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More Hunter Pet Bugs


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[Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Pet Bug (Overall all pets)
[Name, Type] Overall pet mechanics
Problem Description] When the target is out of range of a spell, the pet just stays near you and says "Out of range"
[How it should work] Even if the target is out of range and you cast a spell on the target, it should run to the target and use it as soon as the pet is in range for that spell.

[Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Pet Bug
[Name, Type] Spell 53508 - Wolverine Bite
[Problem Description] Spell is grey, but its usable at any time, so it has no condition.
[How it should work] It should only be usable after the pet critically hits.

[Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Pet Bug
[Name, Type] Spell 52825 - Swoop
[Problem Description] Target doesn't get immobilized
[How it should work] Target should be immobilized after getting hit by the spell.

[Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Pet Bug
[Name, Type] Spell 53478 - Last Stand
Problem Description] Doesn't increase pets health by 30%
[How it should work] Pets health should be increased by 30%, it casts the spell, the visual text is right but it doesnt increase the health at all.


[Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Pet Bug (Overall all pets)
[Name, Type] Overall pet mechanics
Problem Description] When the target is out of range of a spell, the pet just stays near you and says "Out of range"
[How it should work] Even if the target is out of range and you cast a spell on the target, it should run to the target and use it as soon as the pet is in range for that spell."

[Location, Faction, Race] Hunter Pet Bug
[Name, Type] Spell 52825 - Swoop
[Problem Description] Target doesn't get immobilized
[How it should work] Target should be immobilized after getting hit by the spell.

Already fixed in V13. Rest (2) remaining.