Hero's call
- ULDUM has been re-examined. Quest should now be 90% lockable. Also instances in this area have been tested. +1
- Deepholm was re-examined. Quest should now be 90% lockable. Also instance in this area has been tested. +1
- Hyjal has been re-examined. Quest should now be 90% lockable. +1
- The king's command: has been re-checked and fixed +1
- The Art of War: re-reviewed and fixed +1
- Battle on the high seas Custom fixed with success and posed. +1
- Tomb of the Forgotten Kings Custom fixed with success and posed. +1
- The dark heart Pandarias Custom fixed with success and posed. +1
- A storm brews together Custom fixed with success and posed. +1
- Arena of extinction Custom fixed with success and posed. +1
- Greenstone fixed with success and posed. +1
- Unga Ingu fixed with success and posed. +1
- Düstermarschen Horde + Alliance asked, but still no access to the map.
- Secrets of the Flame Maw Horde has been created. Success has been added. +1
- Checking the confidence WoD scenarios level 100. Scripts, NPC and Quest fixed +1
Instance Update Grimmgleisdepot
Had Completely be revised because you could not jump on the wagon because no scrip was available, and the end boss was faulty and not vulnerable.
but now playable until the shot
Level 1, 2, 3 playable with phases
All buildings are now for updating.
On both sides, the harbor is now playable for the Garrison, via a quest series.
Entrances for the scenarios open to the players. Since the browser scenario does not work, objects have been built from where you can start with level 90 in Pandaria. Also for the Horde side (Secrets of the Flame Maw) was provided.