Hello! i love the repack and cant wait for the repack to be released. im playing on the free version tho, but i hope a few issues have been fixed in v7. some transmogs wont work, like the BOA armor pants. and whenever i dismount my flying or riding mount my camra focuses weird on my character,
it only solves itself when i relog. and another thing that might not be a priority at this point but il ask anyway, have you or can you guys make world events work? like hallow's end and brewfest etc? aswell as darkmoon faire? ive also been playing on an czech cata server that is very stable a few bugs here and there but its very blizzlike, its not 4.3.4 but it does have the 4.3.4 armour and items it seems. the server is owned by team twinstar over at twinstar.cz they are also launching a 4.3.4 blizzlike server this month called project hades. twinstar are the same team that owns the kronos vanilla server. im telling you this in cause if you need help getting your repack to blizzlike stage quicker they might help you out if you contact them, they seem to have a team of dedicated developers that fix bugs and such.
anyway thanks again for the work you do with these repacks
it only solves itself when i relog. and another thing that might not be a priority at this point but il ask anyway, have you or can you guys make world events work? like hallow's end and brewfest etc? aswell as darkmoon faire? ive also been playing on an czech cata server that is very stable a few bugs here and there but its very blizzlike, its not 4.3.4 but it does have the 4.3.4 armour and items it seems. the server is owned by team twinstar over at twinstar.cz they are also launching a 4.3.4 blizzlike server this month called project hades. twinstar are the same team that owns the kronos vanilla server. im telling you this in cause if you need help getting your repack to blizzlike stage quicker they might help you out if you contact them, they seem to have a team of dedicated developers that fix bugs and such.
anyway thanks again for the work you do with these repacks