Can i get answer when will be the video or tutorial for char transfer from v1 to v2?
Tomorrow, hopefully.
Can i get answer when will be the video or tutorial for char transfer from v1 to v2?
are ther the "mmaps" for this release too, or i can use the old one?
Hello. I'm having an issue where the authserver just sits still at a certain point. This is what I get.
I'm running Windows 8.1 64bit and it seems like everything else is running but this.
View attachment 81
I still have this probblem even your fix and instal VS 2013 and all you put in repack for instal!!! only V1 works V2 still have probblems pls fix ASAP
Hey there - This is what it's supposed to look like, when authserver has been running like this, it means it's working fine and your authserver is up and running.
Have you tried the openssl - dll part which is explained in the required folder? Also do you have net framework installed?
I have net 4.5 and openssl instaled like in your tutorial step by step and i don't know how V1 works and V2 give me that error... i try many methods to solvethis and same result!
try to copy the openssl dll files (default forlder: C:\OpenSSL-Win64(32)\) into ur core folder
maybe it works
i did that allready
this my steps
1.i download all this files
2.i follow steps from your video tutorial
3.inside Release folder is another one called Required Software i install those file as well
4.i copy libeay32.dll + ssleay32.dll from C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin in to Release folder
5.i start MySql (all works good for now)
6 when i start worldserver and authserver i got that error
This it happens only when i download repack v2 22Mb,when i download V1 4Mb i follow all steps and 0 errors all works fine and is playeble.I don't know how repack V2 works for any of you but for me don't work. maybe last repack will solve this issue because v2 for me is only a changelog list not a playeble server , thx i tell u all about my issue . I come soon with a video proof. Thx and i expect an solution fast , is first time when i get this error from 2.4.3 patch.