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Mounts SL/BFA/LEGION/WOD/MOP/ For CATA 4.3.4 (15595) => 111 models


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Elune Adore (FR)
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I had a copy of these files on my computer from before the links went down. I offered them to Jivani but she didn't plan to use them again and told me I could post them if I wanted, so here you go.



Oh my god you guys are the best in the world!!!! thanks orangefire and Jivani!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: as there is no DBC or Mount.sql files, can I ask you for some help on how to add it to my server? I just need to create the templates in DB for each new creature I think, but I don't know on what tag I need to check :S

Thank you so much!!!
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Gold Supporter
MoP Premium
Veteran Member
Thank you friend, you are a saviour. :) ;)(y)
Glad I could help!

Oh my god you guys are the best in the world!!!! thanks orangefire and Jivani!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edit: as there is no DBC or Mount.sql files, can I ask you for some help on how to add it to my server? I just need to create the templates in DB for each new creature I think, but I don't know on what tag I need to check :S

Thank you so much!!!

Unfortunately it might be a tad more intricate than you're thinking, but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it.

- Download WDBX Editor here if you don't already have it.

- Download Ladik's MPQ Editor here if you don't already have it.

- Open up the patch, extract all the DBC files from them, and put the extracted copies into your server's DBC folder.

- Use WDBX Editor to copy a mount spell of the same type you want to make in Spell.dbc. Change the name, and possibly description if you want. WDBX Editor will generate a new ID for this spell automatically, but make sure you document it as you'll need to use it in a couple places. For the spell you copy, you should use a mount with the same basic properties as the new mount, mainly you want a flying mount for making a flying mount and a ground mount for making a ground mount.

- Now go to SpellEffect.dbc and scroll to the right until you find the field "EffectSpellID". Find the entry that has the same EffectSpellID as the ID of the spell entry you copied previously, and make a copy of that line. Change the EffectSpellID field to the ID of the new spell you made. Document the number in the EffectMiscValue field, this is a creature ID used in the mount, and we'll be copying that for a new creature later. Then change this number to an ID that is not currently used in the Creature_Template table of the DB, we'll make a creature with this ID later.

Now this is where the tutorial breaks off somewhat depending on if you are using Jivani's WoD models patch as well. Personally I recommend it as it's a great upgrade to models, but it's up to you. She says on that patch that it doesn't work with other patches, this isn't entirely true but you do have to add records to her DBCs in that patch rather than using the DBCs that come with this mount patch.

- With WoD Models -

- Open up the MPQ for the WoD models using Ladik's MPQ Editor. This will probably take a bit to load and will make very little sense once you get access to the files. Don't worry, that's fixable, it's just a small bug in the MPQ editor that seems to happen with large MPQs. Extract the (listfile) file, then rename the extracted listfile to listfile.txt. Now go back to the MPQ and find "Add Listfile" at the top, click it, and find your listfile.txt, and select it. Wait a little, and you should see the files turn into actual folders, more like what you'd expect it to look like. Now navigate to your DBCs in that patch, extract them, and put them into your server DBC files, replacing the ones that are already there.

- Open up the mount patches, find your CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureModelData.dbc files, extract them but do NOT put them in your server DBC files. You want to put them in a different folder instead, these will just be used for editing.

- Open both your real CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, and the copy of this file from the mount model patches. You will need to use "Open in New Window" in WDBX editor when it asks you to select a game version in order to get a second window. Always make sure during the next steps that you're using the proper windows, mount model DBCs for reference and your server's DBCs from the WoD Models patch for creating new records.

- Now go to CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc from the mount models patch and find the entry for the mount you want to make, the new models should all be at the bottom, you can usually tell by the textures assigned to it what mount it corresponds to. Check the number in that entry for Field01, second from the left after ID, and document that number. Then make a new record in your CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and edit all the fields in it to match Jivani's entry for that model. We're also going to match Jivani's IDs, just to keep it simple, that can be edited by right clicking the box the ID is in and clicking "View In Text Editor", changing the ID in the new text window that pops up, then closing that window which will save the change to your DBCs. You have to do this new entry manually as there is no way I have found to copy records from two different DBCs. The new entry you created in this DBC will be your ModelID.

- Go to CreatureModelData.dbc and find the entry with the ID matching the Field01 number you just documented in the mount model patches. Replicate that in your server's CreatureModelData.dbc, I suggest you copy/paste the file path over to ensure you don't make a typo in it.

- Without WoD Models -

- Open up your mount model patch MPQs with Ladik's MPQ Editor. Extract your CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureModelData.dbc and put them in your server folders. Open CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and scroll to the bottom, find the entry for the mount you want to make, document that number. This will be your ModelID.

- Back to Main Tutorial -

These steps will once again be the same regardless of if you are using WoD Models or not.

- Find the creature_template entry with the ID matching the creature ID we documented earlier from the original mount. Make a copy of it, and set it's ID to the new EffectMiscValue you used for your new spell. Set its modelid1 to your ModelID we made earlier. I change the creature's name as well just to make it easier to keep track of, but the creature name is never actually seen on mounts so it's not mandatory.

- Now find the ID of the item used in learning the original mount we are copying. Make a copy of that in the item_template table of your DB, set the ID to something unused and make sure you document it so you can add the item later, change the name to whatever you want to use for the mount, usually the original name of that mount from retail but it doesn't have to be. Scroll through a bit and find the spells attached to the item, there should be two, in spellid_1 and spellid_2. Leave the first one alone as this spell is used on all mount items, and change spellid_2 to the new spell we created earlier.

- Now go back to Ladik's MPQ editor and open a new window. Click "New MPQ" and you'll get prompted for a name. Notice that WoW's MPQ files use a specific structure of wow-update-base-[number], aside from some core MPQs we don't want to mess with. Continue this naming structure with a new five digit number, we want to it higher than the other patches and I don't know if there is an upper limit at all, so let's use "wow-update-base-19500". Go through the rest of the process with default settings and click finish at the end. "wow-update-base-19500" should now be in your data folder along with all your other mpqs, including WoD models and these mount patches, at the very bottom, or top depending on how you sort your folders.

- In the new MPQ creature a folder called "DBFilesClient" and go into that folder. Drag your server's CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, CreatureModelData.dbc, Spell.dbc, and SpellEffect.dbc files into your MPQ. They should be in the DBFilesClient folder.

- Close all your MPQs and restart your server and client. Log in once it's back up and use GM commands to add the new item. If everything was done correctly, the item should teach you the new mount. Note that I didn't change icons as these aren't strictly mandatory, but if you want to fix this, these can be edited in SpellIconID of spell.dbc and displayid of Item_template if you want to copy from other items and spells, make sure you delete your client cache and patch in the new spell.dbc if you make changes. Adding the proper icons from the retail mounts is a bit more involved.


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
Oh my god you guys are the best in the world!!!! thanks orangefire and Jivani!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad I could help!

Unfortunately it might be a tad more intricate than you're thinking, but it's not too bad once you get the hang of it.

- Download WDBX Editor here if you don't already have it.

- Download Ladik's MPQ Editor here if you don't already have it.

- Open up the patch, extract all the DBC files from them, and put the extracted copies into your server's DBC folder.

- Use WDBX Editor to copy a mount spell of the same type you want to make in Spell.dbc. Change the name, and possibly description if you want. WDBX Editor will generate a new ID for this spell automatically, but make sure you document it as you'll need to use it in a couple places. For the spell you copy, you should use a mount with the same basic properties as the new mount, mainly you want a flying mount for making a flying mount and a ground mount for making a ground mount.

- Now go to SpellEffect.dbc and scroll to the right until you find the field "EffectSpellID". Find the entry that has the same EffectSpellID as the ID of the spell entry you copied previously, and make a copy of that line. Change the EffectSpellID field to the ID of the new spell you made. Document the number in the EffectMiscValue field, this is a creature ID used in the mount, and we'll be copying that for a new creature later. Then change this number to an ID that is not currently used in the Creature_Template table of the DB, we'll make a creature with this ID later.

Now this is where the tutorial breaks off somewhat depending on if you are using Jivani's WoD models patch as well. Personally I recommend it as it's a great upgrade to models, but it's up to you. She says on that patch that it doesn't work with other patches, this isn't entirely true but you do have to add records to her DBCs in that patch rather than using the DBCs that come with this mount patch.

- With WoD Models -

- Open up the MPQ for the WoD models using Ladik's MPQ Editor. This will probably take a bit to load and will make very little sense once you get access to the files. Don't worry, that's fixable, it's just a small bug in the MPQ editor that seems to happen with large MPQs. Extract the (listfile) file, then rename the extracted listfile to listfile.txt. Now go back to the MPQ and find "Add Listfile" at the top, click it, and find your listfile.txt, and select it. Wait a little, and you should see the files turn into actual folders, more like what you'd expect it to look like. Now navigate to your DBCs in that patch, extract them, and put them into your server DBC files, replacing the ones that are already there.

- Open up the mount patches, find your CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureModelData.dbc files, extract them but do NOT put them in your server DBC files. You want to put them in a different folder instead, these will just be used for editing.

- Open both your real CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, and the copy of this file from the mount model patches. You will need to use "Open in New Window" in WDBX editor when it asks you to select a game version in order to get a second window. Always make sure during the next steps that you're using the proper windows, mount model DBCs for reference and your server's DBCs from the WoD Models patch for creating new records.

- Now go to CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc from the mount models patch and find the entry for the mount you want to make, the new models should all be at the bottom, you can usually tell by the textures assigned to it what mount it corresponds to. Check the number in that entry for Field01, second from the left after ID, and document that number. Then make a new record in your CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and edit all the fields in it to match Jivani's entry for that model. We're also going to match Jivani's IDs, just to keep it simple, that can be edited by right clicking the box the ID is in and clicking "View In Text Editor", changing the ID in the new text window that pops up, then closing that window which will save the change to your DBCs. You have to do this new entry manually as there is no way I have found to copy records from two different DBCs. The new entry you created in this DBC will be your ModelID.

- Go to CreatureModelData.dbc and find the entry with the ID matching the Field01 number you just documented in the mount model patches. Replicate that in your server's CreatureModelData.dbc, I suggest you copy/paste the file path over to ensure you don't make a typo in it.

- Without WoD Models -

- Open up your mount model patch MPQs with Ladik's MPQ Editor. Extract your CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and CreatureModelData.dbc and put them in your server folders. Open CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc and scroll to the bottom, find the entry for the mount you want to make, document that number. This will be your ModelID.

- Back to Main Tutorial -

These steps will once again be the same regardless of if you are using WoD Models or not.

- Find the creature_template entry with the ID matching the creature ID we documented earlier from the original mount. Make a copy of it, and set it's ID to the new EffectMiscValue you used for your new spell. Set its modelid1 to your ModelID we made earlier. I change the creature's name as well just to make it easier to keep track of, but the creature name is never actually seen on mounts so it's not mandatory.

- Now find the ID of the item used in learning the original mount we are copying. Make a copy of that in the item_template table of your DB, set the ID to something unused and make sure you document it so you can add the item later, change the name to whatever you want to use for the mount, usually the original name of that mount from retail but it doesn't have to be. Scroll through a bit and find the spells attached to the item, there should be two, in spellid_1 and spellid_2. Leave the first one alone as this spell is used on all mount items, and change spellid_2 to the new spell we created earlier.

- Now go back to Ladik's MPQ editor and open a new window. Click "New MPQ" and you'll get prompted for a name. Notice that WoW's MPQ files use a specific structure of wow-update-base-[number], aside from some core MPQs we don't want to mess with. Continue this naming structure with a new five digit number, we want to it higher than the other patches and I don't know if there is an upper limit at all, so let's use "wow-update-base-19500". Go through the rest of the process with default settings and click finish at the end. "wow-update-base-19500" should now be in your data folder along with all your other mpqs, including WoD models and these mount patches, at the very bottom, or top depending on how you sort your folders.

- In the new MPQ creature a folder called "DBFilesClient" and go into that folder. Drag your server's CreatureDisplayInfo.dbc, CreatureModelData.dbc, Spell.dbc, and SpellEffect.dbc files into your MPQ. They should be in the DBFilesClient folder.

- Close all your MPQs and restart your server and client. Log in once it's back up and use GM commands to add the new item. If everything was done correctly, the item should teach you the new mount. Note that I didn't change icons as these aren't strictly mandatory, but if you want to fix this, these can be edited in SpellIconID of spell.dbc and displayid of Item_template if you want to copy from other items and spells, make sure you delete your client cache and patch in the new spell.dbc if you make changes. Adding the proper icons from the retail mounts is a bit more involved.
Thank you so much for this tutorial, I will keep it for reference from now!


Trial Member
Does anyone have the MPQ files saved, please? I see there are 2 files uploaded on dropbox but the third one is missing.

Do these files work with the player models MPQ added too?