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Mist of Pandaria REPACK, 5.4.8 News [27-07-2018]




Dear Emucoach Users,

The day’s 27th of July. A new Mist of Pandaria repack update is in place. You heard right!

Today, Artamedes and I have some new features to show, some new information and we’re happy to tell you that we’re much closer to an actual release of the MOP repack. More information about that included later in this thread. The development team has done massive amount of fixes to the core. Even fixes that aren’t even seen on a 5.4.8 or 5.4.7 emulator or repack.

Recently we’ve reached above 2000 commits. Yes you heard right, 2000+. I think, at this point, it shows how serious we are about delivering a proper Mist of Pandaria 5.4.8 repack to you guys by our development team and Emucoach. And the best part is that even when the repack gets released, we’ll still be updating it on a daily basis and Emucoach will have version releases - just like Cataclysm. Our progress has been focused on quite a few things - and this includes opcodes from 5.4.7 to 5.4.8, structure fixing, spell fixing, movement fixing and soon enough - world fixes as well.
Now we’re planning to do something big. And that is to import our Cataclysm content to MOP and start on a fresh. This means that most of our Cataclysm world fixes will be imported to MOP. This includes quest fixes worldwide, creature scripting, creature events and texts, creature emotes, spawns etc - things that the Emucoach team has worked really hard on for Cataclysm (and will continue) that are planned to be included for MOP as well.

ETA: 5.4.8 Mist of Pandaria Repack
I want it now.. Now.. now! We understand you do. We want to release it as much as you want to use it and play on it. We still have to finish the last things (Opcodes, structures and import the Cataclysm content). Emucoach plans giving a specific date shortly in a new update, but I can promise you it’ll be shortly. Eventually a month or even less depending how it goes. That means we could be talking weeks, and up to a month.

New Login System
In our MoP repack we will have a new unique feature. Emucoach login system.

Now what is this login system?
When you first open the mop repack it will ask you to login to your emucoach account. Based on the information you entered, the repack will determine if

1) you have an account at emucoach
2) you are a special rank on emucoach (supporter, vip gold, any rank)
3) if you are banned on emucoach

With this information stored, the repack will determine how it should run. With VIP features, or veteran features for people who have had an account on emucoach for a long time. VIP features has not been decided yet nor has veteran features. We could take suggestions for it though! Maybe some custom scripts can activate.

From the developers

Incase you are interested in the behind the scenes of development, of how things are coded here is a few examples:

Packet System: https://pastebin.com/hBAv8FLH : if you have some knowledge of basic coding you can see how we are doing our opcodes. I won’t go too much into detail, but the way we are handling opcodes is through OOP (object oriented programming), this way we can easily edit opcode structures no matter where they are used by just editing the stand alone packet file, if for example they are wrong. This also helps keep track of amount we updated, and such. Here is a screenshot of our packet folder https://i.imgur.com/SOpKimG.png , some files in this have over 2000 lines of code, and others not complete.

Development Progress: Our development team works on mop every single day. We average about 30 commits a day since the past few weeks. Which helped us reach 2000+ commits in no time at all. Sometimes we work until 6 AM time, just to deliver the best possible experience.


Well as a summary mop is in some hardcore development. At emucoach we don’t want to release some average repack, but instead be the best and stay the best. A release ETA will come soon, hopefully very soon!! Please respect the amount of hours and sweat that is put into our repacks. We also don’t want to use stock scripts either from the default JadeCore, so after cataclysm content is imported, we will spawn the mop content, and start scripting it too! (This means pve content, like quests, raids, instances etc++) Thank you!


We are open to any suggestions that you guys may have. And ask any questions you may have (as long as they are reasonable!) Artamedes and I are happy to answer any emulation development/programming question too!

Best Regards,
ExO & Artamedes, Emucoach.com


This includes a World of Warcraft Mist of Pandaria Repack update for patch 5.4.8 MOP


@ravish123 , @IceNet

You asked for a new update, and here you have it =)

Keep in mind we are always open for suggestions on how we can do better or what we should include in the repack. (Eg VIP version, free version etc)


Silver Supporter
Senior User
Appreciate all the hard work that is going into this.

I love the idea of having the repack determine the level of access (standard, VIP, Veteran, etc…) versus the development team maintaining multiple versions and placing them for download in the appropriate section of the forum. This could however backfire depending on how it is implemented.

For example if it is simply calling out that the forum servers user access database this could easily be redirected and pass back whatever level you want.
Kind of like how some of the hacked bot applications currently on the forum have you run a mini web server to trick the app into thinking it is calling home to authenticate.

Again, great idea. You may have already though about this and put countermeasures in place so this may be a pointless concern. Since the actual method used to grant access is not available for review until the repack is released I thought I would just mention it. I just don’t want to see all the teams hard work be circumvented by some little redirect app that give, a new user to the forum, full VIP access without them contributing to the effort.

Looking forward to the release and great job all around.


Silver Supporter
Veteran Member
You should be able to use the repack OFFLINE like any other, if you really have to include the forums rank system, it should be stored locally and should get updated once you´re logging in again while having a internet connection.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The Netherlands
New Login System
In our MoP repack we will have a new unique feature. Emucoach login system.

Now what is this login system?
When you first open the mop repack it will ask you to login to your emucoach account. Based on the information you entered, the repack will determine if

1) you have an account at emucoach
2) you are a special rank on emucoach (supporter, vip gold, any rank)
3) if you are banned on emucoach

With this information stored, the repack will determine how it should run. With VIP features, or veteran features for people who have had an account on emucoach for a long time. VIP features has not been decided yet nor has veteran features. We could take suggestions for it though! Maybe some custom scripts can activate.

That's really awesome! Goodjob ;)

Jack Sparrow

Gold Supporter
Senior User
So going on about the Login system, we will come up with special algorithms in place, You will need internet the first time you open the repack, then after it can load offline.

Thanks for your interests guys.


Silver Supporter
Senior User
So going on about the Login system, we will come up with special algorithms in place, You will need internet the first time you open the repack, then after it can load offline.

Thanks for your interests guys.

Since this will be an initial check the first time you open the repack you will need a way to recheck in case someone wants to upgrade to a VIP account after checking out how amazing the repack is first as a normal user.
Or have it check each time it is launched , so long as there is an Internet connection, to update the access level.

Don't want then to have to delete and redownload/setup the entire repack because they when to VIP or VIP Gold.

Just a thought.
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Gold Supporter
Senior User
Since this will be an initial check the first time you open the repack you will need a way to recheck in case someone wants to upgrade to a VIP account after checking out how amazing the repack is first as a normal user.
Or have it check each time it is launched , so long as there is an Internet connection, to update the sccess level.

Don't want then to have to delete and redownload/setup the entire repack because they when to VIP or VIP Gold.

Just a thought.

I see a lot of problems with that login system, but i admire the work you guys are doing, just again Exo, Don't be blinded by "More V.I.P Gold"
Don't do things too extreme, Extras modules and etc its ok, but don't private people from using your repack to the fullest.
Best of luck and keep up the good work

Jack Sparrow

Gold Supporter
Senior User
Since this will be an initial check the first time you open the repack you will need a way to recheck in case someone wants to upgrade to a VIP account after checking out how amazing the repack is first as a normal user.
Or have it check each time it is launched , so long as there is an Internet connection, to update the access level.

Don't want then to have to delete and redownload/setup the entire repack because they when to VIP or VIP Gold.

Just a thought.

That's indeed another thought, and yes, it will check each time it's launched the account's status.

So again about the license system, we will have phases of testing, to see how it feels. If it doesn't work out, it can be improved or changed all together.

Mr. Satan

Admiral Squatbar
Mythical User
Head Moderator
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MoP Premium
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World Martial Arts Championships
I see a lot of problems with that login system, but i admire the work you guys are doing, just again Exo, Don't be blinded by "More V.I.P Gold"
Don't do things too extreme, Extras modules and etc its ok, but don't private people from using your repack to the fullest.
Best of luck and keep up the good work

At first, I got a little worried, but then I realized what it could actually do. If it allows just one version of the repack, instead of having a "free" and "vip" and "vip gold" release, that would save a ton of time on the developers' end. This is where an auto-updater would really come in handy, as they would no longer need to keep making new posts and such, only a 'Changelog' post, with just 1 post where everyone can go to and download *THE* MoP repack.

As for benefits for VIP/VIP Gold, I would think something like special mounts/pets or whatever, something you had to spend real money on in retail to get. Then again, they'd have to block the mount/pet from being added in using commands, else anyone could just spawn it.

Also I'm really excited for a MoP repack. I can't wait to play it, as it was the only expansion I got to actually play through.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hoooly Fuuuck, 2000 commits in this short time :eek:

Guys, do u even sleep? xD

The license system:

Don't do it offline (crackable)
Is it possible to enable "custom stuff" like old pvp ranks, anticheat, vip-system, crossfaction, etc for vip/vip gold?


Gold Supporter
It is simply amazing work you all are doing.!!! I am just astonished at the progress!
I am happy to be part of a great team of people that have a passion into making this a reality!!!


Verified Member
Very cool.
Will it also have an option to use bots by any chance?? :)

Thanks, keep it up!


Gold Supporter
Superior Member
Barryton Michigan USA
I am excited about having pandaria. My wife really wants it bad. I don't understand the value of having a higher rank, When they already have the entire server right in front of them. Unless you plan to have some useful tools that go along with the server that they can use at higher levels. Cosmetic items like mounts ect, Can be created by any GM, So that's not very useful. But a web page that teaches you how to add/fix a script would come in handy, And hopefully spawn many new developers.
Maybe access to special lists of things that people don't know about, Or don't usually see ingame. Like where to find the best hunter pets, Or mounts that we never see, Because we don't know about them, Or can't get them normally.
A large majority of players like to put together their own combinations of spells to use during an attack. Some even macro them. A long list of these would be worth paying extra for. Maybe a guide for the macro system itself.
An emucoach guide that teaches you the best tactics for taking down certain bosses, Or how to run a specific raid. Yes we can look that up online. But it it's all in one website that's even better.
Anyway just some ideas.


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
This would stop a lot of the repack snatching. It's a good idea. If they come here just to [get the repack] to reuse? At least it will only be the [free for anyone] versions. Folks here work WAY TOO HARD on these repacks. It always angered me to find them on other sites trying to elicit cash. When they themselves did nothing but rename the DB. Great job all! :)


Gold Supporter
Senior User
The mountains, WV, USA
I am excited about having pandaria. My wife really wants it bad. I don't understand the value of having a higher rank, When they already have the entire server right in front of them. Unless you plan to have some useful tools that go along with the server that they can use at higher levels. Cosmetic items like mounts ect, Can be created by any GM, So that's not very useful. But a web page that teaches you how to add/fix a script would come in handy, And hopefully spawn many new developers.
Maybe access to special lists of things that people don't know about, Or don't usually see ingame. Like where to find the best hunter pets, Or mounts that we never see, Because we don't know about them, Or can't get them normally.
A large majority of players like to put together their own combinations of spells to use during an attack. Some even macro them. A long list of these would be worth paying extra for. Maybe a guide for the macro system itself.
An emucoach guide that teaches you the best tactics for taking down certain bosses, Or how to run a specific raid. Yes we can look that up online. But it it's all in one website that's even better.
Anyway just some ideas.

We need our own Database. Like the one they shut down. The ones today are [all] incomplete sadly in 1, or more areas. Wowhead, petopia, etc are based off the newest content, and older content is often completely removd, or have no ID# after doing the search. Though a [pre-existing item] will [usually] still possess the same ID# and work in CATA/MOP/ETC as long the the item is in your DB. Blizzard even left many things removed still in the DB. They are still there if you wish to readd them to your world. lol ;)
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