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Mists of Pandaria 5.4.7 Repack npcbot(BAD)


Mythical User
Silver Supporter
Superior Member
I think this repack should be suppressed. New generation of repack has been coming for a while.
Can you please remove it


Verified Member

Estou apenas compartilhando.

Eu não sou um desenvolvedor. Eu não sei compilar servidores.

Mas eu gosto de MOP. Eu gosto muito disso. Mas pouco repack no mercado ultimamente. Especialmente com npcbot.

Um amigo que trabalha em projetos de baunilha. Com um ecossistema playersbot e npcbot. BGs 40vs40 com playersbot. Seu projeto é simplesmente enorme.
Ele compartilhou comigo este repack MoP 5.4.7 com npcbot.

Eu me diverti muito, mesmo que haja alguns pequenos bugs. Eu não posso nem te dizer quais são os problemas. Eu não me conheço.
Espero que me ajude a descobrir quem fez isso. Teria sido legal fazê-lo em uma fonte mais atualizada.

O criador deste repack é canewadar123. Mas eu não tenho certeza. https://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?227941-5-4-Npcbots

E para aqueles que amam o MoP tanto quanto eu, curtem?

WoW.exe eu coloquei na pasta repack. Você pode usar o cliente 5.4.8.
Bons jogos

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Gold Supporter
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나는 단지 공유하고 있다.

저는 개발자가 아닙니다. 서버를 컴파일하는 방법을 모르겠습니다.

하지만 저는 MoP를 좋아합니다. 나는 그것을 아주 많이 좋아. 그러나 최근 시장에 거의 재포장되지 않았습니다. 특히 npcbot의 경우.

바닐라 프로젝트를 하는 친구. 생태계 playerbot 및 npcbot과 함께. 플레이어봇이 있는 BG 40vs40. 그의 프로젝트는 거대합니다.
그는 npcbot과 함께 이 MoP 5.4.7 리팩을 나와 공유했습니다.

약간의 버그가 있어도 아주 재미있게 봤습니다. 어떤 문제가 있는지도 말할 수 없습니다. 나는 나 자신을 모른다.
누가 그랬는지 알아내는 데 도움이 되길 바랍니다. 최신 소스에서 했다면 좋았을 것입니다.

이 리팩의 제작자는 canewadar123입니다. 하지만 확실하지 않습니다. https://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?227941-5-4-Npcbots

그리고 저처럼 MoP를 좋아하는 분들은 즐기시겠습니까?

WoW.exe repack 폴더에 넣었습니다. 클라이언트 5.4.8을 사용할 수 있습니다.
좋은 게임

[숨겨진 콘텐츠]



Trial Member

I'm just sharing.

I'm not a developer. I don't know how to compile servers.

But I like MoP. I like it very much. But little repack on the market lately. Especially with npcbot.

A friend who works on Vanilla projects. With an ecosystem playersbot and npcbot. BGs 40vs40 with playersbot. His project is just huge.
He shared with me this MoP 5.4.7 repack with npcbot.

I had a lot of fun even if there are some small bugs. I can't even tell you what the problems are. I don't know myself.
I hope you'll help me to find out who did it. It would have been cool to do it on a more up-to-date source.

The creator of this repack is canewadar123. But I'm not sure. https://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?227941-5-4-Npcbots

And for those who love MoP as much as I do, enjoy it ?

WoW.exe I put it in the repack folder. You can use client 5.4.8.
Good games

[Hidden content]

Thank you

I'm just sharing.

I'm not a developer. I don't know how to compile servers.

But I like MoP. I like it very much. But little repack on the market lately. Especially with npcbot.

A friend who works on Vanilla projects. With an ecosystem playersbot and npcbot. BGs 40vs40 with playersbot. His project is just huge.
He shared with me this MoP 5.4.7 repack with npcbot.

I had a lot of fun even if there are some small bugs. I can't even tell you what the problems are. I don't know myself.
I hope you'll help me to find out who did it. It would have been cool to do it on a more up-to-date source.

The creator of this repack is canewadar123. But I'm not sure. https://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?227941-5-4-Npcbots

And for those who love MoP as much as I do, enjoy it ?

WoW.exe I put it in the repack folder. You can use client 5.4.8.
Good games

[Hidden content]

Thanks for sharing <3


Trial Member

I'm just sharing.

I'm not a developer. I don't know how to compile servers.

But I like MoP. I like it very much. But little repack on the market lately. Especially with npcbot.

A friend who works on Vanilla projects. With an ecosystem playersbot and npcbot. BGs 40vs40 with playersbot. His project is just huge.
He shared with me this MoP 5.4.7 repack with npcbot.

I had a lot of fun even if there are some small bugs. I can't even tell you what the problems are. I don't know myself.
I hope you'll help me to find out who did it. It would have been cool to do it on a more up-to-date source.

The creator of this repack is canewadar123. But I'm not sure. https://www.ac-web.org/forums/showthread.php?227941-5-4-Npcbots

And for those who love MoP as much as I do, enjoy it ?

WoW.exe I put it in the repack folder. You can use client 5.4.8.
Good games

[Hidden content]

Works only with 5.4.7?