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Minor Fix V14 (Scholomance)


Verified Member
This might be a bug that is blizz-like, not sure...

Jandice Barov spawns adds that are level 61 despite scholo being scaled down for Cata.
This will fix the stats to be closer to what they should be.
-- https://www.wowhead.com/npc=11439/illusion-of-jandice-barov
UPDATE creature_template SET minlevel = 41, maxlevel = 41, mindmg = 59, maxdmg = 78, attackpower = 142, dmg_multiplier = 1, minrangedmg = 42, maxrangedmg=62, rangedattackpower = 14 WHERE entry=11439;

Edit: So I went ahead and tested this fight again with a level 42 goblin hunter, and an npcbot party of a warrior, priest, rogue, and mage. The spawns didn't instant wipe us like before but it was still too much for the warrior. So I scaled them back a little bit more by reducing the damage multiplier. This made the spawns much more manageable. The next fight, the warrior died (npcbots, go figure) and then I had to kite the adds around. A party of real players would find this fight much more reasonable now.
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