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Modifying creature respawn time


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Veteran Member
The following seems to apply to 4.3.4 V12. I imagine it's a fair bet that it will apply on other versions too but I haven't tried it. Maybe others on here could try it out and confirm whether it works for you on V12 and potentially on other versions.

4.3.4 V7 and V12 have a creature respawn speed that seems a bit too fast to me, but at first glance there appears to be no explicit respawn related configuration in 'worldserver.conf'. However, I've discovered that the creature respawn time for 'Normal' creatures is based upon the 'Corpse.Decay.NORMAL' and 'Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted' values. (Just for clarity, by respawn time I mean how long it takes for a creature to reappear once its corpse has been fully looted, and skinned if applicable. The respawn time only starts counting AFTER the corpse has disappeared, either because it was looted or because it wasn't looted and it decayed.)

After some experimentation, I derived the following formula for calculating respawn time (in seconds) based upon those two config values:

90 + Corpse.Decay.NORMAL - (Corpse.Decay.NORMAL x Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted)​

Initially in V7/V12, these two 'worldserver.conf' settings have values of 60 and 0.5 which (when you run these numbers through the formula) indicate a respawn time of 120 seconds, so that's the default.

I decided that what I wanted was a 300-second/5-minute decay (to give longer than the default 60 seconds to loot corpses), and a respawn time that was 300 seconds too. To achieve this, I gave the 'Corpse.Decay.NORMAL' setting a value of 300 (obviously because that was my desired decay time) and I gave 'Rate.Corpse.Decay.Looted' a value of 0.3. As you'll see if you run these numbers through my formula, that comes to 300 which is the respawn time I wanted.

I would be interested to hear if this works for you, especially on versions other than 4.3.4 V12.

Edited to add a couple of extra points: 1. If the formula results in a negative respawn time, the game just respawns the creature immediately after corpse looting/decay. 2. The '90' in my formula isn't fixed. On 4.3.4 V12, this number comes from the creature's 'creature' table entry (and specifically the 'spawntimesecs' column value) in the 'world' database. It happened to be 90 on the creature I used for testing.
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Good stuff! Thanks for sharing :) It's indeed the same on previous versions