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[NEW REPACK] 7.3.5 LEGION WoW Repack - WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack - Blizzlike & Fun


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Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this ended up being a waste of time.

Things this post doesn't tell you:

1) This doesn't seem to be updated anymore

2) You need to edit your world config file and change the datadir line to wherever your data files are so it can pull from it or the server won't work. Also don't forget to run the SQL.bat before launching the realm and world exe files.

3) You need dll files from OpenSSL placed in the folder with your config + launch files which aren't in this download. https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/openssl-1.0.2r-x64_86-win64.zip this link should help.

4)(The bad news) The client used for this server is version, which seems to no longer be available anywhere. If you have this client you -should- be able to run this, if not you're probably SOL :/ It doesn't seem to work with 26365 or 26972 you get stuck at the log in since its not the right version.

Hope this helps. Good luck guys!