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Localisation questions. Where to find corresponding fields


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hi all.
1st of all: Thanks to all of you, contributing to this nice community!

I have the project of having my cata-Server (only used for me, myself and i) completely localised in German language.

Even though i speak english, french and german fluently, I want to have EVERYTHING in the corresponding language when playing.
So, when i use my german client, i want everything to be in German.

I am using emucoach V12 for my project and i was very happ to find, that most of it is already localised.
But i found some fields, which are not localised or even i dont find the corresponding field in the database...
So perhaps someone from the community can clarify a few things for me ;)

A lot of localisation is already inside the db. Thats great. But:
Some fields are not filled and i could not find any translation nowhere in the web, so i decided to do them on my own.

The fields that with missing locales i found until now are:

objectivetext1 in table quest_template (here i cant even find the corresponding field in the locales_quest.)

OfferRewardText_loc3 in table locales_quest

RequestItemsText_loc3 in table locales_quest

text0_0_loc3 , text 1_0_loc3 , text_2_0_loc3 in table locales_npc_text

option_text_loc3 in table locales_gossip_menu_option

text_loc3 in table locales_creature_text ! depends on groupid, id

For some things eG: Innkeeper Belm in Kharanos -> "I'd like to browse your goods" I cant even find the text string nor where to translate it.


- Does someone know if somewhere translations for locale 3 (German) for the fields "OfferReardText_loc3" , "RequestItemsText_loc3" , ... (see above) exist?
I have not found anything in the web, but perhaps one of you know better :)

- Does someone know, where the translation / locale for field "objectivetext1" in table quest_template should go to? I could not find a filed :(

When i advance my project, i will be happy to share all the translations, that i did.

A nice day for all of you.



Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hey. Thanks for the hint. I already found GTDB and it contains a lot of good localisation.

To be honest: Emucoach (in my case V12) does also already contain a lot of good localisation. *thumbsup*
Only a few fields (like eg OfferReardText_loc3 , RequestItemsText_loc3) and some gossip does not have any other locale than EN.

And for some fields I cant find a field to put the locale in, like objectivetext1... and i dont want to just overwrite the EN...

Thanks again for mentioning GTDB. I already took some out of it...

Have great day.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Hi@all. I am still working on my "German Localisation" Project and i am advancing slowly, but advancing ;)
When there is more to share, i will share my DB , if anybody wants to play in German language ;)

I have still not figured out, why there seems to be no field for locale/translation of database-field : objectivetext1 ....

So if someone know where to translate this field (insted of overwriting ) ... any hint would be highly appreciated.



Gold Supporter
Hi@all. I am still working on my "German Localisation" Project and i am advancing slowly, but advancing ;)
When there is more to share, i will share my DB , if anybody wants to play in German language ;)

I have still not figured out, why there seems to be no field for locale/translation of database-field : objectivetext1 ....

So if someone know where to translate this field (insted of overwriting ) ... any hint would be highly appreciated.

Hello! Same problem. I have still not figured out, why there seems to be no field for locale/translation of database-field : objectivetext1
Have you solved the problem? Did you know where to look? Thank you.


Gold Supporter
Hi@all. I am still working on my "German Localisation" Project and i am advancing slowly, but advancing ;)
When there is more to share, i will share my DB , if anybody wants to play in German language ;)

I have still not figured out, why there seems to be no field for locale/translation of database-field : objectivetext1 ....

So if someone know where to translate this field (insted of overwriting ) ... any hint would be highly appreciated.

Something new information?