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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Everything is working well untill i try to login. i have created a account but keep getting "unable to connect, please try again." and was wondering if anyone can help me?

Have you followed this guide?

Make sure authserver(.exe) is also up.

How to use the HeidiSQL Admin ?

Depends what you mean by using.
If you need to know how to execute a query/queries, check this out:


Trial Member
The video quality is low so it was hard to follow what you executed but it looked like emucoachw, so I tried executing it and I got the error "SQL Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'emucoachw' at line 1" Also the play button is grayed out when i open it, it just randomly was availible after a little bit of random clicking, but when i log in its gray.

EDIT: the problem appeared to be because of the IceCold wow launcher, I unpacked a new version of WoW into a different folder and it worked, sorry about that. Server works great thank you!
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Verified Member
Is it possible to upload the V3_Server_1.0 - Deathwings Madness.rar to another server? It's extremely slow..


Is it possible to upload the V3_Server_1.0 - Deathwings Madness.rar to another server? It's extremely slow..

Well currently it's the only place it's uploaded, but it downloads fast for me and many others, maybe it was just slow for a moment on their server?


Verified Member
Well currently it's the only place it's uploaded, but it downloads fast for me and many others, maybe it was just slow for a moment on their server?

Yepp, must have been something temporary. Took me 1 hour to download that small file :D


Trial Member
Version 3

I am VERY much looking forward to downloading this. But i have some questions that i could not quite find answers for.
I am wondering about the over all questing experience. Like what % of quests are working?
Do some form of AI-PlayerBots come with this and if not would we be able to get that in the near future? As this helps flesh the world and makes it a FEEL like others are running around and questing/gathering.

And lastly what % of mobs actually move (i know this is more of a guess) after MMAPS have been installed/activated?
This one i am wondering about because at one point i tried a 4.3.4 repack and it was the best working one i had seen (to that point) but the MMaps only made about 1/4th of the mobs and npcs move around...and that completely broke it for me and made it 100% unplayable.

Thanks in advance for reply and any info you can give. And sorry if any of this is considered as a general question about trinity and not specific to this repack.

Edits 1-2 have been removed. As they are not relevant or just a simple user error on my part.
EDIT 3: just my luck, i blow up a thread with a wall of text and THEN i finally figure it out....idk what i did...but whatever it was it seems to have worked. Testing now.

And im having trouble getting the AH to populate....
Got the AH to working, created an AHBOT account and created an AHBOT character, then i changed the account number and character GUID that it looked for in the worldserver config to the new stuff i made, now the AH is populated :D

I hope how im doing this post is alright...i just like to actually give answers when i find a work around/fix rather than "nvm i fixed it" and leave others with the same problem hanging.
And i don't like to make multiple posts when mine is almost the last one. So i make "EDITs" instead.
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Where do i report bugs? Vanish is bugged. Does not go in to stealth after vanish is used.

In this section;

Version 3

I am VERY much looking forward to downloading this. But i have some questions that i could not quite find answers for.
I am wondering about the over all questing experience. Like what % of quests are working?
Do some form of AI-PlayerBots come with this and if not would we be able to get that in the near future? As this helps flesh the world and makes it a FEEL like others are running around and questing/gathering.

And lastly what % of mobs actually move (i know this is more of a guess) after MMAPS have been installed/activated?
This one i am wondering about because at one point i tried a 4.3.4 repack and it was the best working one i had seen (to that point) but the MMaps only made about 1/4th of the mobs and npcs move around...and that completely broke it for me and made it 100% unplayable.

Thanks in advance for reply and any info you can give. And sorry if any of this is considered as a general question about trinity and not specific to this repack.

Edits 1-2 have been removed. As they are not relevant or just a simple user error on my part.
EDIT 3: just my luck, i blow up a thread with a wall of text and THEN i finally figure it out....idk what i did...but whatever it was it seems to have worked. Testing now.

And im having trouble getting the AH to populate....
Got the AH to working, created an AHBOT account and created an AHBOT character, then i changed the account number and character GUID that it looked for in the worldserver config to the new stuff i made, now the AH is populated :D

I hope how im doing this post is alright...i just like to actually give answers when i find a work around/fix rather than "nvm i fixed it" and leave others with the same problem hanging.
And i don't like to make multiple posts when mine is almost the last one. So i make "EDITs" instead.

Hello there.
Sorry for my sloopy response.
Well, I do not have any numbers (that would be realistic) regarding amount of quests working, because I won't be able to test each single and compare.. ;p
Yes it has AHBot implemented as you mentioned yourself, however it does not have PlayerBOT implemented due to the reason it's thousands of codes that would have to get rewritted and may be very buggy.

Most of the bugs should move, I haven't occured an issue where the mob is stuck at it's current position.

If you have any more questions, or I didn't answer detailed enough, feel free to re-post in a new post, asking more about it! :)


Trial Member
So I just downloaded V3 of this repack to see how far development on Cata servers has come. I made a Worgen Warlock and got stuck behind the barricade on the quest Sacrifices (id 14212), making it impossible to progress as a Worgen. If you try to teleport to the Light's Dawn Chapel to move forward, you are in the wrong phase and cannot see any NPCs. Next I created a Night Elf Hunter and had to .quest complete the quest A Woodsman's Training (id 26947) because no matter what I shot using Steady Shot, it would not register the usage of the skill. In addition, Night Elf Hunters are supposed to start with a white Nightsaber, but instead I'm starting with a Dog. I just completed the quest Nature's Reprisal (id 13946) and found that the Shadow Sprites required for this quest hit you with Shadowbolts that do over 100 damage (meaning they will 2-shot you if they hit). The quest To Darnassus (id 6341) cannot be completed as intended because the player does not know the flight path to Darnassus without running there first. Also, upon hitting level 10 and gaining the ability to Tame Creature, I have been unable to tame anything that is naturally aggressive (red) such as Nightsabers and Spiders. I was able to tame a bird because it was yellow. I appreciate the hard work that is going into this project and have a mind to donate to it, but with this being V3 and basic beginning quests and class quests working this poorly has me wary to do so. I realize that focus has gone more into end-game content and getting spells and skills to work, but these things are just as important unless it is expected that these servers are just going to be instant-85 servers.
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So I just downloaded V3 of this repack to see how far development on Cata servers has come. I made a Worgen Warlock and got stuck behind the barricade on the quest Sacrifices (id 14212), making it impossible to progress as a Worgen. If you try to teleport to the Light's Dawn Chapel to move forward, you are in the wrong phase and cannot see any NPCs. Next I created a Night Elf Hunter and had to .quest complete the quest A Woodsman's Training (id 26947) because no matter what I shot using Steady Shot, it would not register the usage of the skill. In addition, Night Elf Hunters are supposed to start with a white Nightsaber, but instead I'm starting with a Dog. I just completed the quest Nature's Reprisal (id 13946) and found that the Shadow Sprites required for this quest hit you with Shadowbolts that do over 100 damage (meaning they will 2-shot you if they hit). The quest To Darnassus (id 6341) cannot be completed as intended because the player does not know the flight path to Darnassus without running there first. Also, upon hitting level 10 and gaining the ability to Tame Creature, I have been unable to tame anything that is naturally aggressive (red) such as Nightsabers and Spiders. I was able to tame a bird because it was yellow. I appreciate the hard work that is going into this project and have a mind to donate to it, but with this being V3 and basic beginning quests and class quests working this poorly has me wary to do so. I realize that focus has gone more into end-game content and getting spells and skills to work, but these things are just as important unless it is expected that these servers are just going to be instant-85 servers.

Hello there,

Thank you for your feedback, it is appreciated and will be taken into consideration.
It is correct that lately, there has been more focus on the end-game content, the raids there, spells etc, but mainly because we're not really a big team, but myself and sometimes Ayiko as well (he's mainly working on the 5.4.8 repack though) so it's hard for me to get all the way around if you get what i mean :)


Trial Member
Hello there,

Thank you for your feedback, it is appreciated and will be taken into consideration.
It is correct that lately, there has been more focus on the end-game content, the raids there, spells etc, but mainly because we're not really a big team, but myself and sometimes Ayiko as well (he's mainly working on the 5.4.8 repack though) so it's hard for me to get all the way around if you get what i mean :)

It has been a very long time since I have done any coding, but I do recall the challenges of doing everything on your own. My angle is only to inform of bugs that I have come across because I know that it is hard to cover all the bases without that kind of feedback. One other thing I noticed when playing as a DK was that once you complete a quest, the window will not close on its own for any quest. Additionally, at the end of Massacre at Light's Point (id 12701) when you escape on the Skeletal Gryphon, the player gets left behind and cannot move until the gryphon reaches Death's Breach. At this point the player is magically dropped in front of the proper spot but the delay where it seems the player is stuck is cause for concern for players who lack patience (which is most of them lol). I'm probably one of the few people that actually enjoys leveling up so I understand if fixing these things is not a priority due to popular opinion. If I felt I could be of any help to you in coding, I would offer those services to you but it has been far too long and I'm afraid my available time to dedicate to such an undertaking does not exist at this time. If there is anything else I can do to be of help though, please let me know.
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Trial Member
connection help

First of all, i'm new here so my apologies if this post is in the wrong section..

I have done everything but I am stuck at log in it goes to battlenet instead of going to the sign in screen... any help would be appreciated.. my SCL and AUTH and world server all load fine, but im missing somthing


Trial Member
First of all, i'm new here so my apologies if this post is in the wrong section..

I have done everything but I am stuck at log in it goes to battlenet instead of going to the sign in screen... any help would be appreciated.. my SCL and AUTH and world server all load fine, but im missing somthing

I could be wrong but in all honesty it just sounds like you have not changed the realmlist file. I currently do not have 4.3.4 client (its on my external and my GF has it :p ), but it should be VERY close to the 3.3.5a client. (or just do Ctrl+F). WoW > Data > enUS and open realmlist.WTF. notepad works fine for opening and editing. either put # in front of the original lines and move them down...back them u...or just delete them. and at the top put in

set realmlist

and save the file. it sounds like this should fix your problem. and NEVER use the WoW Launcher.exe, as this can cause your client to start to update past 3.3.5a/4.3.4 etc and break it for the repack, always just use the normal WoW.exe or a fixed one. (i actually put my launchers in a folder labeled DO NOT USE lol) I hope this was your problem as it is the simplest to fix.


Trial Member
What are the ports I need to forward?
3306, 80, 8085, ect.???

i opened the Authserver.CONF and looking in that, here are the ports im finding.
RealmServerPort = 3724

and in worldserver.CONF
WorldServerPort = 8085
Ra.Port = 3443
SOAP.Port = 7878

and then there is the 3306 for the DB/MySQL port or whatever.

Im not sure what ones need to be opened, but these are all of the default ones that come with this repack.