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List of all dungeons that aren't completable


Trial Member
[Location, Faction, Race] Dungeons on normal difficulty
[Name, Type] In the list
[Problem Description] This is the list of all dungeons on normal difficulty that aren't completable and unleavable (Deserter + No LFG reward.) I also wrote when LFG Reward should be given to a player after defeating the boss.

Ragefire Chasm after killing Taragaman the Hungerer
Shadowfang Keep
Maraudon The Wicked Grotto after killing Lord Vyletongue
Maraudon Foulspore Cavern after killing Razorlash
Scarlet Monastery Cathedral
Dire Maul Warpwood Quarter after killing Alzzin the Wildshaper
Dire Maul Capital Gardens after killing Prince Tortheldrin (also some mobs are level 60)
Razorfen Downs boss Glutton is missing
Dire Maul Gordok Commons after killing King Gordok (also boss is level 60)
Stratholme Main Gate should be Cataclysm version.
Zul'Farrak (also door for the final boss is closed
Stratholme Service Entrance
Blackrock Depths Detention Block after killing Fineous Darkvire
Blackrock Depths Upper City
Lower Blackrock Spire
Upper Blackrock Spire
Slave Pens
Throne of the Tides

[How it should work] All dungeons in the list should give a player the reward and permission to leave.