Version 3
I am VERY much looking forward to downloading this. But i have some questions that i could not quite find answers for.
I am wondering about the over all questing experience. Like what % of quests are working?
Do some form of AI-PlayerBots come with this and if not would we be able to get that in the near future? As this helps flesh the world and makes it a FEEL like others are running around and questing/gathering.
And lastly what % of mobs actually move (i know this is more of a guess) after MMAPS have been installed/activated?
This one i am wondering about because at one point i tried a 4.3.4 repack and it was the best working one i had seen (to that point) but the MMaps only made about 1/4th of the mobs and npcs move around...and that completely broke it for me and made it 100% unplayable.
Thanks in advance for reply and any info you can give. And sorry if any of this is considered as a general question about trinity and not specific to this repack.
Edits 1-2 have been removed. As they are not relevant or just a simple user error on my part.
EDIT 3: just my luck, i blow up a thread with a wall of text and THEN i finally figure it out....idk what i did...but whatever it was it seems to have worked. Testing now.
And im having trouble getting the AH to populate....
Got the AH to working, created an AHBOT account and created an AHBOT character, then i changed the account number and character GUID that it looked for in the worldserver config to the new stuff i made, now the AH is populated
I hope how im doing this post is alright...i just like to actually give answers when i find a work around/fix rather than "nvm i fixed it" and leave others with the same problem hanging.
And i don't like to make multiple posts when mine is almost the last one. So i make "EDITs" instead.