[COLOR=#008000][CENTER]Before you read this changelog, be aware of that some changes may be listed zone-wise or random.[/CENTER]
[COLOR=#008000][CENTER]Meaning they were not specified, yet fixed through a bug report.
[/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=#008000]- Big thanks to Kamui for his great bug report and of course everyone else who have also contributed to the repack.
-- Please keep in mind, all the updates listed on the V.3 list, is OF COURSE also fixed in V.4)
[FONT=arial black][B]-- Random Quest Fixes --[/B][/FONT]
- Fixed the quest: "Cleansing the Afflicted"
- The quest line from Deepholm to Uldum was messed up, which is now fixed. (Thanks to grisha for his contribution)
- Fixed the quest: "The Last Stand"
- Fixed the quest: "Bounty on Murlocs"
- Fixed the quest: "Rest and Relaxation"
- Fixed the quest: "Tears of the Moon"
- Fixed the quest: "Teldrassil: The Burden of the Kaldorei"
- Fixed the quest: "Oakenscowl"
- Fixed the quest: "Disarming Bears" - was missing several required objects
- Fixed the quest: "A Slimy Situation" - was missing several required objects
- Fixed the quest: "Crying Violet" - was missing several required objects
- Fixed the quest: "Tainted Letter."
- Fixed the quest: "One Bitter Wish in Darkshore"
- Fixed the quest: "Extinguishing Hope" (Missing Fires were added)
- Fixed the quest: "Tainted Letter" (Missing NPC was added)
- Fixed the quest: "Dark Iron Scheming" (Missing NPC was added)
- Fixed the quest: "Take no Chances" (Triggers at grains were added)
- Fixed the quest: "Words of Power" (Fixed creature unit flags which made then unattackable)
- Fixed the quest: "The Looting of Althalaxx quest"
- Fixed the quest: "One Bitter Wish"
- Fixed the quest: "Weapons of Mass Dysfunction" - [/COLOR][URL="http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26294/weapons-of-mass-dysfunction"][COLOR=#008000]http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26294/w...ss-dysfunction[/COLOR][/URL][COLOR=#008000]
- Scripted Death Knight Cart quest
[COLOR=#008000][CENTER]- Fixed and scripted quest; "Good Help is Hard to Find" (Goblin) It's no longer autocomplete, but whole the quest actually works.
- Fixed the quest "Kaja'Cola" (Goblin) - It now gives the required item so you are able to deliver the quest.
- Fixed some issues and confirms in worgen area.[B]
[FONT=arial black][B]-- Item Fixes --[/B][/FONT]
- Fixed the ICD for some cataclysm trinkets.
- Fixed Souldrinker
- Scripted Matrix Restabilizer
- Fixed Moonwell Chalice
- Fixed Tome of Burning Jewels
- Fixed Adventurer's Journal
- Fixed Ascendant Council
- Fixed Valiona/Theralion
- Fixed Shaman T13 Enhancement 4P bonus
- Fixed a T13 warlock set. - Phil
- Fixed T13 Elemental - Shaman 4P - Phil.
- Mage T13 4P Bonus (Arcane Power, Combustion, and Icy Veins) has been fixed. - Phil
- Fixed Druid T12 Feral 4P Bonus
- Fixed Warrior T12 PROT 4P Bonus
- Fixed Shaman & T12 Enhancement 4P bonus
- Fixed Hunter T13 2P BONUS ENERGIZE
- Fixed Hunter T12 2P Bonus
- Druid T13 Restoration 4P Bonus (Rejuvenation) Fix
- Warrior T12 DPS 4P Bonus Fix
- Fix Paladin T13 Protection 2P
- Fix Priest T12 2P
- Fix Druid T12 Feral 4P Bonus (Barkskin)[/B]
-[FONT=arial black][B]- Spell Fixes --[/B][/FONT]
- Fixed Channeling Spells.
- Fixed some spells that should stack for diff casters.
- Fixed Mixology
[/COLOR][COLOR=#008000][CENTER][B]- Fix an issue with Gouge
- Set Spirit Wolf attack speed at 1.5s (Enhancement Shaman Spell Feral Spirit)[/B][/CENTER]
- Fixed Tiger's Fury.
- Fixed Deathknight Rune Strike (should always be useable when Blood Presence is active)
- Heroic Leap Distance and sight fix.
- Focus Fire Spell Fix
- Fixed some issues with Frenzied Regeneration where it costed 20 rages instead of 10.
- Fixed Silencing Shot and Scatter Shot Travel Time + typo fix.
- Fixed an issue with Pyroblast dot.
- Dancing Rune Weapon Rework.
- Made Traps work correctly on stealth targets
- Fixed Sweeping Strikes damage
- Fixed and reworked Redemption, works correctly now.
- Mirror image was making 6 copies instead of 3 which is fixed.
- Fixed Avenging Wrath Heal Bonus
- Make shadowstep unable to use, if you are rooted
- Make Combat Readiness fade after 10 seconds if it the owner has not been attacked.
- Fixed Revitalize
- Fixed Leap of Faith & Speed
- Smoke Bomb should break your stealth if you are having the stealth aura.
- Keeping in stealth aura after casting smoke bomb was first implemented later in (mop)
- Made Energy Regeneration Scale with Haste (Druid & Rogue) - Tested and working.[/B]
- Fixed Grace (Priest Talent) - Phil.
- Fixed Nature's Ward.
- Rouge - Overkill should be removed 20 seconds after leaving stealth. (Fixed)
- Fixed an issue with Overkill and Master of Sublety removal on spec change.
- Rework Honor Among Thieves and add an internal cooldown which was bugged before.
- Fixed Improved Mind Blast & Shadow Orbs
- Fixed Glyph of Ice Block
- Fixed Glyph of Dispel Magic
- Reworked Fungal Growth so rank 2 also works.
- Fixed Moonwell Chalice
Improve Mastery, & attempt fixing Arms Mastery (Warrior) and more.Implemented SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACK_POWER_PCT (Vitality and lot of other talents)
Fixed a lot of issues with Holy Shield & implemented a feature for it.
Fixed traps in arena (it will now work correctly, even if it's the same faction.)
Fixed Improved Blood Presence.
Searing Totem should focus on the target that has the dot of flame shock. (Implemented/fixed)
- Fixed SoulStone Revive part.
- Fixed Ghoul Spell in AutoAttack (Pet must have min 40 energy)
- Fixed some issues with warlock imp.
- Fixed Water Elemental upon Invisibllity
[B][FONT=arial black]-- Creature/Spawn Fixes --[/FONT]
- Spawned Mathas Wildwood that was nonspawned in Ruins of Mathystra
- Consumed Thistle Bear is now skinnable.
- Fletfoot is now set to neutral instead of friendly. It is also skinnable now.
- Fletfoot is now also dropping the required quest item - Fleetfoot's Tailfeathers
- Spirit of Corruption is now set to agressive for the quest - Cleansing the Afflicted
[/B]- Baron Ashbury in SFK (Non-Heroic) has now been spawned.
- Baron Silverlaine in SFK (Non-Heroic) has now been spawned.
- Baron Lord Walden in SFK (Non-Heroic) has now been spawned.[/B]
[B]- FIXED THE SPAWNING OF STONECORE (The dungeon is now complete in the SQL, -- as in waypoints, spawns and all that being there. [B]
- Some of the Frenzied Cyclones have a display id of 11686 and are therefore invisible except the aura effect that swirls arround them. Also there are lots of duplicate spawns of these.
-- All of these issues with Frenzied Cyclones are fixed.
- Fixed some invinsible quest givers.
- Fixed an issue in Sejin village where it crashed your client.
- Added a lot of missing equipment to NPCS.
[/B]- More Fixes Dragonsoul. (Morchok, etc)
- Fixed a duplication in the Barrens with Grol'dom.
- Fixed a duplication in the Barrens with Barrens Giraffe.
- Fixed a duplication in the Barrens with Tarban Hearthgrain.
- Fixed a duplication in the Barrens with Savannah Huntress.
- Fixed a duplication in the Barrens with Venture Co. Drudger
- Fixed a duplication in the Barrens with Venture Co. Peon.
- Spawned "Gorka" in Ashenvale.
- Broyk at Hellscream's Watch is now friendly instead of being hostile to the horde players.[B]
- Spawned Lord Darius Crowley in Gilneas City for the quest "The Last Stand"
- Spawned Frenzied Stalker for the quest "The Last Stand"
- Spawned Northgate Rebel in Gilneas City
- Removed benchs that weren't supposed to be there in the same area.
- Made Brown Stag in Ruins of Gilneas Skinnable
- Added the quest - Bounty on Murlocs to the Bounty Board as it was not offering the quest.
- Added the quest - Rest and Relaxation to the quest giver Falkhaan Isenstrider.
- Added the quest - Tears of the Moon to the quest giver Priestess A' moora.
- Added the quest - Teldrassil: The Burden of the Kaldorei to the quest giver Corithras Moonrage.
- Added the quest - Oakenscowl to the quest giver Denalan
- Added the creature - Drusilla La Salle as it was missing the spawn for the quest: "Tainted Letter"
- Creature (Dan Winslow) Spawned in Northshire Valley, was missing.
- Ranger Glynda Nal'Shea, Dentaria Silverglade and Serendia Oakwhisper in Darkshore was only visible to the GMS (bug) - which is now fixed in V4.
- Added Hammon the jaded in Darnassus as the npc trainer was missing. -
- Added Tharnariun Treetender in Darkshore at Cliffspring Falls for the quest: "The Corruption's Source" & added emote.
- Keynira Owlwing had duplicate spawns that is fixed now.
- Teegan Holloway <Lightslayer> was also duplicate spawned, which is also fixed now.
- Same with Priestess Alinya.
- Some of the Frenzied Cyclones have a display id of 11686 and are therefore invisible except the aura effect that swirls arround them. Also there are lots of duplicate spawns of these. (Fixed)
- Whitetail Stag couldn't be skinned which is now fixed.
- Consumed Thistle Bear couldn't be skinned which is now fixed.
- Fleetfoot should be neutral is friendly instead. Also should be skinnable and drop the item Fleetfoot's Tailfeathers for the quest - The Bear's Blessing which is imcompletable without it. (Fixed)
- Mathas Wildwood was missing, breaking The Looting of Althalaxx quest. (Fixed)
- Dentaria Silverglade and Serendia Oakwhisper are invisible to non gm's. (Fixed)
- Ranger Glynda Nal'shea is invisible too. (Fixed)
- Hammon the Jaded is missing from Darnassus. (Fixed)
- Tharnariun Treetender should be spawned near the cave of the above quest. (Fixed)
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Wildkin Spirit
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Enraged Earth Elemental
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Frenzied Cyclone
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Blackwood Furbolg
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Unbound Fire Elemental
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Encrusted Tide Crawler
- Fixed a duplication spawn in Darkshore with creature - Moonstalker Sire
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Grizzled Thistle Bear
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Young Grizzled Thistle Bear
- Fixed a duplication spawn in Darkshore with creature - Twilight Rider
- Fixed a duplication spawn in Darkshore with creature - Twilight Fanatic
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Enraged Tidal Spirit
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Encrusted Tide Crawler
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Writhing Highborne
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Cursed Highborne
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Darkscale Scout
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Lady Vespira
- Yalda was duplicate spawned - fixed.
- Priestess Allinya was duplicate spawned - fixed.
- Auberdine Refugee was duplicate spawned - fixed.
- Fixed a duplication spawn with Moonglade Warden
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Frostsaber Huntress
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Frostsaber
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Shy Rotam
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Chilwind Chimaera
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Shardtooth Bear
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Winterspring Owl
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Winterfall Ursa
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Ice Thistle Yeti
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Ice Thistle Matriarch
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Ice Thistle Patriarch
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Darkshore with creature - Icewhomp
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Berserk Owlbeast
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Crazed Owlbeast
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Moontouched Owlbeast
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Wretched Spectre
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Suffering Highborne
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Winterfall Den Watcher
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Winterspring with creature - Winterfall Totemic
- Fixed some duplication Spawns in Azshara with creature - Enslaved Son of Arkkoroc
- Myria Stoneround was spawned twice in Stormwind City
[B]Time to clean up Westfall:
- Farmer Saldeath was spawned twice in Westfall
- Salma Saldean was spawned twice in Westfall
- Harvest Watcher had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Young Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Hulking Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Coyote had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Sand Crawler had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Sea Crawler had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Shore Crawler had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Raider had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Minor Oracle had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Coastrunner had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Netter had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Warrior had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Hunter had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Tidehunter had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Murloc Oracle had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Greater Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Hulking Goretusk had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Chasm Slime had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Herbalist had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Brute had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Mongrel had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Bandit had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Mystic had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Taskmaster had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Scout had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Riverpaw Gnoll had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Energized Harvest Reaper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Harvest Reaper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Greater Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Fleshripper had a lot of duplication spawns and most of them are fixed now.
- Fixed ghoul spell in autoattack (pet must have min 40 energy)
- Fixed Water Elemental upon Invisibllity
- FIXED the Pet attack function. (Warlock, mage - water elemental) etc.
- Disabled slow on elites
[FONT=arial black][B]-- Dungeon & Raid Fixes --[/B][/FONT]
- Mutant War Hound in Black Temple was untargetable while attacked and buggy in general, which is now fixed in V4.
- Same with Bonechewer Blood Prophet & Bonechewer Shield Disciple in the Black Temple.
- Halls of Origination; Earthrager Ptah - Fix auto attack issue. #Anton
- A lot of Firelands spawns & basic scripting in Firelands.
- Reworked Lord Rhyolith, it needed a lot of recoding and was very buggy in general. Should work a lot better now, and be much more blizzlike-ish.
- Fixed Firelands doors despawn after boss is dead
Fixed Ragnaros Loot Chest
- Fixed Ragnaros First gate that didn't get removed at all and was therefor unable to continue with rest of Firelands without a gm to remove the gameobject.
- Fixed some small issues with Bethtilac in Firelands, regarding aggro and starting time.
- Some fixes to Baleroc in Firelands regarding his spells.
- And a lot of other database fixes that aren't listed here though.
- Added play movie for Deathwing's Fall.
- Fixed some issues with Atramedes in Blackwing Descent (regarding a sound bug)
- Fixed a wrong spell cast error in console and fixed it with the correct spell of the boss in Lost City of the TolVir.
- Fixed some instance abuses with limitting of players.
- Fixed StoneCore Teleporter.
- Fixed more on the StoneCore dungeon, sniffing from retail, corrected loots, emotes, auras, waypoints, spawns etc.
- Murozond (End Time) has been improved slightly, including spells that has been scripted, rewind time not removing player cooldowns and other things.
- Improved the StoneCore,
(Improved the Millhouse Event)
- Lockmaw in the Lost City Of The Tol'Vir has been improved in order to make it more blizzlike.
- Barim in the Lost City Of The Tol'Vir has been reworked to prevent some exploits.
- Fixed some issues in Shadowfang Keep regarding calling the bosses through their pets.
- Fixed some issues with LFG, -- some crash fixes regarding it.
- Fixed and corrected loot for Halls of Origination.
- BaradinHold -> fixes to Alizabal.
- Some Dragonsoul rework.
[/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=#008000]- Fixed a lot of the Dragonsoul teleporters (still a bit work left)
- Firelands instance / portal can now get entered with .gm on and also as dead.[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
- Fixed Kil'Jaeden
-- You can now fight against it.
- Fixed Kael'Thas in Tempest Keep
- Fixed some memory leak in Zul Gurub at Zanzil due to overload in creature spawns.
- Improved Venoxis in Zul Gurub and works better in the phase.
[B][FONT=arial black]Battlegrounds:
- A lot of rework in Battle For Gilneas to make it playable!
- Fixed the scoreboard for Twin Peaks
- Fixed a fly hacking hack exploit regarding druid forms when entering battleground(s)
- Corrected and fixed graveyard of Battle For Gilneas.
[B][FONT=arial black]-- General Fixes --
- Some additions to the LFG system
- Fixed a core warning.
- Fixed a duplication of an opcode.
- Some general changes in the core to improve it.
- Implemented CCDelay, which will increase/improve the PvP experience.
- Applied an unique (custom) spellsystem easier to manage spells. (Thanks to Phillippe)
- Disabled slow on elites
- Some work on the Guild Challenger
- Guild Tab Rework & Fix
- Fixed Guild Bank Tab #2 - Working correctly now.
- Fixed an annoying guild error message when inviting somebody to a guild.
- Fixed a stat stacking issue. (Thanks to Phil)
[/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=#008000]- Corrected online flag set in database when logging out, spotted by e000[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
- Fixed some profession issues.
- Fixed an issue when trying to log out if you have just been in combat where you were unable to logout (if instant logout was enabled)
[/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=#008000]- Fix an issue with attacking the same faction in gurubashi arena (FFA zones)[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]
- Fixed body in the air bug.
[/B][/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]-[B] Fixed Critical chance scaling for all pets
- Rework pet functions -> scale owner's hit rating with the pet. Same for haste.
Fixed Pet (MoveTo)
- Fixed an issue where pets could see you while being invinsible
- Don't allow to join bg when frozen by a GM (May become useful - TC)[B][B][B][B][B]
- Fixed a frustrating Auto Attack bug that caused your auto attack to stop.
- Reworked the spell function with - haste, like shocks that caused -0.25 haste rating, which would bug your attacks and damage from tooltip(s)
- Reworked some movement parts & transport
- Correction of Duel Distance, for cataclysm.
- Dueling players in your party / raid should not make them always detectable. (Fixed)
-- Fixes seeing stealthed rogues & druids, as well as invisible mages in duels.
- Implemented rune regeneration based on haste (Death Knight)
- FIXED the Pet attack function. (Warlock, mage - water elemental) etc.
- Fixed some database errors
-- Fixed a lot of Database Errors, from 553 KB till 53,5 KB.
Currency rework;
- Removed Honor & Justice Weekly Cap.
- Fixed Season Count
- Fix Conquest Weekly Cap & Remove Total Cap.
- Handled Weekly Reset Currency better.
- Fixed some issues with currency saving
- A small anticheat system has been implemented, it won't be 100% done for the next release.
-- Currently it will automatically Disconnect any player that has a high speed (and is not a gm) - not ban, but disconnect which will obviously help a little.
- Possible crash fix regarding an issue in Deadmines.
- Possible crash fix regarding a "GetCollision Crash"
- Possible crash fix in BoT regarding a boss/spell.
- Possible crash fix regarding an Aura Crash.
- Fixed a Vechicle Seat fix
- Fixed a crash in "Group::GetMembersCount"
- Fixed a spell crash regarding slam. (Thanks Phil)
- Fixed a spell crash regarding Sweeping Strikes (Thanks Phil)
- Fixed a crash -- add a missing check regarding a warlock spell
- Fixed a crash regarding Soulbound Trading.
- Fixed a crash when closing up to the edge of a map.
- Fixed a crash fix regarding some npcs (also included on v3)
[/B][/B][/B][/B][/B]Fixed a crash
- Attempt fixing a big LFG crash, which was the main crash on servers. (Should not occur anymore)
Fixed a huge crash in Mistmantle Manor Area.
Fixed an issue with withdrawing money from guild bank as guild master if the guild was created using a gm command
IMPLEMENTED CROSSFACTION BG (Enable/Disable config in the worldserver.conf)
[/COLOR][CENTER][B][COLOR=#008000]- Movement, Line of Sight System (etc);[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#008000]- Fix evade issue happening when an evading creature assists another one, causing it to stay in evading state forever.[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#008000]- Fix LoS issue of NPCs chasing targets[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#008000]- Add Line of Sight checks to WorldObject::GetNearPoint(), fixing to TargetedMovementGenerator not reaching a point with valid LoS to the target and MotionMaster::MoveKnockbackFrom() knocking creatures inside walls.[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#008000]- Remove unused movement code.[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#008000]- Add LOS check for fleeingmovement target point.[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#008000]Prevents fleeing or feared units from going to upper floor ignoring walls/ceilings with mmaps on(and usually get stucked).[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#008000]Current implementation just randomly selects a distance and angle against the frighting unit, when in narrow circumstance such as underground caves, such targeting point would be at another floor.[/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]