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[NEW VERSION] 4.3.4 Blizzlike Cataclysm - v.7 - [EmuCoach Official Cataclysm Repack]


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
What luck that I found this on a different site this morning. I've been aching to play 4.3.4 but gave up on finding a good repack with fixes. This looks great and looks like it has the potential to be "Jeuties repack" for 4.3.4. I really hope you keep working on it and wish you the best of luck! :D
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Verified Member
Hello I have well download him(it) complete repack by means of a friend I am at the moment on the test of the waiter(server) it is the most complete repack which I saw bravo, very beautiful repack it is enormous thank you very much I continue to test him(it) and I i takes pleasure thank you for the division(sharing) and for you we help.


Gold Supporter
Silver Supporter
Booted it up after a bit of fiddling and been testing for a few hours, so far it's much more feature rich and stable than any other repack I've tried. I really appreciate what you've done here. Just having gossip menu fix's is exciting. If I may suggest a few things, throwing the two dll files from the known issues section into the release folder will cause a lot less issues for less experienced users, baring that posting a note about where to put the dll's would help as well.

I really like that you've gone the extra mile to make your repack stand out and look professional with the snazzy first post graphics. That's what caught my eye and sets you apart from the sea of half-assed repacks with barely any info and broken English. To that end I really want to encourage you to go farther with it. Give us lists and as much detail as possible into what works and what doesn't. Tell us what fixes you've made and what you've added personally. It took a lot of time and effort, go ahead and let the world know what you've contributed to the base Trinitycore/WoWsoruce build. A link to a setup guide for new users wouldn't hurt either (a link to Jeuties great PDF's could save you from making your own). Again than you for this repack here's hoping it goes on to big things. :)

Oh! One other thing, the newest revision of trinitycore finally fixed the gunship battle, can we expect that in a future release?
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What luck that I found this on a different site this morning. I've been aching to play 4.3.4 but gave up on finding a good repack with fixes. This looks great and looks like it has the potential to be "Jeuties repack" for 4.3.4. I really hope you keep working on it and wish you the best of luck! :D

Haha, thanks for the positive words, I'm glad you like this site so far, glad to see new members joining in from google etc! I'm sure I will keep work on it with the proper support from the community & attention. :)

Hello I have well download him(it) complete repack by means of a friend I am at the moment on the test of the waiter(server) it is the most complete repack which I saw bravo, very beautiful repack it is enormous thank you very much I continue to test him(it) and I i takes pleasure thank you for the division(sharing) and for you we help.

Hi again. I'm very glad that you like this repack, the fixes etc. Please keep in mind, bugs you find can get reported in this thread and will be looked into asap.
Thanks for the positive words, once again. :)


Booted it up after a bit of fiddling and been testing for a few hours, so far it's much more feature rich and stable than any other repack I've tried. I really appreciate what you've done here. Just having gossip menu fix's is exciting. If I may suggest a few things, throwing the two dll files from the known issues section into the release folder will cause a lot less issues for less experienced users, baring that posting a note about where to put the dll's would help as well.

I really like that you've gone the extra mile to make your repack stand out and look professional with the snazzy first post graphics. That's what caught my eye and sets you apart from the sea of half-assed repacks with barely any info and broken English. To that end I really want to encourage you to go farther with it. Give us lists and as much detail as possible into what works and what doesn't. Tell us what fixes you've made and what you've added personally. It took a lot of time and effort, go ahead and let the world know what you've contributed to the base Trinitycore/WoWsoruce build. A link to a setup guide for new users wouldn't hurt either (a link to Jeuties great PDF's could save you from making your own). Again than you for this repack here's hoping it goes on to big things. :)

Oh! One other thing, the newest revision of trinitycore finally fixed the gunship battle, can we expect that in a future release?

Thanks for your long detailed post, I'm happy you that you enjoy the repack
And yeah in the next version the two dll files will be added in same folder to decrease the amount of issues, quite good suggestion.

I think as you said, it would be a good idea with making a list with new updates, everyone that has been worked on, fixed so people can see the activity, know that the repack is being worked on.

I also think a guide with how to set it up would be a good option for new users, and also a good option because it might make a few see the repack, if I for example also post a video on youtube on how to set it up, would be my own guide then.
(Thanks for the suggestion)

And yeah, about the TC gunship battle, now I'll not promise anything but I'll work on it and see if I can get it done for next version.

Best Regards,


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Although I usually just lurk arround and don't like repacks that much, this one is really awsome.
I had almost given up on playing Cataclysm since almost all repacks aren't working even to 50%, but thanks to your repack I have faith in it again.
The Worgens are always a good test to see if any work as been done or not and your repack is the first i've tried were I was able to play trough the starting quests without much trouble. Most quests were working without problems.
What I guess I am trying to say is great job and Thank You Very Much.
Please keep the great work up.


Although I usually just lurk arround and don't like repacks that much, this one is really awsome.
I had almost given up on playing Cataclysm since almost all repacks aren't working even to 50%, but thanks to your repack I have faith in it again.
The Worgens are always a good test to see if any work as been done or not and your repack is the first i've tried were I was able to play trough the starting quests without much trouble. Most quests were working without problems.
What I guess I am trying to say is great job and Thank You Very Much.
Please keep the great work up.

Hey there, kamui2040.

Thanks for the feedback, also nice to get feedback on releases as these, also gives good motivation to continue :)
I will for sure continue work on it, of course there will be times I work more on it than others :)

I'll soon make a list of upcoming fixes, I'll work on :)

Nice i try right now !!

Sounds great! Looking forward to see feedback :)


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Bug report: While playing a Worgen/Mage I notice, I can't use disenchant.
Other race/class combinations, still have to be tested.
When trying to use it I always get the error: "This item can't be disenchanted."
Edit: Also the quest for the Human/mage: mastering the arcane is not working correctly. You should have to learn Arcane Missiles and practice, instead you are supposed to learn Fireblast and practice that.
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#Small download updates:
I've changed the download links, you now download the "Release Folder" And afterwards you should download the vmaps, maps and dbc. (They're seperated now)

Also added the missing dll errors that some got to the release folder.

A youtube guide how to set it up (fast one) will get added shortly.


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
Another bug is that when trying to gather bruiseweed in westfall I always get the message: That is already being used.


Verified Member

Horde undead starting area (rogue): every quest that is completed you have to click the questlog window away with the X.
Instead that it normally closes if you press in the "complete" button" in the bottom of the window.
Even if it's a chain quest it wil not pick up automaticly the next q.

mobs: dune smashers (elites) in south tanaris, near the valley of the watchers, follow you in the air when you have aggro and on a flying mount. Doesn't seem like those stone statues are supposed to do that :)
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Trial Member
Hi, when I try to logg in it comes connected like 30 secounds or more then it comes you have been disconected from the server. Please help me
Thanks :)


Hi, when I try to logg in it comes connected like 30 secounds or more then it comes you have been disconected from the server. Please help me
Thanks :)

Hi, are you using 32 or 64 bit?
Also to understand this a bit futher, you are logging in and you are being stucked at the realm selection and does not get futher, is this correct?

And thanks for the bug reports.