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Legion 7.3.5 Repack Singe Player Project WoW, by SPP


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World of Warcraft Legion Repack. Created by Single Player Project.

WoW Legion 7.3.5 Repack
SPP Legion Repack 7.3.5 by Conan. Credits to them , I just share and re-release them so more people can enjoy their work :D
Update 4.

Huge thanks to the repack team:
- kooSH
- Mr. Unknown
- Warlord Zul'Jin
- veil
- Jinnai

Instances & dungeons & bosses

Legion content applied:

Antorus The Burning Throne

Black Rook Hold Dungeon

Cathedral of Eternal Night

Court of Stars

Dark Heart Thicket

Eye of Azshara

Halls of Valor

Maw of Souls

Micro Holidays

Neltharions Lair

Return To Karazhan

The Arcway

The Emerald Nightmare

The Nighthold

The Seat of The Triumvirate

Tomb of Sargeras

Trial of Valor

Vault of the Wardens

Violet Hold Legion

Invasion point Argus

Invasion point world bosses



World bosses legion

Warlords of Draenor Content:

Blackrock Foundry

Bloodmaul Slag Mines

Hellfire Citadel (Bosses are Present but not scripted) (R3DF4ST Discovery)


Iron Docks

Shadowmoon Burial Grounds


The Everbloom

Upper Blackrock Spire

Dark Portal

Forstfire Ridge

Shadowmoon Valley

World Bosses Draenor

Mist of Pandaria Content:
Gate Setting Sun

Heart of Fear

Mogu'shan Palace

Mogu'shan Vault

Shado-pan Monastery

Siege of Niuzao Temple

Siege of Orgrimmar

Stormstout Brewery

Temple of the Jade Serpent

Terrace of Endless Spring

Throne of Thunder

Timeless isle

Kun-Lai Summit

Valley of the Four Winds

Wandering Island

Krasarang Wilds

Boss Galion

Boss Nalak

Boss Oondasta

Boss Sha of Anger

Scenarios applied:
A Brewing Storm

A Little Patience

Arena of Annihilation

Army Training


Assault on Broken Shore

Assault on Zan'vess

Battle on the High Seas

Battle Pet Instance

Blood in the Snow

Brewmoon Festival

Broken Islands

The Celestial Tournament

Crypt of Forgotten Kings

Dagger in the Dark

Dark Heart of Pandaria

Domination Point

Fall of Shan Bu

Greenstone Village

Legion Invasion

Lion's Landing

Proving Grounds

Pursuing the Black Harvest

The Secrets of Ragefire

The Thunder Forge

Troves of the Thunder King

Unga Ingoo

Custom features on the repack:
- AHbot

- SoloLFG

- Solocraft

- SpeedGame

- NoCastTime

- HurtInRealTime

- SPP PVP Arena

- Dynamic XP Rate

- GainHonorOnEliteKill

- GainHonorOnGuardKill

- XP for PvP kills

- Auto.Say.Hello

- Battlepay (unfinished yet)

- Crossfaction BG

- Login.Announcer

- Boss.Kill.Announcer

- PvPKill.Announcer

- KilledByCreature.Announcer

- RandomEnchants

- Mythic challenge mode

- AllowPVPTalentsAllTheTime

What is Solocraft?
By Conan, SPP Legion Repack info:
Solocraft is a script to increase the players stats in dungeons and raids, based on group size.
Currently only buff the player HP, we working on to fix the damage and VAS autobalance.

How to create account?
Use the new built in website to create an account.

How to use it:
1. Download any World of Warcraft 7.3.5 any version
2. Download this repack and extract it somewhere
3. Edit the supported game version both in bnetserver.conf and worldserver.conf files before starting the servers
4. Start the servers one by one 1_Database+Web.bat -> 2_Bnetserver.bat -> 3_Worldserver.bat
5. Open the World of Warcraft\WTF\Config.wtf file with a text editor and change the SET portal line to SET portal ""

Default admin account:

adm@adm adm

Torrent Click

Google Drive Click

SPP-LegionV2 basic auto-update system test

I see many people have received false alerts on the Update.exe files.
I'm trying to solve this problem with this new VBS script file, and I have built in a basic auto-update system that allows anyone to update the repack just by running this file.
1. Download the Update.vbs file
2. Copy into the SPP-LegionV2 Praevius repack folder
3. Run the Update.vbs file
Download Auto-Update script click

Game Download:
Full Legion click
Minimal Legion click


You need to change/add these settings manually on worldserver.conf files

Please change/add these lines manually to worldserver.conf.

Make sure none of these configurations exist twice!



GridCleanUpDelay = 300000 -> 60000

Custom.NoCastTime = 1 -> 0

Custom.HurtInRealTime= 1 -> 0


New lines:



# Tol Barad.Enable

# Description: Enable the Tol Barad battlefield.

# Default: 0 - (Disabled)

# 1 - (Enabled, Experimental as of still being in development)

Tol Barad.Enable = 0


# Tol Barad.PlayerMax

# Description: Maximum number of players allowed in Tol Barad.

# Default: 100

Tol Barad.PlayerMax = 100


# Tol Barad.PlayerMin

# Description: Minimum number of players required for Tol Barad.

# Default: 0

Tol Barad.PlayerMin = 0


# Tol Barad.PlayerMinLvl

# Description: Required character level for the Tol Barad battle.

# Default: 77

Tol Barad.PlayerMinLvl = 77


# Tol Barad.BattleTimer

# Description: Time (in minutes) for the Tol Barad battle to last.

# Default: 30

Tol Barad.BattleTimer = 30


# Tol Barad.NoBattleTimer

# Description: Time (in minutes) between Tol Barad battles.

# Default: 150

Tol Barad.NoBattleTimer = 150






# VAS.AutoBalance.XPlayer

# Set Server to level of solo mode.

# Set to 0 to Disable VAS-SOLO Mod.

# Example: VAS.AutoBalance.XPlayer = 1 will set everything for a 1 player game.

# Default: 1

VAS.AutoBalance.XPlayer = 1


# VAS.AutoBalance.AutoInstance

# Set instances to Auto chance XPlayer depending on players in it.

# Default: 1 (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)

VAS.AutoBalance.AutoInstance = 1


# VAS.AutoBalance.Debug

# 0 = None

# 1 = Errors Only

# 2 = Errors and Basic Information

# 3 = All VAS Info

# Default: 1

VAS.AutoBalance.Debug = 2


# VAS.AutoBalance.PlayerChangeNotify

# Set Auto Notifications to all players in Instance that player count has changed.

# Default: 1 (1 = ON, 0 = OFF)

VAS.AutoBalance.PlayerChangeNotify = 1


# VAS.AutoBalance.Color

# In Game Color for mod information in chat window.

# Default: cffFF8000 (Orange)

VAS.AutoBalance.Color = cffFF8000


# Min.HP.Mod

# Minimum Modifier setting for Health Modification

# Default: 0.20

Min.HP.Mod = 0.20


# Min.D.Mod

# Minimum Modifier setting for Damage Modification

# Default: 0.10

Min.D.Mod = 0.10


# VAS.AutoBalance.XX.Name

# Sets MobIDs for the group they belong to.

# All 5 Man Mobs should go in VAS.AutoBalance.5.Name

# All 10 Man Mobs should go in VAS.AutoBalance.10.Name etc.

VAS.AutoBalance.40.Name = "11583,16441,30057,13020,15589,14435,18192,14889,14888,14887,14890,15302,15818,15742,15741,15740,18338"

VAS.AutoBalance.25.Name = "22997,21966,21965,21964,21806,21215,21845,19728,12397,17711,18256,18192,"

VAS.AutoBalance.10.Name = "15689,15550,16152,17521,17225,16028,29324,31099"

VAS.AutoBalance.5.Name = "15203,15204,15205,15305,6109,26801,30508,26799,30495,26803,30497,27859,27249"

VAS.AutoBalance.2.Name = "25549,24558,25574,24559,25556,25557,25578,24561,25555,24555,25541,24553,25550,24554,24552,25564,15931,29373"




#Legion Invasions #



# Addition.Dalaran.Invasion


# Description: Disable or Enable the Dalaran Invasion Custom Scenario


# Default: 0 (disabled)

# 1 (enabled)


Custom.Dalaran.Invasion = 0

# Description: Disable or Enable the Barrens and Westfall Invasions


# Default: 0 (disabled)

# 1 (enabled)


Custom.BarrensWestfall.Invasion = 0



one disable the casting time and one disable the auto attack so your character attack when you click with right mouse button.

Please set both to 0 for normal gaming experience.

Youtube video of Legion Repack launch by SPP
Last edited by a moderator:


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MoP Premium
Superior Member
Enjoy the SPP Legion V2 by Conan. Good job to them! :D

SPP-LegionV2 - Update 4 the Battlepay system and much more


1. Download the SPP-LegionV2_Update4.7z file
2. Extract the Update.vbs and update4.tmp file into the repack folder
3. Run the Update.vbs and wait for the update process end
3.1 Run the update again if the server won't boot up

Worldserver.conf changes between the first release and the latest updates:
You need to copy/change these lines into your worldserver.conf file manually:

Please change/add these lines manually to worldserver.conf.
Make sure none of these configurations exist twice!
GridCleanUpDelay = 300000 -> 60000
Custom.NoCastTime = 1 -> 0
Custom.NoCastTime = 1 -> 0
New lines:
#     Tol Barad.Enable
#         Description: Enable the Tol Barad battlefield.
#         Default:     0 - (Disabled)
#                      1 - (Enabled, Experimental as of still being in development)
Tol Barad.Enable = 0
#     Tol Barad.PlayerMax
#         Description: Maximum number of players allowed in Tol Barad.
#         Default:     100
Tol Barad.PlayerMax = 100
#     Tol Barad.PlayerMin
#         Description: Minimum number of players required for Tol Barad.
#         Default:     0
Tol Barad.PlayerMin = 0
#     Tol Barad.PlayerMinLvl
#         Description: Required character level for the Tol Barad battle.
#         Default:     77
Tol Barad.PlayerMinLvl = 77
#     Tol Barad.BattleTimer
#         Description: Time (in minutes) for the Tol Barad battle to last.
#         Default:     30
Tol Barad.BattleTimer = 30
#     Tol Barad.NoBattleTimer
#         Description: Time (in minutes) between Tol Barad battles.
#         Default:     150
Tol Barad.NoBattleTimer = 150
#Legion Invasions    #
#   Addition.Dalaran.Invasion
#        Description: Disable or Enable the Dalaran Invasion Custom Scenario
#        Default:     0 (disabled)
#                     1 (enabled)
Custom.Dalaran.Invasion = 0
#        Description: Disable or Enable the Barrens and Westfall Invasions
#        Default:     0 (disabled)
#                     1 (enabled)
Custom.BarrensWestfall.Invasion = 0
# Server Rates are determined with Rate.XP.Kill above.
#    Rate.XP.Change.Min
#    Sets the minimal XP multiplier a player can choose
Rate.XP.Change.Min = 2
#    Rate.XP.Change.Max
#    Sets the Max XP multiplier a player can choose
Rate.XP.Change.Max = 28
#    Rate.XP.Change.Step
#    Sets the multiplier Increments a player can choose
Rate.XP.Change.Step = 1
# Disable Garrison Upgrades#
#        Garrisone.DisableUpgrade
#            Set it to 1 to disable garrison upgrades. (Will help with Mage tower challenge)
#    Default : 0
Garrisone.DisableUpgrade = 0
#Skip Starter Areas#
#    Skip pandaren starting area
#        Enable this if you want to skip the Wandering Isle (pandaren starting area)
#        You can choose faction instantly and Pandaren characters leveled up to 10
#        and get some starting items.
#    Skip.Pandaren.Enable
#        Default:     1 (enabled)
#                     0 (disabled)
Skip.Pandaren.Enable = 0
#    Skip worgen starting area
#        Enable this if you want to skip the worgen starting area
#    Skip.Worgen.Enable
#        Default:    1 (enabled)
#                    0 (disabled)
Skip.Worgen.Enable = 0
#    Skip goblin starting area
#        Enable this if you want to skip the goblin starting area
#    Skip.Goblin.Enable
#        Default:    1 (enabled)
#                    0 (disabled)
Skip.Goblin.Enable = 0
#     FireWorksOnLevelUp
#        Description: Players shoot a firework when reach level 110.
#        Default:     0 (disabled)
#                     1 (enabled)
FireWorksOnLevelUp = 0
# Enable the module? (1: true | 0: false)
# Default: 1
MFK.Enable = 0
# Announce the module when the player logs in?
# Default: 1
MFK.Announce = 1
# Only allow the player with the killing blow to claim the bounty?
# Default: 0 (All players receive the bounty)
MFK.KillingBlowOnly = 0
# Award bounty to party members far away from the group?
# Default: 0 (Only award players near the group)
MFK.MoneyForNothing = 0
# How much gold does a Player take from the victim's corpse on a PVP kill?
# Default: 5 (5% of the victim's gold)
MFK.PVP.CorpseLootPercent = 5
# Creature kills are expressed in Copper and calculated as ((CreatureLevel * Multiplier) / 3)
# Player kills are expressed in Copper and calculated as ((PlayerLevel * Multiplier) / 3)
# Boss kills are expressed in Copper and calculated as ((CreatureLevel * Multiplier) * 100)
# Loot Examples:
# Level 80 MOB Multiplier = 100: (8000 / 3) = 2666 = 26 Silver 66 copper
# Level 80 PVP Multiplier = 200: (16000 / 3) = 5333 = 53 Silver, 33 copper
# Level 80 DBoss Multiplier = 25: ((8000 * 100) * 25) = 200,000 copper = 20 gold
# Level 80 WBoss Multiplier = 200: ((16000 * 200) * 100)  = 1,600,000 copper = 160 gold
# NOTE: There are many dungeon bosses per dungeon, so set accordingly!
# NOTE: A value of 0 will disable the payment type
MFK.Kill.Multiplier = 100
MFK.PVP.Multiplier = 200
MFK.DungeonBoss.Multiplier = 25
MFK.WorldBoss.Multiplier = 200
# Start.Equipment #
#     Start.Equipment
#        Description: New players get some starting equipment.
#        Default:     0 (Disabled)
#                     1 (Enabled)
Start.Equipment = 0
#     Save.On.LevelUp
#        Description: Characters instantly saved if reached a new level.
#     Save.On.LevelUp.Announcer
#        Description: Notify the players in chat if they characters saved.
#        Default:     0 (disabled)
#                     1 (enabled)
Save.On.LevelUp = 1
Save.On.LevelUp.Announcer = 1
#     Starter Guild
#        Description: New players automatically added for the configurated guild IDs.
#                     Guild IDs are located in Characters.Guild Table. Guilds Must be
#                     existing first.
#        Example:     StartGuild.Alliance = 45
#                     StartGuild.Horde = 46
#        Default:     0 (disabled)
StartGuild.Alliance = 0
StartGuild.Horde = 0



Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Thanks for this znzz! This is a very cool project. Are we able to open the db as root? I only see spp_user.


Thanks for this znzz! This is a very cool project. Are we able to open the db as root? I only see spp_user.
From what I know, the SPP project limited their world DB so you don't have access to it on the repack.


Veteran Member
Verified Member
I'm having issues with the .conf file as i edit it as guide say the repack stop working, probably is just me, but why not attach to the guide a full .conf with all the lines to it ? If someone can attach is own .conf file i'll really appreciate that. Thank you.

* solved I used to copy all the things in the .conf instead to search manually the line and then add the rest, i followed the KTBL Gaming tutorial on youtube, that guy deserve a medal.*
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Trial Member
Installed this, config. All works, but only 5-10 min. After that worldserver work as usual, but in the game I can’t connect to server - all load is infinity. Could you advise something?


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
This repack is amazing. I'm following them in their Discord channel and really impressed by their work on this repack. kooSH is the man!


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Installed this, config. All works, but only 5-10 min. After that worldserver work as usual, but in the game I can’t connect to server - all load is infinity. Could you advise something?

The only suggestion that I have is to check your Windows Defender and ensure "Realtime Protection" is turned off. I have the same problem as you when this RTP setting is on the on position when running this repack. If this does not work for you, then I have no idea.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
Verified Member
it works very well, it's on update 6.1 and will go for update 7.


Trial Member
This one hangs for me when connecting to server... making accounts works - but when loading client all seems fine I get the realm list... but then when trying to connect... endless waiting. I tried to figure out myself but I'm fairly new at this... something with authentication of the user account is going wrong or a connection between the bnet server and world server? Any help will be appreciated, if someone else can get this to work somehow, thanks.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
This one hangs for me when connecting to server... making accounts works - but when loading client all seems fine I get the realm list... but then when trying to connect... endless waiting. I tried to figure out myself but I'm fairly new at this... something with authentication of the user account is going wrong or a connection between the bnet server and world server? Any help will be appreciated, if someone else can get this to work somehow, thanks.

Well, for some machine it take 15/25 minutes for starting, depend by your ram.

Try to start MySQL, Bnet and Worldserver and wait for 20/25 minutes, try to log.
Check your Antivirus, sometimes it can block the process, two days ago after add the update 9, I tried to log, infinite logging waiting. My antivirus blocked the process.

Anyway, if you are new of this, I suggest you to join in their Discord, here you can find a useful tool for check and adjust the various phrases to add in Data.conf and avoid problems, moreover you can ask to staff directly for all kind of problems.


Gold Supporter
Veteran Member
In this repack old content pre Legion also works?

You could find some little bugs of course, but the repack is playable from the starting zones until the end (with GM commands you can bypass eventual problems). This is a really great repack.


Verified Member
Im missing the wow.exe file and when i start your launcher its just stopes right after start