Hello here is my Retro mount for Cataclysm they are very functional, I try to take them out little by little here I hope you will like =)
To test, you just have to add the file in your Data folder
To see them all you have to do is:
.morph 40191 => AllianceSiphMount
.morph 40193 => DhMount
On the other hand, to do them in Mount in game, I'll let you fend for yourself hihi =)
Here is the file:
Url: https://mega.nz/file/P11TAKRI
Key: Sasba7cjyZLM3KnWFvk5z-sx2tz1z4C-DqbWlI7GA_w
To test, you just have to add the file in your Data folder
To see them all you have to do is:
.morph 40191 => AllianceSiphMount
.morph 40193 => DhMount
On the other hand, to do them in Mount in game, I'll let you fend for yourself hihi =)
Here is the file:

Url: https://mega.nz/file/P11TAKRI
Key: Sasba7cjyZLM3KnWFvk5z-sx2tz1z4C-DqbWlI7GA_w