Turning it on now shows "ELM General Purpose Bunny" entities inside a few crates and barrels at the start of the instance. Before turning on GM mode, the door to the courtyard wasn't clickable, neither was the lever near where Baron Ashbury spawns, or the two cells. After turning it on, the cells show up locked (which you can open), the lever is clickable, and the door to the courtyard shows up locked but you can open it as well and thankfully progress (just no baron sadly).

I'll go ahead and take this along with a few others to the bugs section. Hopefully I've simply done something incorrect during the setup. If that's the case, VIP here I come. :)

When I purchased VIP, I noticed a lot of bugs/quests were fixed, bug there's just so many quests in the game, that they're not all fully scripted. The next version should be coming out in about 1 or 2 months, which don't worry if you buy the VIP, since it's either for a whole year, or for life, your choice. It is possible that some bugs have been re-created accidentally, or some things had to be temporarily removed to fix other bugs, etc. If you take these to the bug section, I'm sure they'll be fixed for the new upcoming version. If you do buy VIP, just know that any bugs/unscripted quests you find are being worked on and updated, they just take time. So far, I'd say this is the best Cata repack I've seen.

Also, for the DBC: Yes, the old DBC is there because there isn't a newer one, so every time you update the repack, all you really need is the server and repack downloads.


No Lifer
Gold Supporter
Wow (pun intended)! This is by far one of the best ones I've experienced. I reckon a lot of work must have had gone into this. Thank you! I am thoroughly enjoying this!
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