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MoP Bot feedback


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Veteran Member
First off i'd just like to say the bot system is a nice feature. Congratz on getting it to its current state!

Just a bit of feedback from what I've experienced so far (which isn't to much yet).

It would be nice if we could set a camp / don't follow command for the bots in a group. In my opinion this would help in pulling / splitting pulls in dungeons.
The Death knight class doesn't seem very viable at low levels as a tank. Perhaps limit Death knights to content above character level 55.
The Assist button and on UI mods doesn't list the assist targets for the bots. It would be nice if we could hot key assist and or UI assist from the bots.

I think that's it so far on the feedback. I'm just casually playing through when I have some downtime.


Veteran Member
This is a good post. If we could get ExO and the gang to implement some of these it would be fantastic.

I play this with my son a lot. One thing we have learned to help with pulling is to set one of us as the dungeon guide (maybe just group leader would work). The bots follow the leader. So... one person has the bots on follow and stays back. The other person can run up and make the pull. It also helps if the tank is NOT a warrior. Warriors always charge in and aggros the whole room. :p

Another thing that would be great to have is a stop combat function. Basically, it would function like a hunter pet. You could call the bots off the mobs and they could just return to their follow state and stand idle. That would help when the party is just chain pulling. When it starts getting out of hand we could just stop combat on the bots and let them come back out of aggro distance from non-aggroed mobs.
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Veteran Member
Another request for the bots...

It looks like in version 2.0 the aggro radius was turned down for the bots. This helps a lot. The bots don't seem to be pulling non-aggro'd mobs as easily. However, the pets are still a bit rough. It's no big deal, but if i'm moving quickly through a dungeon and i have a hunter, lock, or even mage in the group it never fails... the stupid pets want EVERY. SINGLE. MOB. IN. THE. DUNGEON. Vicious killers, all of them.

Can the bot pet attack radius be reduced to match the bots?


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
One thing I have suffered it's sometimes when you die and bots don't, the healer doesn't resurrect you at all and you have to free your soul and take the path from the graveyard to the dungeon to revive.

It not happen so much, just about 1 of 5 times, but when it happens it sucks because you have 4 alive bots afking on your rests but no one res you, it would be nice to have a command to made the healer res you in that situations.

Thank you so much!