Thanks!Hello everyone at EmuCoach!
I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach!
For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on!
In it's current state, this repack has been freshly compiled and has zero changes to it, so FULL credit goes to TrinityCore for their amazing work on their source. I can not take any credit here, except for compiling, which doesn't compare at all. As of now, this repack is only for convenience for those looking for a 3.3.5 on EmuCoach.
However, I am hoping to add to this repack, and hope to continue to develop it in an attempt to get into WoW development.
Keep in mind, I have little to zero experience here, but I'm hoping to learn.
This repack will likely stay free and fully available to the public for some time, as the majority of the work belongs to TrinityCore, and it would be rude to attempt to profit off of this.
I do not have screenshots, or any statistics for you. I hope to eventually have these in the future.
I am also planning a custom repack luncher for this repack based on my cata launcher.
For now, enjoy the repack!
For help in getting the server online, thanks to @Chaotic:
DBC, Maps, MMaps, Vmaps:
[Hidden content]
Server Download:
[Hidden content]
Core Download:
[Hidden content]
To see the download links, just reply to the thread. All spam will be deleted and punished.
This is a blizzlike Wotlk Repack based on TrinityCore.
Looking to play on an existing Wotlk Private Server instead?
bumpHello everyone at EmuCoach!
I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach!
For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on!
In it's current state, this repack has been freshly compiled and has zero changes to it, so FULL credit goes to TrinityCore for their amazing work on their source. I can not take any credit here, except for compiling, which doesn't compare at all. As of now, this repack is only for convenience for those looking for a 3.3.5 on EmuCoach.
However, I am hoping to add to this repack, and hope to continue to develop it in an attempt to get into WoW development.
Keep in mind, I have little to zero experience here, but I'm hoping to learn.
This repack will likely stay free and fully available to the public for some time, as the majority of the work belongs to TrinityCore, and it would be rude to attempt to profit off of this.
I do not have screenshots, or any statistics for you. I hope to eventually have these in the future.
I am also planning a custom repack luncher for this repack based on my cata launcher.
For now, enjoy the repack!
For help in getting the server online, thanks to @Chaotic:
DBC, Maps, MMaps, Vmaps:
[Hidden content]
Server Download:
[Hidden content]
Core Download:
[Hidden content]
To see the download links, just reply to the thread. All spam will be deleted and punished.
This is a blizzlike Wotlk Repack based on TrinityCore.
Looking to play on an existing Wotlk Private Server instead?
Hello everyone at EmuCoach!
I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach!
For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on!
In it's current state, this repack has been freshly compiled and has zero changes to it, so FULL credit goes to TrinityCore for their amazing work on their source. I can not take any credit here, except for compiling, which doesn't compare at all. As of now, this repack is only for convenience for those looking for a 3.3.5 on EmuCoach.
However, I am hoping to add to this repack, and hope to continue to develop it in an attempt to get into WoW development.
Keep in mind, I have little to zero experience here, but I'm hoping to learn.
This repack will likely stay free and fully available to the public for some time, as the majority of the work belongs to TrinityCore, and it would be rude to attempt to profit off of this.
I do not have screenshots, or any statistics for you. I hope to eventually have these in the future.
I am also planning a custom repack luncher for this repack based on my cata launcher.
For now, enjoy the repack!
For help in getting the server online, thanks to @Chaotic:
DBC, Maps, MMaps, Vmaps:
[Hidden content]
Server Download:
[Hidden content]
Core Download:
[Hidden content]
To see the download links, just reply to the thread. All spam will be deleted and punished.
This is a blizzlike Wotlk Repack based on TrinityCore.
Looking to play on an existing Wotlk Private Server instead?
nice thanksHello everyone at EmuCoach!
I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach!
For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on!
In it's current state, this repack has been freshly compiled and has zero changes to it, so FULL credit goes to TrinityCore for their amazing work on their source. I can not take any credit here, except for compiling, which doesn't compare at all. As of now, this repack is only for convenience for those looking for a 3.3.5 on EmuCoach.
However, I am hoping to add to this repack, and hope to continue to develop it in an attempt to get into WoW development.
Keep in mind, I have little to zero experience here, but I'm hoping to learn.
This repack will likely stay free and fully available to the public for some time, as the majority of the work belongs to TrinityCore, and it would be rude to attempt to profit off of this.
I do not have screenshots, or any statistics for you. I hope to eventually have these in the future.
I am also planning a custom repack luncher for this repack based on my cata launcher.
For now, enjoy the repack!
For help in getting the server online, thanks to @Chaotic:
DBC, Maps, MMaps, Vmaps:
[Hidden content]
Server Download:
[Hidden content]
Core Download:
[Hidden content]
To see the download links, just reply to the thread. All spam will be deleted and punished.
This is a blizzlike Wotlk Repack based on TrinityCore.
Looking to play on an existing Wotlk Private Server instead?
Great, thanks manHello everyone at EmuCoach!
I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach!
For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on!
In it's current state, this repack has been freshly compiled and has zero changes to it, so FULL credit goes to TrinityCore for their amazing work on their source. I can not take any credit here, except for compiling, which doesn't compare at all. As of now, this repack is only for convenience for those looking for a 3.3.5 on EmuCoach.
However, I am hoping to add to this repack, and hope to continue to develop it in an attempt to get into WoW development.
Keep in mind, I have little to zero experience here, but I'm hoping to learn.
This repack will likely stay free and fully available to the public for some time, as the majority of the work belongs to TrinityCore, and it would be rude to attempt to profit off of this.
I do not have screenshots, or any statistics for you. I hope to eventually have these in the future.
I am also planning a custom repack luncher for this repack based on my cata launcher.
For now, enjoy the repack!
For help in getting the server online, thanks to @Chaotic:
DBC, Maps, MMaps, Vmaps:
[Hidden content]
Server Download:
[Hidden content]
Core Download:
[Hidden content]
To see the download links, just reply to the thread. All spam will be deleted and punished.
This is a blizzlike Wotlk Repack based on TrinityCore.
Looking to play on an existing Wotlk Private Server instead?
Ok so about this Repack - it looks like as if it's pretty much exactly the same Repack as "Naaru's 3.3.5a Blizzlike Repack v2.2"
i only just did ulduar quick test but by the looks of it it has exactly same problems ... ( i might be wrong ofc as i didnt test it much) but on this one just like on Naaru the Kologarn and Hodir achievements arent working at all! meaning you will not be able to get the frozen cache to spawn( so no algalon key ) and or get mount achivs done in a normal way (without GM commands cheating) - also there are some other bugs that are in Naruus server that this one might have aswell ... alot of those i fixed myself on the server (and kinda turned it into a solo playable server)
Halion is missing proper 100% trinket drop table
Lich King is only dropping single weapon instead of 2
Yogg saron is not attackable by melee in 10 man player - the range on the knockback is way off making the encounter impossible for melee
mimiron magnetic trap is not working at his hover height ( after changing hover height slightly down it will work but will bug out mimiron making him stuck) so simply changed hover heigt to the point where melee can reach him normally without the need of trap ..
ulduar vehicles can not pick up pyrite - so had to change the cost of spells to 0 pyrite - cause again encounter impossible other way
icc big giants before marrowgar will all aggro on you without even triggering any traps
sunwell first dragon boss (forgot name) is totally bugged - doesnt teleport second or even 3th char to the sathrovarr boss room - nor does the portal work making encounter impossible to complete without help of some gm commands - 3th boss after brutalus is totally bugged aswell and even competly despawns if you exit raid after brutallus kek ...
and some other things i probably have forgotten cause i didnt write them down ... but i would bet that this server has exactly all those problems aswell which kinda sux -.-
man i wonder pretty much why all ulduar achivs work except Kologarn and Hodir ?
Thank you for your reply - well even apart from all of this Naaru's server is rly good - i like the fact that atleast icecrown is pretty much 100% scripted and lich king HC works totally as intended with frost mourne room working - i have seen some rly silly server where gunship battle was completly missing or not working ... and lich king would teleport you to the room but you fly down through textures into the abyss- or he would port you there but then start running through air towards the room and once you get teleported back he would run to platform which takes alot of time ( leaving you only like 10 sec to dps him untill he ports you again) making encounter impossible xD .... and everything else pretty much works - barely any bugged quests or encounters i have noticed so far ...I can't say for sure, but they likely just use the same source, which is TrinityCore
This was compiled about a week before I posted it so it hasn't been updated in a while. I had only compiled/posted this for convenience for people who want WotLK, and isn't being updated by us as most work is going towards Cata.
I don't know what additions Naaru's 3.3.5 has, but this is just the base TrinityCore source, compiled into a base server, so I can't say which has more/less bugs, sadly.
ok so i did test it a bit more - yes TOC dungeon is locked just like on Naaru ... same loot bugs are occuring here - halion dropped 3 trinkets for me on kill which is totally wrong - it's always 2 loot pieces +1 of the trinkets always ... so ye both of these servers are pretty much identical by the looks of it ...I can't say for sure, but they likely just use the same source, which is TrinityCore
This was compiled about a week before I posted it so it hasn't been updated in a while. I had only compiled/posted this for convenience for people who want WotLK, and isn't being updated by us as most work is going towards Cata.
I don't know what additions Naaru's 3.3.5 has, but this is just the base TrinityCore source, compiled into a base server, so I can't say which has more/less bugs, sadly.
Thank you for your reply - well even apart from all of this Naaru's server is rly good - i like the fact that atleast icecrown is pretty much 100% scripted and lich king HC works totally as intended with frost mourne room working - i have seen some rly silly server where gunship battle was completly missing or not working ... and lich king would teleport you to the room but you fly down through textures into the abyss- or he would port you there but then start running through air towards the room and once you get teleported back he would run to platform which takes alot of time ( leaving you only like 10 sec to dps him untill he ports you again) making encounter impossible xD .... and everything else pretty much works - barely any bugged quests or encounters i have noticed so far ...
ah i also remembered there is some problem in utgare pinnacle with first boss - she gets stuck with the lich king RP talk for some reason as well ...
and for some reason the TOC 5 man dungeon is locked out on the server - so it's not working at all i would presume ? cant enter even as GM and i have not found a way to unlock it ...
so yes i did fix some of the problems above with the loot and bosses making them killable- except the achivs on hodir and kologarn and making the frozen cache tied to boss timer is kinda impossible for me as this is on another level of scripting ... and i kinda dont understand why achivs dont work ? the bosses get kill credit for the global "keeprs of ulduar achivs" so this one works - but the boss specific ones never work -.-
i will test your server a bit more and then reply again to actually see if it is 100% the same or it's still slighty different ... any plans to update this to a recent trinity version ? it's not like i am lazy or something - i did read some guides but it kinda seem a bit complicated to compile the server urself - and you need a bit of programms which i kinda dont feel like to installing ( as my pc is full of crap already with programms for other projects) not to mention it is better to do it by the person who already knows what they are doing xD
anyway thank you for your hard work and gl hf![]()