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legion client error 7.3.5


Veteran Member
hi, i was looking at exo's new 7.3.5 repack and it was all good until i tried to get a client. i've tried multiple clients but have gotten the same error each time.
i've only tried to uncheck the read only box in the file with no help and also the client im using is 7.3.5. i really need help i don't know what else to do.

this is the error message that i've been getting.

World of Warcraft
The CAS system was unable to initialize: ClientHandler: initialization error:

failed fetching the CDN configuration file ClientHandler: initialization error:
failed fetching the CDN configuration file ClientHandler: initialization error:
failed fetching the CDN configuration file
tact::ClientHandler:Create failed: E_NOT_AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:05] (51 bc} INF: FRTP: shutting down connection 160 for host '' [20200311719:53:05] (51bc) INF: HTTP: shutdown complete [20200311719:53:05] (3b3c) INF: HTTP: shutdown requested [20200311719:53:05] (3b3c) ERR: network dispatcher action posted after shutdown [20200311719:53:05] (3b3c) INF: NGDP initialization - (archive: true, cache: true, Async true) [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server//level3.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server fileve13.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server fileve13.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server fileve13.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server//level3.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server//us.cdn.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server//us.cdn.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server//us.cdn.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: adding network address for server//us.cdn.blizzard.com [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) INF: NameResolutionComplete numServers 2 numHosts 9 [20200311719:53:05] (3b3c) INF: Initialization step - FETCHING_CDN_CONFIG [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) ERR: HTTP: truncated in '' //leve13.blizzard.conVtpr/wow/config/64/80/64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e : 404 [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) ERR: HTTP: truncated in '' //leve13.blizzard.corn/tpr/wow/config/64/80/64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e : 404 [20200311719:53:05] (6a2c) ERR: HTTP: truncated in '' //leve13.blizzard.corn/tpr/wow/config/64/80/64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e : 404 [20200311719:53:06] (6a2c) ERR: HTTP: truncated in '' //leve13.blizzard.corn/tpr/wow/config/64/80/64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e : 404 [20200311719:53:06] (6a2c) ERR: HTTP: truncated in '' //leve13.blizzard.corn/tpr/wow/config/64/80/64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e : 404 [20200311719:53:06] (6a2c) ERR: failed to select host for download 1: DOWNLOAD ERR NOT AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (3b3c} WRN: failed to fetch file '64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e' (CDN config) (flags = Ox0): E_NOT_AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (6a2c) ERR: failed to select host for download 2: DOWNLOAD ERR NOT AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (3b3c} WRN: failed to fetch file '64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e' (CDN config) (flags = Ox0): E_NOT_AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (6a2c) ERR: failed to select host for download 3: DOWNLOAD ERR NOT AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (3b3c} WRN: failed to fetch file '64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e' (CDN config) (flags = MO): E_NOT_AVAllABLE [20200311719:53:06] (6a2c) ERR: failed to select host for download 4: DOWNLOAD ERR NOT AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (3b3c} WRN: failed to fetch file '64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e' (CDN config) (flags = Ox0): E_NOT_AVAllABLE [202130311719:53:06] (6a2c) ERR: failed to select host for download 5: DOWNLOAD ERR NOT AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (3b3c} WRN: failed to fetch file '64807bbe25e10b94729dd8d709a56d4e' (CDN config) (flags = Ox0): E_NOT_AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:06] (3b3c) ERR: failed to fetch CDN configuration file: E_NOT_AVAILABLE [20200311719:53:07] (6a2c) INF: FRTP: shutdown requested [20200311719:53:07] (6a2c). INF: HTTP: shutting down [20200311719:53:07] (6a2c) INF: HTTP: shutting down connection 167 for host '' [20200311719:53:07] (6a2c) INF: HTTP: shutting down connection 168 for host '' [20200311719:53:07] (6a2c) INF: HTTP: shutting down connection 169 for host '' [20200311719:53:07] (6a2c) INF: HTTP: shutdown complete [20200311719:53:07] (3b3c) INF: HTTP: shutdown requested [20200311719:53:07] (3b3c) ERR: network dispatcher action posted after shutdown


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Over yonder.
Where did you get the client from? This type of error is usually associated with a failed download from blizzard. ie: it may be trying to update. Did you set your realm to Also, are you using the standard WoW.exe to launch, or a cracked one? Because the cracked exe is necessary to launch a battlenet client and not have it attempt a further download.


Veteran Member
Where did you get the client from? This type of error is usually associated with a failed download from blizzard. ie: it may be trying to update. Did you set your realm to Also, are you using the standard WoW.exe to launch, or a cracked one? Because the cracked exe is necessary to launch a battlenet client and not have it attempt a further download.

i got one of my clients from wowmortal and i got another from ashmane project back when i had an old legion server with no problems on the client. i also have tried setting my realmlist to with nothing. i also have just been using the clients that say spp-wow if that helps.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Over yonder.
Ok, the SPP-wow is the correct exe, since that has already been cracked. But the build that this particular repack uses is 26124. I can't say specifically which build Wowmortal uses, but I'm almost certain Ashamane uses 26365 or later. Other folks in the community have been using the client downloaded from Uwow.biz, with no issues, since it is the correct build. That may be your best solution.


Veteran Member
Ok, the SPP-wow is the correct exe, since that has already been cracked. But the build that this particular repack uses is 26124. I can't say specifically which build Wowmortal uses, but I'm almost certain Ashamane uses 26365 or later. Other folks in the community have been using the client downloaded from Uwow.biz, with no issues, since it is the correct build. That may be your best solution.

ok thanks ill try it


Verified Member
I'm at this point annoyed because I have SPP's fixed Exe and the stuff it comes with but it failed for this vary error.
unless SPP is missing something?
I just want a Legion Exe that doesn't quire an internet connection to launch but the only ones I have that are even functional are Uwow and Firestorm, both of which refuse to launch without a net connection because they are trying to grab build info from a URL page.
even when I place the build info file in the WoW directory they have it doesn't recognize it and keeps pinging for the URL.

this seems to be my only issue, I recall someone mentioned a way to edit the Wow.exe files to stop them from pinging a net url.
But the post had a bunch of dead links. and mentioned wireshark but they don't allow their app for what was mentioned anymore.