No soy desarrollador. No sé cómo compilar servidores.![]()
Sólo estoy compartiendo.
Pero me gusta MoP. Me gusta mucho. Pero últimamente hay pocos repacks en el mercado. Especialmente con npcbot.
Un amigo que trabaja en proyectos de Vanilla. Con un ecosistema de jugadoresbot y npcbot. Juegos de 40 contra 40 con jugadoresbot. Su proyecto es enorme.
Él compartió conmigo este repack de MoP 5.4.7 con npcbot.
Me divertí mucho, aunque hay algunos pequeños errores. Ni siquiera puedo decirte cuáles son los problemas. No lo sé.
Espero que me ayudes a averiguar quién lo hizo. Hubiera sido genial hacerlo con una fuente más actualizada.
El creador de este repack es canewadar123, pero no estoy seguro.
Y para los que aman MoP tanto como yo, ¿lo disfrutan?
WoW.exe lo coloqué en la carpeta de reempaquetado. Puedes usar el cliente 5.4.8.
Buenos juegos
[Contenido oculto]
ThanksI'm not a developer. I don't know how to compile servers.![]()
I'm just sharing.
But I like MoP. I like it very much. But little repack on the market lately. Especially with npcbot.
A friend who works on Vanilla projects. With an ecosystem playersbot and npcbot. BGs 40vs40 with playersbot. His project is just huge.
He shared with me this MoP 5.4.7 repack with npcbot.
I had a lot of fun even if there are some small bugs. I can't even tell you what the problems are. I don't know myself.
I hope you'll help me to find out who did it. It would have been cool to do it on a more up-to-date source.
The creator of this repack is canewadar123. But I'm not sure.
And for those who love MoP as much as I do, enjoy it ?
WoW.exe I put it in the repack folder. You can use client 5.4.8.
Good games
[Hidden content]
Ich bin kein Entwickler. Ich weiß nicht, wie man Server kompiliert.![]()
Ich teile es nur.
Aber ich mag MoP. Ich mag es sehr. Aber in letzter Zeit gibt es wenig Repack auf dem Markt. Besonders mit NPCBot.
Ein Freund, der an Vanilla-Projekten arbeitet. Mit einem Ökosystem aus Playersbot und NPCbot. BGs 40vs40 mit Playersbot. Sein Projekt ist einfach riesig.
Er hat dieses MoP 5.4.7-Repack mit npcbot mit mir geteilt.
Ich hatte viel Spaß, auch wenn es ein paar kleine Bugs gibt. Ich kann dir nicht einmal sagen, was die Probleme sind. Ich weiß es selbst nicht.
Ich hoffe, Sie helfen mir herauszufinden, wer es getan hat. Es wäre cool gewesen, wenn es eine aktuellere Quelle gewesen wäre.
Der Ersteller dieses Repacks ist canewadar123. Aber ich bin mir nicht sicher.
Und an alle, die MoP genauso lieben wie ich: Viel Spaß damit?
WoW.exe habe ich in den Repack-Ordner gelegt. Sie können Client 5.4.8 verwenden.
Gute Spiele
[Versteckter Inhalt]
I'm not a developer. I don't know how to compile servers.![]()
I'm just sharing.
But I like MoP. I like it very much. But little repack on the market lately. Especially with npcbot.
A friend who works on Vanilla projects. With an ecosystem playersbot and npcbot. BGs 40vs40 with playersbot. His project is just huge.
He shared with me this MoP 5.4.7 repack with npcbot.
I'm not a developer. I don't know how to compile servers.![]()
I'm just sharing.
But I like MoP. I like it very much. But little repack on the market lately. Especially with npcbot.
A friend who works on Vanilla projects. With an ecosystem playersbot and npcbot. BGs 40vs40 with playersbot. His project is just huge.
He shared with me this MoP 5.4.7 repack with npcbot.
I had a lot of fun even if there are some small bugs. I can't even tell you what the problems are. I don't know myself.
I hope you'll help me to find out who did it. It would have been cool to do it on a more up-to-date source.
The creator of this repack is canewadar123. But I'm not sure.
And for those who love MoP as much as I do, enjoy it ?
WoW.exe I put it in the repack folder. You can use client 5.4.8.
Good games
[Hidden content]
thanksI'm not a developer. I don't know how to compile servers.![]()
I'm just sharing.
But I like MoP. I like it very much. But little repack on the market lately. Especially with npcbot.
A friend who works on Vanilla projects. With an ecosystem playersbot and npcbot. BGs 40vs40 with playersbot. His project is just huge.
He shared with me this MoP 5.4.7 repack with npcbot.
I had a lot of fun even if there are some small bugs. I can't even tell you what the problems are. I don't know myself.
I hope you'll help me to find out who did it. It would have been cool to do it on a more up-to-date source.
The creator of this repack is canewadar123. But I'm not sure.
And for those who love MoP as much as I do, enjoy it ?
WoW.exe I put it in the repack folder. You can use client 5.4.8.
Good games
[Hidden content]