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Issues in Searing Gorge (VIP V4)


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Just been through Searing Gorge as a Human Warlock and hit a few issues:

- had a bot with me and he kept attacking (and dying instantly) to the (yellow) L85 guards around Iron Summit (39, 68), then would res, return and repeat the process

- the bots also attack the (yellow) Slave Workers inside the cave complex who you are trying to save for quest 28055 (Sweet, Horrible Freedom)

- quest 28062 (From Whence He Came) didn't auto-complete

- quest 27983 (Lunk's Adventure: Cranky Little Dwarfs) didn't work at all - in fact, Lunk appears and then rampages around 1-shotting everything in sight!

- quest 28034 (Lunk's Adventure: Rendan's Weakness) didn't work - couldn't get any guards to dance, either by interacting or /dancing with them

- the glassweb spiders (around 65, 49), farmed for quest 27958 (A Proper Antivenom) don't die - they get to about 50% life and then their life bar vanishes and they stand there, looking alive but are not interactable/attackable, despawning soon after that, so you never get loot - had to GM complete the quest


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A solution for the first 2 issues, you can tell the bots to stop attacking neutral mobs, by typing in chat: .bots aggressive 0
That will stop them from attacking yellow (neutral) colored mobs.

This command only works for the current group you are in. So if were to leave that group and group with other bots, you'll have to retype the command for that new group to abide by your wishes.


Gold Supporter
Verified Member
A solution for the first 2 issues, you can tell the bots to stop attacking neutral mobs, by typing in chat: .bots aggressive 0
That will stop them from attacking yellow (neutral) colored mobs.

This command only works for the current group you are in. So if were to leave that group and group with other bots, you'll have to retype the command for that new group to abide by your wishes.

Ah, good point - I forgot all about the aggressive setting - thanks!