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[Legion] World of Warcraft Launcher - v1.0 | by. Asrael


Veteran Member
Verified Member
at the moment I work at a Launcher for mainly WoW Legion! (Can be changed in Photoshop)
The Launcher is not completely finished. Need some improvements. Its coded in VB10 (Visual Basic)
and Photoshop (For the Layout). But first of all sorry for my bad english im from germany.

The Launcher contains:
* A Header Menu Text which is clickable and changeable.
* A Server chooser at the left hand side.
* 4 Tabs with "Website", "Realmlist", "Forum" and "Vote"
* A Trailer Window at the mid of the Launcher.
* 3 News Tabs at the mid of the launcher. (You can deactivate it)
* A big Play Button which can be changed.
* The Server Gameversion at the right hand site at the bottom. (Need manual change)
* A changeable Background Picture.
* Custom; Close, Resize and Minimize Icons.
* A clean and easy to change code in VB

Information: Some of the Features are not working atm. But when the Launcher gets
released it will work.

Features whch are coming in v2.0:
* A background downloader (For automatically download the Gameversion (Game))
* A In-Launcher Background changer (For Users who wants to edit the Background) (Just 4 Fun)
* A Settings Menue where you can automatically change the Realmlist, Clear the Cache etc.
* Standalone Status (Without Wow.exe)
* Auto Login option (Like the original Battle.net Launcher)
* You want a Feature? Ask me! *

Hope you enjoy this Project!
Best regards,
AsterionProject aka Asrael


Trial Member
at the moment I work at a Launcher for mainly WoW Legion! (Can be changed in Photoshop)
The Launcher is not completely finished. Need some improvements. Its coded in VB10 (Visual Basic)
and Photoshop (For the Layout). But first of all sorry for my bad english im from germany.

The Launcher contains:
* A Header Menu Text which is clickable and changeable.
* A Server chooser at the left hand side.
* 4 Tabs with "Website", "Realmlist", "Forum" and "Vote"
* A Trailer Window at the mid of the Launcher.
* 3 News Tabs at the mid of the launcher. (You can deactivate it)
* A big Play Button which can be changed.
* The Server Gameversion at the right hand site at the bottom. (Need manual change)
* A changeable Background Picture.
* Custom; Close, Resize and Minimize Icons.
* A clean and easy to change code in VB

Information: Some of the Features are not working atm. But when the Launcher gets
released it will work.

Features whch are coming in v2.0:
* A background downloader (For automatically download the Gameversion (Game))
* A In-Launcher Background changer (For Users who wants to edit the Background) (Just 4 Fun)
* A Settings Menue where you can automatically change the Realmlist, Clear the Cache etc.
* Standalone Status (Without Wow.exe)
* Auto Login option (Like the original Battle.net Launcher)
* You want a Feature? Ask me! *

Hope you enjoy this Project!
Best regards,
AsterionProject aka Asrael