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LegionCore 7.3.5 Repack - Version 2020_04_25_Final


Verified Member
Was anyone able to get the LEGION version before he "discontinued" it?
Can anyone RE-share the "discontinued" LEGION core ??? Please !!!
I've ZERO interest in the BFA version (thanks, but, NO thanks)... .. .


Verified Member
BfaCore Repack Released

---> BfaCore 8.3.0 Repack <---

LegionCore 7.3.5 is now officially discontinued.
BfaCore 8.3.0 is now the main core.

Have Fun! :)

-BfaCore Team

I must say, it is okay to drop "support" for something you have released. However, it is VERY unprofessional to just completely REVOKE (remove) something you have shared, like you have. I was REALLY looking forward to downloading and checking out this "LEGION" core; I have ZERO interest whatsoever in BFA.

I would greatly appreciate it if you (or anyone else around here) would "re-share" LEGION core, please and thanks!


Gold Supporter
yes this is very different, but this release should have everything sppv2 ashamane trinity and uwow have. also this is open source, so feel free to edit the source if you like. only the broken stuff from sppv2 (like crashing invasions, broken quests) has not been added to this core, everything else has been added. and also sppv2 custom mods like deathmatch maker and solocraft has not been added to this core.

sppv2 has ALOT of unused tables in the database and unused config values etc, this core doesnt have any garbage in the database like sppv2 has.

also i want to say that conan and his crew has done a great job with sppv2, but it could be even better if it was open source.
All repacks and core sources are made for the wow private server scene, so to make the scene better and more blizzlike, it will need open source projects.
We all should remember that world of warcraft is just a game for children, nothing more.

"We all should remember that world of warcraft is just a game for children, nothing more."

While this probably isn't the place for me to be commenting on this, it's also not really the place for you to have posted it to begin with. Games are not for children, they're for everyone... and I absolutely despise when people make this assertion. To sit there trash talking SPP while making such a stupid statement is laughable...