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[NEW REPACK] 3.3.5 Wrath of the Lich King TrinityCore - v0.1 - [Official Repack]


Verified Member
Hello everyone at EmuCoach!

I am happy to announce a new official repack for EmuCoach!
For those wondering about the voting thread we have HERE, don't worry! This has nothing to do with the development of the 4.3.4 repack, nor the possible upcoming repack that you guys are voting on!
In it's current state, this repack has been freshly compiled and has zero changes to it, so FULL credit goes to TrinityCore for their amazing work on their source. I can not take any credit here, except for compiling, which doesn't compare at all. As of now, this repack is only for convenience for those looking for a 3.3.5 on EmuCoach.

However, I am hoping to add to this repack, and hope to continue to develop it in an attempt to get into WoW development.
Keep in mind, I have little to zero experience here, but I'm hoping to learn.
This repack will likely stay free and fully available to the public for some time, as the majority of the work belongs to TrinityCore, and it would be rude to attempt to profit off of this.

I do not have screenshots, or any statistics for you. I hope to eventually have these in the future.
I am also planning a custom repack luncher for this repack based on my cata launcher.
For now, enjoy the repack!

For help in getting the server online, thanks to [MENTION=22543]Chaotic[/MENTION]:

DBC, Maps, MMaps, Vmaps:

To see the download links, just reply to the thread. All spam will be deleted and punished.

lets hope this works out allright
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Trial Member
In my opinion, Wrath of the Lich King was the best expansion pack blizzard had ever put out for the game, and it is also the last xpack before they went and screwed with the setting to make the game a lot easier. To be quite honest, Wrath of the Lich King was still easy mode compared to vanilla wow. Thank you so much for sharing this, I will be responding again to see if it works and how well it does.


Trial Member
Far Far Away
Going through these repacks and seeing the amount of dedication put into them amazes me, I've merely come across singleplayer projects in the past on other sites that are riddled with bugs but these are perfected, wrath of the lich king is the expansion I played official wow for and I'm glad to find it here, reworked by people who care enough to do so.