It seems like a number of holiday events are all active at once in this repack. Is that supposed to happen? Also the Exodar flight master is broken.
Are the WotLK dungeons/raids fully functional?
im curious i cant seem to get apache running.. i have it all running except apache i put a website in the htdocs folder and still wont run.
as well for someone whose newer... is there somewhere to look up commands? i havent used repacks or anything in years now im new to the scene again with many questions.
like is wow-v still the current creator for trinity?
commands? i cant seem to fly..
where could i look up the fun spells... GM spells like death touch etc..
model ids? is wow model viewer still being used?
I wanna get object ID's as well for object creation obviously so i guess it applies to the same question of if wow model viewer is whats being used or if something else to get object display ID's?
and last question. there is a EMUCoach MOTD or message that keeps coming in the chat every so often. is that removeable?
thanks in advance for the questions being answered
im curious i cant seem to get apache running.. i have it all running except apache i put a website in the htdocs folder and still wont run.
as well for someone whose newer... is there somewhere to look up commands? i havent used repacks or anything in years now im new to the scene again with many questions.
like is wow-v still the current creator for trinity?
commands? i cant seem to fly..
where could i look up the fun spells... GM spells like death touch etc..
model ids? is wow model viewer still being used?
thanks in advance for the questions being answered
In the _Server folder? You actually launch with MySQL batch file, I have not ever needed to use the Apache launcher at all. Then in your Folder with all the other files You next launch authserver application, then lastly you launch the worldserver application. Change your WoW Cata 4.3.4 Client you are usings realmlist WTF File to whatever IP address you are running your server from. The default setting is (set realmlist That is basically telling the server, and client they are both on the local machine "your computer" "only you can play" No one else can join unless you set up your server to accept from somewhere like a proxy, or Hamachi etc. you need to change the ip in the MySQL, with Navikat, or some other SQL modifying program with MySQL running, but not the authserver, or worldserver yet., afterwards shut down the MySQL in the authserver CONF, and worldserver Conf files add the IP you will be using as well for multiplayers use in the "bindip" area in both folders using "text editor" and save. That is a bit "over my head" to explain well in detail. I started out having to figure out how o even assemble a repack! I knew "nothing period!. I use Hamachi in my house for me n wife only to get on together, but I am alone til I FIX STUFF! lol xD
Here are the directions I saved for myself! lol
account create: LAUNCH: MySQL
LAUNCH: authserver
LAUNCH: worldserver
(in the worldserver cmd window type the
.account create (account name) (password)
"hit enter" (should say) account created
.account set gmlevel (account name) 3 -1
"hit enter" (note) gm lvl 1=basic
banning/muting 2=create events/create minor
items 3=full allowance
LAST STEP: Place the warcraft WOLK 3.3.5 or CATA 4.3.4 (same setup for both if trinity based at least)
client in your program files. Go into the
WOLK or CATA/Data/enUS or enGB folder. Change the realmlist
to say this.
set realmlist
Make a shortcut of the Wow.exe file, or
application however you preffer to call it.
Play the game.
I can give you a few commands I found, or figured out on my own that work with this repack. I am sure you can find better, and may more though.
GM CODES ON: .gm on/off (I never needed this, but there it is. I add stuff not even in GM mode always. You set your GM level n the worldserver prior to playing anyways. lol)
ADD MONEY: .modify money (players name)
FLY MODE: .gm fly on/off
CREATE GUILD: .guild create (players name)
"guild name"
Add addition GM to guild
.guild rank
.level (1-255)
.modify honor (amount)
.commands (list commands)
learn all languages=.learn all lang
.modify hp (amount)
.tele (place name)
.additem (item ID number) (amount)
.modify speed "0-50"
.tele gmisland
.guild invite (players name) ("guild name")
.quest complete (quest ID number)
.cheat god (mobs wont kill you) "sometimes activating other things disables it. do it last. lol"
.cheat explore 1 (open all map)
.npc add (ID number)
.npc vendoradditem
.pet create
.npc delete (remove npc)
.tele (map co-ords)
.server restart (time ie - 300=5 minutes
.additem 46105 (3 hour buff shirt)
.server set motd (message of the day)
.lookup item (item name) [will return the
item number]
.modify gender (male/female)
.quest add (quest ID number)
.titles add (title ID)
the immortal=141
deaths demise=158
the undying=142
guild charter=5863
guild bank 7th slot=62286
guild bank 8th slot=62287, 68136?
.cheat taxi on (opens all flight points til
you log off)
.character changefaction (allow faction
change of character at game restart)
.learn all lang (all languages)
neutral flight trainer
Hira Snowdawn=.npc add 31238
headless horseman's reins (mount)
.additem 37012
(underwater mount)
Poseidus=.additem 67151
Monster Bag 36 slot (cata at least)
Monster Bag=.additem 1100
As far as creating items/modifying them? I had 1 thing I found online for WOLK that worked for me somewhat. However? It DID NOT WORK for CATA.... Forgot the name of it even now. lol
I am a professional dummy! So... I can only hope I was of "some help". I had no schooling/help/training ever for anything computer related! lolHave a great day, and good luck.
i had all the first part down. i greatly appreciate you taking the time to answer my question mate. the bottom part with all the commands helped me greatly.i still have a few of those questions unanswered but you helped me with the commands part which i greatly appreciate!
FACT, this is pretty much the best repack for us dummies I could find. "and I tried MANY" (not knowing how to create our own server, but disliking the "new WoW", and desiring to play a more "retro version"? lol) I found a german one that was better in some ways, but worse in others. Plus it had seven GM levels (had to up your level from 3 to 7 with navicat, or I did, and only allowed to add 2 GM period. I am not "versed on programming". I am new to it totally. You can however rename the server, and change it's IP there as well, but that is way too much for me to explain. This one works decent. You can add "some" of the missing NPC, and items with GM commands at least by researching what it is you are needing.
I knoe very little, but 1 thing I KNOW will work. Do a little research on wo the flight path flight master is supposed to be there. Get the ID number of the NPC "will show it right in your typing area of yout http/www browser if you search the npc from somewhere like wowhead. If you made your character a gm when you created your account? simply stand where the npc should be. then type in .npc add (and the npc ID number), an hit enter. example ** and I think this is the one you are needing actually. lol ** His name is Stephanos. when you research the exodar fliht master. you find the name. wowhead the name Stephanos "if the id number isn't shown in your search at the to http/www bar already. The NPC AT WOWHEAD may show the wrong level due to wowhead keeping current with the newest expansions, but ANYTHING cataclysm existant, or prior "should" still be the proper ID number. in this case it is ( As you can see? npc Stephanos=17555? That is the NPC ID number. So you stand where he (should have been) type this? .npc add 17555 "press enter". Stephanos will be there if you are a lvl 3 gm, and did as I said. It SHOULD connect to the flight points just fine. Mine did. However at times? It may NOT find the flight points. If this occurs? select stephanos, and type in .npc delete "press enter". Then move a small amount and drop him again. When you get him "near enough" to where he should be? The flight points will show. Good luck.
As far as holiday stuff? I am new at this. ALL of it is utterly broken on every single repack I have tried.... lol
ANOTHER GOOD IDEA? Make a "complete copy" of your server before addinng things? That way if you "break it" due to lack of knowledge, and experimenting to learn as I have?" You can shut it down, and delete the broken one, and paste the working one "back in its place" from where you stored the backup. Much, much easier than "starting over completely?" lol![]()
Good luck
The flight master is where he should be that isnt the issue. The issue is he won't let you fly anywhere cause he's bugged. From my understanding this bug was fixed in a trinity core version from a few months ago. The core in this repack probably just needs updating to fix it.
How do you download this?
Is there a way to turn the holiday events on and off? Some of the events are active when they shouldn't be.
like is wow-v still the current creator for trinity?
where could i look up the fun spells... GM spells like death touch etc..
model ids? is wow model viewer still being used?
I wanna get object ID's as well for object creation obviously so i guess it applies to the same question of if wow model viewer is whats being used or if something else to get object display ID's?
there is a EMUCoach MOTD or message that keeps coming in the chat every so often. is that removeable?