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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
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where can I get version 6.3?

I believe 6.3 was a VIP only version release. I can't remember the previous versions anymore.
This is the most up-to-date version available for public download.
ExO and the team are still working on the newest version along with another project, keeping them very busy, which is why it's been a while for the next VIP/public release.

yeah the way to download this is honestly cancer, hopefully replying to forum will unlock something, this is toxic af.

That method is to prevent leeching and something else (can't remember :confused:)
It is also to help give content authors a little bit of thanks, so instead of someone grabbing their stuff and leaving, they can get a "thanks for the work" post, which helps them continue posting, and helps the community be a little bit better/nicer.
In no way is it "toxic", at least not in the ways I've heard it used.
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Verified Member
I believe 6.3 was a VIP only version release. I can't remember the previous versions anymore.
This is the most up-to-date version available for public download.
ExO and the team are still working on the newest version along with another project, keeping them very busy, which is why it's been a while for the next VIP/public release.

That method is to prevent leeching and something else (can't remember :confused:)
It is also to help give content authors a little bit of thanks, so instead of someone grabbing their stuff and leaving, they can get a "thanks for the work" post, which helps them continue posting, and helps the community be a little bit better/nicer.
In no way is it "toxic", at least not in the ways I've heard it used.

when will it be in public?


Verified Member
Everytime world server loads it crashes at "Creature 416 does not have stats data for level 1 or 99! Must be exists!"

Any ideas? Thanks.

NVM, Got it fixed thanks! :D

Now I just have to find a working copy of the client... :(


Got to the character creation screen and it was still saying connecting and then client got disconnected. Server had this error:

TC> WorldSocket::handle_input_header(): client (account: 2, char [GUID: 0, name:
<none>]) sent malformed packet (size: 23734, cmd: -450787470)
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Verified Member
I wish to become a supporter though while it says there's an anti-cheat system, is it possible to enable some form of cheating within the latest repack to make up for any deficit in player numbers? I want to play with a few of my family, but there would never be enough of us for even a 5-man dungeon.


Verified Member
I wish to become a supporter though while it says there's an anti-cheat system, is it possible to enable some form of cheating within the latest repack to make up for any deficit in player numbers? I want to play with a few of my family, but there would never be enough of us for even a 5-man dungeon.

You can disable the anticheat system. :cool: It appears to mostly be for stopping characters from running bots.


Verified Member
Thanks a ton!

All my issues are fixed, thanks again for the repack, forums and all the help given here! :cool: If anyone is having problems with the "Malformed packet" error installing this version of OpenSSL: Win32 OpenSSL v1.0.2L from this site http://slproweb.com/products/Win32OpenSSL.html fixed my problems. The last install option will ask to "install to windows system folder" or "install to BIN" or something like that. Select the "install to bin" or whatever option. Then go to the bin folder in C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin or where ever you installed it, copy both the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll to your /_server folder. Backup the old ones just in case. For good measure I went ahead and copied them to the windows/system32 folder as well. Good luck!
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Trial Member
I cannot get the worldserver to work. i downloaded everything, put all the files like the video stated.
Release Folder, dbc, maps, vmaps, and other files for server.

i loaded the _Server MySQL.bat, then Release, authserver.exe, then worldserver.exe crashes.
Incorrect DataDir value in worldserver.conf or ALL required *.db2 files (5) not found by path: ./db2

Never mind... WinDouch 10... I mean Windows 10 was deleting them with that damn built in Defender" bullshit.
I disabled it, and re-copied the dbc folder and now it work with no errors.

Is it just me, or is win10 trying to fucking take over? last week it was blocking programs "incompatible" now this.
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Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
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World Martial Arts Championships
when will it be in public?

I'm not entirely sure. Whenever the next VIP version comes out, the next public release will shortly follow.
I'm not a server developer, and I've been beyond busy lately, so I'm not really up-to-date on the repack information.

It shouldn't be too much longer, ExO and the team has just been really busy working on a pretty big project, so it's delaying the repack updates.

I wish to become a supporter though while it says there's an anti-cheat system, is it possible to enable some form of cheating within the latest repack to make up for any deficit in player numbers? I want to play with a few of my family, but there would never be enough of us for even a 5-man dungeon.

If I recall correctly, you should just be able to enter any regular dungeon as a party and play through it.
Anything else will probably require more people. I have no idea how to allow less people into those (Doesn't mean there isn't a way)

As for the anti-cheat system, that's going to be in the worldserver config file. You'll see somewhere in there a setting for the anti-cheat system. To disable it, just change the value to 'disabled' or 'false' or whatever the opposite of what it's currently set to (unless it's already disabled by default).
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