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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Verified Member
Sorry for my ignorance, I'm noob in all this. Can you explain to me how do I solo raids an dungeons?
Thanks to you all and great project!


Trial Member
Whenever I try to log in to my account it says "Connected" and it goes for about 10 seconds and than it says "You have been disconnected from the server." I logged in with username admin and password admin. I tried to make another account and it did the same thing. They are both gm accounts. I don't know what else to do or if anyone else is having the same problems. Please help!


Whenever I try to log in to my account it says "Connected" and it goes for about 10 seconds and than it says "You have been disconnected from the server." I logged in with username admin and password admin. I tried to make another account and it did the same thing. They are both gm accounts. I don't know what else to do or if anyone else is having the same problems. Please help!

i logged on with the account admin pw admin, but i've got this and can't connect to the server

I'll make a video that shows how to fix this, probably at Friday!

Do you have an ETA when the next free version will be released?

I'll try to come up with some announcement about it at friday as a december gift :)

Sorry for my ignorance, I'm noob in all this. Can you explain to me how do I solo raids an dungeons?
Thanks to you all and great project!

Solo raids in a dungeon? You mean how to enter or? - if not please elaborate


Trial Member

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Tutorial on how to make this repack public:

Tutorial on how to set this repack up with Hamachi:

You can now contribute to the project with database fixes, and you may even be rewarded for your work! It can be anything from quality ranks to real money!:

Project Blizzlike has started.

Lets face it. We all want the repack and the emulator (434), to be as blizzlike as possible. We currently make good progress, but it's not as fast as we would like. So, why don't we help each other reaching the goal?

The answer is.. Freelance developers.
Recently we've had a lot of very fast improvements because of freelance developers that have helped us speed up the process.
Lots of zones were fixed within a short amount of time.

However, this is not free. Without giving a detailed amount, this is rather costy for us, and not something we can continue doing without your help!

Imagine, several very active developers working at once. I think nearly all zones could be somewhat complete within a rather short time.
This also means LKArthas can focus on his fixing (He's currently working on Vashj'ir, yep - you heard right), and I can focus on mine + core (dungeons, raids, spells etc)

So why don't we help each other reaching our goal, a full blizzlike experience?

ANYTHING HELPS! Whether it's 5$, 30$, ANYTHING HELPS! It will all be used on developers and improvements.

You can donate here:

Or your own amount:

Lets reach Project Blizzlike, together!​

nice repack