You can change their gear, what do you mean with custom ?
Tho playerbots are only for V8 +
The Version8 repack is available to VIPs I guess.
Is the VIP Regular for 25$ recurring annually or one time?
I'd like to create a Twink pvp private server with bots for friends; if not enough players than the bg will start with bots
-set lvl cap 80 so players can farm ICC
-bring down/up legendaries to be usable from lvl 80 (~syndragosa staff; Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury..., buffed stat Shadowmourne) to drop from ICC-LK
-NPCs to teach all profs # (I remember Feathermoon WotlK used to have this feature fully developped; no GM needed)
-Enchantment/Mats/Base gear/Glyph vendors at mall
-buffer npc
-extra talents point for gold -- cost increase exponentially
-20% hp left huge healthpool training dummy in mall
-unique(4) equip bags with +500 armor and resilience to make pvp last a bit longer than two seconds
-Hunters can taming beast bosses (as in vanilla cataclysm)
--minor requests: An Unusual Tome - Quest - World of Warcraft "Warlock green fire questchain & effect"
--legion version of Bear Tartare - Item - World of Warcraft or similar
Frontend template for registration new accounts? - the style doesn't matter; just the functionality.
How well developed the bots are for pvp?
From the request above what is done and what needs doing? -How much effort/time would it take to implement them (prob loot table/item changes & extra talent-spell vendor could take a bit longer I guess)
Does VIP REGULAR Lifetime Donation cover the requests?