- 916
- 2015
- 24
- Location
- Barryton Michigan USA
Have you ever thought to yourself. I wish I knew how to fix Creatures, Objects, And Quests?
During an average day of playing, You probably encounter hundreds of bugs that could be fixed in seconds, If you only knew how.
But you never went to tech school, And most likely don't want to ask anyone for help, Because people are generally waiting for you to ask, So they can give some smug condescending answer that goes completely over your head, Just so they can feel superior.
But the truth is that you are just as capable of fixing bugs as anyone else. But where to begin? Right here that's where.
https://www.heidisql.com/download.php Heidisql.
You will need the latest version of Heidisql, Anything older is incapable of creating proper sql queries.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/thfwqcbxd3vtw76/Truice_v2.0.0.zip?dl=0Truice V2.0
Truice is useful for viewing the database in a graphical format. But THE EXECUTE BUTTON SHOULD NEVER BE USED. It can damage your database. Instead go into truice settings and set it to always create update queries, Then change something, Click the script tab, and you will see an update query that you can copy and paste into Heidisql.
Heidsql installs the same as any other program, Truice needs no installation. Just right click Truice.exe and send to desktop, So it's easier to find.
Start the program. The session manager will open first, And expects you to fill in the login info for your server. To make things simple make sure that you are running Heidsql on the server machine, And have your mysql server running as well. Otherwise Heidisql cannot log into your mysql server.
It is possible to create an account in mysql that is accessible from other machines. Just search "mysql create new user with all privs" in your browser.
Now, Mysql has finished starting up, And you just started Heidisql. It is asking for your login info. user root, most likely password is ascent, Unless you have changed it. and the address should be set to localhost, or
When you are finished entering data hit connect. The window should open that shows you all the databases that are installed.
emucoach-auth, The login servers database.
emucoach-char The character database.
emucoach-V8-Vip Which is your world database.
The world database is where all quests, creatures, objects, spells, You name it, it's in there.
Select the small arrow next to the world database, It will open up to show you all the tables inside.
Selct a table, On the right you will see several tabs, Some show the makeup of the database table you selected, One is called data, This is all the data inside that table on display.
The last tab is called query, This is where you paste database fixes that you copy from http://www.emucoach.com/forumdisplay.php?81-4-3-4-Database-Fixes-EmuCoach-Repack-Unofficial-fixes.
So what do i do with it?
Let's start with a very recent fix submission by pedroevil51. ShadowGlen sentinel looking dead Fix .
Basically what has happened is the shadowglen sentinels were laying dead on the ground, When their supposed to be walking around.
After reading the creature template for these guys, He noticed that the health_mod for these creatures was set to some extremely high number.
So their basic health was multiplied by this huge number, And it gave a hp reading that was out of range for the server to display, So the server assumed them to be dead, And made them dead for real.
So we look up the creature shadowglen sentinel on wowhead to find out what their health actually should be.
At this point you should be wondering, Ok where do i type in the number for their health, Like it shows it on wowhead? The answer is you don't.
The dbc files that you installed into your server folder hold all of the data for creatures, And many other things. And the server reads these fields to determine their correct hp, mana, ect.
But, We can modify their hp with the health_mod multiplier.
So how do i know what number i'm multiplying? You could look up creature 12160 in the dbc files with a dbc editor, But an easier way is to set their health_mod to 1, Restart the server, And just go select the creature and read what it says. If it's too low you can change the health_mod to 1.5, 1.7, Or whatever setting makes their health show up correctly. If its too high go below zero, With .05, .07, Whatever works.
And once you have the correct health_mod setting, His hp shows up correctly, And he no longer lays around dead, Because the server can correctly read his settings.
Now what do i do with Pedro's sql query that he posted?
Open Heidsql, Login to your server, Select the world database, And on the right open the query tab.
copy the query by holding and dragging your mouse over it, Then ctrl-c to copy it, Then on the query tab, ctrl-v to paste it in there.
At the top you will see what looks like a play button, This will run the query, Or just right click the query tab, and choose run.
It will finish extremely fast, And at the bottom you should get a message that says "1 affected rows" Or something similar. This means it worked, And you only need to restart your world server to see the changes ingame.
If you get a message that says "you have an error in your mysql code at line blah blah", Then you know that the query you tried to run either has a typo in it, Or is incompatible with your database.
Leaving the semicolon off of the end of that query will cause this problem, And is the number one mistake made by database programmers. Or the tools that they use to create queries.
That's all there is to it. With this little bit of information, You can install every database fix that you see posted on emucoach.
It should be noted that some fixes are not accepted for different reasons, Wether they are rejected because of wrong data, Or because a developer used sql queries that are dangerous to run, Meaning they could destroy your database. Or many other reasons.
But to be safe, You shouldn't run every fix that you see, Until it has been approved, Or until you are confident enough in your skills that you can determine if it is safe to run.
Also take note, That every database is different. Meaning that you can't take a database fix from another project, And run it on the emucoach server. They just aren't compatible, Because the data tables are most likely different in structure.
During an average day of playing, You probably encounter hundreds of bugs that could be fixed in seconds, If you only knew how.
But you never went to tech school, And most likely don't want to ask anyone for help, Because people are generally waiting for you to ask, So they can give some smug condescending answer that goes completely over your head, Just so they can feel superior.
But the truth is that you are just as capable of fixing bugs as anyone else. But where to begin? Right here that's where.
https://www.heidisql.com/download.php Heidisql.
You will need the latest version of Heidisql, Anything older is incapable of creating proper sql queries.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/thfwqcbxd3vtw76/Truice_v2.0.0.zip?dl=0Truice V2.0
Truice is useful for viewing the database in a graphical format. But THE EXECUTE BUTTON SHOULD NEVER BE USED. It can damage your database. Instead go into truice settings and set it to always create update queries, Then change something, Click the script tab, and you will see an update query that you can copy and paste into Heidisql.
Heidsql installs the same as any other program, Truice needs no installation. Just right click Truice.exe and send to desktop, So it's easier to find.
Start the program. The session manager will open first, And expects you to fill in the login info for your server. To make things simple make sure that you are running Heidsql on the server machine, And have your mysql server running as well. Otherwise Heidisql cannot log into your mysql server.
It is possible to create an account in mysql that is accessible from other machines. Just search "mysql create new user with all privs" in your browser.
Now, Mysql has finished starting up, And you just started Heidisql. It is asking for your login info. user root, most likely password is ascent, Unless you have changed it. and the address should be set to localhost, or
When you are finished entering data hit connect. The window should open that shows you all the databases that are installed.
emucoach-auth, The login servers database.
emucoach-char The character database.
emucoach-V8-Vip Which is your world database.
The world database is where all quests, creatures, objects, spells, You name it, it's in there.
Select the small arrow next to the world database, It will open up to show you all the tables inside.
Selct a table, On the right you will see several tabs, Some show the makeup of the database table you selected, One is called data, This is all the data inside that table on display.
The last tab is called query, This is where you paste database fixes that you copy from http://www.emucoach.com/forumdisplay.php?81-4-3-4-Database-Fixes-EmuCoach-Repack-Unofficial-fixes.
So what do i do with it?
Let's start with a very recent fix submission by pedroevil51. ShadowGlen sentinel looking dead Fix .
UPDATE `creature_template` SET `Health_mod` = 1 WHERE `entry` = 12160;
Basically what has happened is the shadowglen sentinels were laying dead on the ground, When their supposed to be walking around.
After reading the creature template for these guys, He noticed that the health_mod for these creatures was set to some extremely high number.
So their basic health was multiplied by this huge number, And it gave a hp reading that was out of range for the server to display, So the server assumed them to be dead, And made them dead for real.
So we look up the creature shadowglen sentinel on wowhead to find out what their health actually should be.
At this point you should be wondering, Ok where do i type in the number for their health, Like it shows it on wowhead? The answer is you don't.
The dbc files that you installed into your server folder hold all of the data for creatures, And many other things. And the server reads these fields to determine their correct hp, mana, ect.
But, We can modify their hp with the health_mod multiplier.
So how do i know what number i'm multiplying? You could look up creature 12160 in the dbc files with a dbc editor, But an easier way is to set their health_mod to 1, Restart the server, And just go select the creature and read what it says. If it's too low you can change the health_mod to 1.5, 1.7, Or whatever setting makes their health show up correctly. If its too high go below zero, With .05, .07, Whatever works.
And once you have the correct health_mod setting, His hp shows up correctly, And he no longer lays around dead, Because the server can correctly read his settings.
Now what do i do with Pedro's sql query that he posted?
Open Heidsql, Login to your server, Select the world database, And on the right open the query tab.
copy the query by holding and dragging your mouse over it, Then ctrl-c to copy it, Then on the query tab, ctrl-v to paste it in there.
At the top you will see what looks like a play button, This will run the query, Or just right click the query tab, and choose run.
It will finish extremely fast, And at the bottom you should get a message that says "1 affected rows" Or something similar. This means it worked, And you only need to restart your world server to see the changes ingame.
If you get a message that says "you have an error in your mysql code at line blah blah", Then you know that the query you tried to run either has a typo in it, Or is incompatible with your database.
Leaving the semicolon off of the end of that query will cause this problem, And is the number one mistake made by database programmers. Or the tools that they use to create queries.
That's all there is to it. With this little bit of information, You can install every database fix that you see posted on emucoach.
It should be noted that some fixes are not accepted for different reasons, Wether they are rejected because of wrong data, Or because a developer used sql queries that are dangerous to run, Meaning they could destroy your database. Or many other reasons.
But to be safe, You shouldn't run every fix that you see, Until it has been approved, Or until you are confident enough in your skills that you can determine if it is safe to run.
Also take note, That every database is different. Meaning that you can't take a database fix from another project, And run it on the emucoach server. They just aren't compatible, Because the data tables are most likely different in structure.
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