Hello, I'm having a few issues installing this repack, wondering if anyone could give me a hand
Main 2 issues i've been running into are
"The application was unable to start correctly (0xc00007b). Click OK to close the application." - Which i read somewhere that it would be because of DLL 64/32bit's conflicting (Its all 64 bit)
the second issue i was running into was
"The ordinal 354 could not be located in the dynamic link library LIBEAY32.dll"
This error occurs when i have changed some of the DLL files out/around.
Does anyone know a solution to this or would be willing to assist me?
Many thanks in advance!
[MENTION=18488]Blood[/MENTION]sscope I too was having the same issues as you, but I found my issue of the "The application was unable to start correctly" was resolved by making sure my OpenSSL Binaries where version 1.0.2r and 64-Bit, I placed the binary files in my main server folder where you have the world and auth server start files. This allowed the servers to both load.
I have a new issue now however, I am not able to log into the game at all. Once the world and auth servers load, I launch my Legion Client (my client build is 7.3.5. 26972 - The last upto date Legion client before 8.0.0) and once I enter the account details I either get one of the following messages "No Realms Currently Available" or "Logging into game server" but it stays on the logging into game server for ages and does nothing.
I have checked the database to see what gamebuild version is inside the database and it is stored in the database as 26124 (this is the first 7.3.5 build of Legion, so I changed the value to match my client version and I just get the "Logging into game world" and nothing happeneing.
So is anyone else experiencing this issue aswell? I have tried various client builds with no success, so this leads me to believe it must be a client issue. Does anyone know where a genuine client for this particular build can be found, as I am unable to find a Legion Client 7.3.5. 26124 build, most of what I have found are only 7.3.5. 26365 or 7.3.5. 26972.
How are people successfully running this repack and with what Legion Client build are you using? I greatly appreciate your help and input. Many thanks in advance.