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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
Did you correctly set your account in the world window ? If your client is set to localhost (the server repack is already set to localhost), normally all can works correctly. :)


Verified Member
Did you correctly set your account in the world window ? If your client is set to localhost (the server repack is already set to localhost), normally all can works correctly. :)

yep both localhost and realmlist are correct I can confirm


Verified Member
tried to download the client from that link but it give me error when trying to connect

I have the same client. It's working without problem. Have you try it without firewall? Also you must chance the realmlist in the US folder not the GB and check in wow config.

Quill Quickcard

Senior User
Veteran Member
I have just spent 6 years without access to the internet. Before then, I was leading small guild raids into the newly released Ulduar. I was taken from my beloved WoW. I followed it's development as best I could over the years, and decided that I didn't really care to experience Mists or DoD. However... what I was left longing for was Cataclysm. I wanted to walk my old paths again and see how the world had changed, and just have that experience again. But I wanted to do it alone... to have my own little Azeroth over which I could be lord and master.

This gives me that chance... if I can get it running, that is.

I downloaded all the files as instructed. I have installed the required software provided. I have put the dbq and maps folders into a folder marked Core.
Every time I try to use the launcher, it takes me to the regular world of warcraft login screen.
My steps were that I started apache, then started sql, then started the auth server, then started the worldserver, then the launcher. The worldserver is the only command prompt that seems to auto-close, but it's so fast I can't tell what it's saying.

I'm sure I'm making some kind of a mistake at some point. If you have a suggestion, I need very specific instructions. I'm still getting used to new interfaces and technologies after my time away.

Can you help this poor WoW veteran find his Valhalla in Azeroth once more?


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
I have just spent 6 years without access to the internet. Before then, I was leading small guild raids into the newly released Ulduar. I was taken from my beloved WoW. I followed it's development as best I could over the years, and decided that I didn't really care to experience Mists or DoD. However... what I was left longing for was Cataclysm. I wanted to walk my old paths again and see how the world had changed, and just have that experience again. But I wanted to do it alone... to have my own little Azeroth over which I could be lord and master.

This gives me that chance... if I can get it running, that is.

I downloaded all the files as instructed. I have installed the required software provided. I have put the dbq and maps folders into a folder marked Core.
Every time I try to use the launcher, it takes me to the regular world of warcraft login screen.
My steps were that I started apache, then started sql, then started the auth server, then started the worldserver, then the launcher. The worldserver is the only command prompt that seems to auto-close, but it's so fast I can't tell what it's saying.

I'm sure I'm making some kind of a mistake at some point. If you have a suggestion, I need very specific instructions. I'm still getting used to new interfaces and technologies after my time away.

Can you help this poor WoW veteran find his Valhalla in Azeroth once more?

Hey !! ;) It's simple :

- Open the file "Server.txt" in Logs folder in Core folder :p

Read the last 3 lines, the server tells you what's wrong (you can post the lines here).

If you can run apache, mysql, auth.exe without problems, i think it's not really important and easy to resolve :) And dont' forget to put DBC,MAPS,VMAPS,MMAPS in the core folder (usually, when one folder's missing, the wold server window shut down)
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Quill Quickcard

Senior User
Veteran Member
I have made it further.
The World window no longer terminates.

The problem was that I had a folder named core, but that folder did not contain the auth server and world server launching applications and files. Once I merged the folders, the world server window stays open.

I was able to create an account and set the gm level using the text commands.

This was successful.

When I try the launcher, it comes up fine, and has a big red button marked, "play."

When I click on that button, the normal World of Warcraft launcher comes up, complete with blizzard announcements and asking for my login info.

This is where I get stuck now. I'm sure once again I am missing something simple, or I hope so. Some help, please?


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
I have made it further.
The World window no longer terminates.

The problem was that I had a folder named core, but that folder did not contain the auth server and world server launching applications and files. Once I merged the folders, the world server window stays open.

I was able to create an account and set the gm level using the text commands.

This was successful.

When I try the launcher, it comes up fine, and has a big red button marked, "play."

When I click on that button, the normal World of Warcraft launcher comes up, complete with blizzard announcements and asking for my login info.

This is where I get stuck now. I'm sure once again I am missing something simple, or I hope so. Some help, please?

No need of the emucoach launcher. To avoid Blizzard launch, use another 4.3.4 wow.exe ; This one works :) ---> (it's the one i use, provided on this forum ----> http://www.emucoach.com/showthread.php?37-4-3-4-client-Fast-Way) The emucoach launcher works well, but if you have this problem, it's cause the game is launched with the official blizz' launcher exe.

And put the file provided in the archive in your game folder. You can just replace the "exe", and the game works well without the emucoach launcher. ;)

WoW 4.3.4 Client

In the WTF folder, don't forget to set in the config file, the line :

SET realmlist ""

And in the Data/(locale folder, frFR/enUS/enGb...), in the realmlist file, delete all and replace by this :

set realmlist
set patchlist localhost

I think all will be ok after this :)
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Quill Quickcard

Senior User
Veteran Member
I downloaded the client, put the folder into my WoW directory, loaded up apache, mysqul, authserver, worldserver, and launched from the new file.

Well, it did take me to an older version of the login screen, but I'm stuck here again.

What am I supposed to be entering for my account and password? Anything I put in it is still giving me a wrong information error.
I tried admin with the password root.
I tried the account that I created using the text command in the world window. They won't get past this point.
I can't get into the realm list.
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Verified Member
got it your link worked!! just got my character set up upped him to 85 now running Black Temple owning bosses with cheats to hit for 80k dmg
any way how to make legendaries dropped? I wana get those twin glaives
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
Well, it did take me to an older version of the login screen

Ok, you were on new WoD client before ?? To avoid problems, put the client you've downloaded on mega into another folder ;) For the connection, you can use the account you created before in world window. Don't forget to verify your realmlist and config file, to set them to ;) And if you can't connect, try to disable your firewall for test :) And if you use a fresh 4.3.4 client in new folder, don't worry if it's take a long time before launching ; it's a background download system, directly from blizzard ; you play and it download ;)

got it your link worked!! just got my character set up upped him to 85 now running Black Temple owning bosses with cheats to hit for 80k dmg
any way how to make legendaries dropped? I wana get those twin glaives

If you want drop legendaries, in the world.conf file; search "rates" ; and here is a line relative to them, set it up to 100 (1 by default ; you can test higher values but i don't know if works). OR you can take the ID on wowhead and use ".additem xxxxx" (x = ID). And you need full gear to be cool in raids ;)

Sorry guyz if responses take some times, i live in France :)
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Verified Member
Ok, you were on new WoD client before ?? To avoid problems, put the client you've downloaded on mega into another folder ;) For the connection, you can use the account you created before in world window. Don't forget to verify your realmlist and config file, to set them to ;) And if you can't connect, try to disable your firewall for test :) And if you use a fresh 4.3.4 client in new folder, don't worry if it's take a long time before launching ; it's a background download system, directly from blizzard ; you play and it download ;)

If you want drop legendaries, in the world.conf file; search "rates" ; and here is a line relative to them, set it up to 100 (1 by default ; you can test higher values but i don't know if works). OR you can take the ID on wowhead and use ".additem xxxxx" (x = ID). And you need full gear to be cool in raids ;)

Sorry guyz if responses take some times, i live in France :)
So by adding rates all itt does is making legendaries dropped every time only from bosses who actually have them in their loot table?
Also how do u make glaives equippaable by pala?


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
So by adding rates all itt does is making legendaries dropped every time only from bosses who actually have them in their loot table?
Also how do u make glaives equippaable by pala?

With SQL client (SQLyog community, Navicat...etc...), you can modify what you want (put Druid set on Hunter). You can take a look in this TrinityCore DB reference ; everything is explained. (And it's not so hard) : TC item_template ;) If you want to equip a weapon with a class who can't ; Easy, just lean the skill. Search on Wowhead ; It's the same for armor skills, Hunters can learn plate armor with ".learn "skill/ ID".

;) Enjoy your new god's like hero :D


Verified Member
With SQL client (SQLyog community, Navicat...etc...), you can modify what you want (put Druid set on Hunter). You can take a look in this TrinityCore DB reference ; everything is explained. (And it's not so hard) : TC item_template ;) If you want to equip a weapon with a class who can't ; Easy, just lean the skill. Search on Wowhead ; It's the same for armor skills, Hunters can learn plate armor with ".learn "skill/ ID".

;) Enjoy your new god's like hero :D
Ohhhh it means I have to download another program and read another faq etc.? I kinda don't want to have to deal with all that stuff again ...
I guess at this point it will be easier to reroll a deathknight but how do I leave the starting zone?? Because death knights start in their own world that's not connected to the outside


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
Ohhhh it means I have to download another program and read another faq etc.? I kinda don't want to have to deal with all that stuff again ...
I guess at this point it will be easier to reroll a deathknight but how do I leave the starting zone?? Because death knights start in their own world that's not connected to the outside

Hummmm.....You can do this :

- Star a new DK (lv 55),
- Select it, and in chat window type : .level 3 (will be 58)
- Take this quest : "Where Kings Walk" ; Is the last DK starting zone quest ; add it to your DK (.quest add 13188)
- .tele Stormwind, and go talk to the king. Go to the central city place, and take the quest "Hero's call : Outland", to begin your trip in.
- All this stuff can be done in same way with Horde character, just look for quests in Wowhead.

Or you can just change your lv, set your gear, and go where you want with .tele commands ;)

And as i said before, you don't really need a SQL client for a lot of changes ;). And for all things you can use Wowhead or Openwow with Cata' DB (for ID's). :D

The only things make me use an SQL client is for trigger attackable or non attackable NPCs but i think this repack is clean a lot, and maybe this can be pointless. ;)
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Quill Quickcard

Senior User
Veteran Member
it... it worked...

I wanted this so much for so long...

An Azeroth of my very own...
I have not merely reclaimed my lost world, I now lord over it...

I want to cry with joy...

To everything involved with this project, and to you, Thogrinn, who helped me extensively to get it running... you are all champions in my eyes.
Thank you.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
it... it worked...

I wanted this so much for so long...

An Azeroth of my very own...
I have not merely reclaimed my lost world, I now lord over it...

I want to cry with joy...

To everything involved with this project, and to you, Thogrinn, who helped me extensively to get it running... you are all champions in my eyes.
Thank you.

Glad you're happy :) Don't hesitate to ask what you want ; we are here for help and share ;).

Have fun !! And for your pleasure, when your cata client will be downloaded at 100% ; put this in your Data/Cache folder, use the exe provided and you will be able to play with WoDraenor new models :) (some missing hairstyles, no undead/draenei). That rocks !!!

WoD Models

Enjooooooooy ! :cool:


Gold Supporter
Senior User
Lyon (France)
Hey ! :)

Just a thing guyz ; I post a link to Mega with a little addons pack what i use on Cata' (alls from Curse but some versions are hard to find) ; The most importants are Questcompletist (use it with Tomtom) and atlas. This repack is awesome but not perfect, and sometimes, the quests chains breaks and it could be hard to find some quests (to finish completly a zone). :) Questcompletist add some old quest who are in the database but not present on live versions of the game (and the mobs can be spawned in the game). And for the interface, i use ElVUI, very simple to setup. Enjoy !!!;)

Addons 4.3.4